Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

If you want to start each day feeling happy, you’ll need your own set of grateful affirmations.

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”—  Oprah Winfrey

There are lots of bad things that happen — Social media may be discouraging, problems at work, money troubles, dealing with rude people. It’s so easy to get stuck in a cycle of negativity.

But what if there was a super easy way to help us focus more on the good things instead? That’s what grateful affirmations are all about. 

Just pause and think for a moment, you might just recognize that you have so much to be thankful for, It could be your family, friends, pets, home, job — whatever little joys make you happy.

When we make time every day to appreciate those good parts of our lives, it helps train our brains to see the positive more often.

You like to do your grateful moments first thing when you wake up. You just think about two or three things you’re thankful for that day. After you do that, it’s like you start your day with a smile instead of grumpy feelings. You have more energy and don’t get dragged down as easily by problems that come up.

It’s simple and easy, but it can make a significant impact on your mindset. 

So Let’s get to it…

Table of Contents

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Grateful Affirmations for the Universe

Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

1. I am deeply grateful for the divine trip I am on.

2. I feel grateful to be a small part of the vast Universe.

3. The Universe gives, and I am grateful for the abundance.

4. The Universe protects and guides me on my healing journey.

5. I’m grateful to the Universe for its vast wisdom and direction.

6. I feel lucky to observe the nature that surrounds me.

7. Gratitude is my anchor, keeping me balanced, grounded, and secure.

8. My life is filled with an abundance of goodness.

9. The Universe supports me and all my desires.

10. I’m so grateful to know that I’m connected to every living thing in this Universe.

11. I am grateful that I am so blessed.

12. I trust the timing of the gifts from the Universe.

13. The air I breathe and the ground I walk on, are all a gift from the Universe.

14. When I’m grateful, I connect with my higher self.

15. Thank you, Universe, for the synchronicity and signs that direct me.

Read more: 100 Affirmations for Letting Go and Trusting the Universe

Grateful Morning Affirmations

Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

16. I am grateful for this new day and the opportunities it brings.

17. Every sunrise reminds me of the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.

18. I welcome the day with an open heart and happy soul.

19. I wake up with a peaceful mind and grateful heart.

20. Today, I am grateful to be alive and full of joy and calmness.

21. I feel nothing but gratitude for my life.

22. I am happy to be alive so I can make a contribution to the world.

23. My morning coffee (or tea) reminds me that it can be the small things that bring me joy.

24. I find gratitude and joy every day.

25. I release all negativity and choose gratitude instead.

26. I am grateful for the lessons I learned from my hardships.

27. I am the master of my thoughts and emotions.

28. I express gratitude for the impact others have on my life.

29. I am strong, capable, and resilient.

30. Today, I choose joy, gratitude, and kindness.

Read more: 100 Morning Meditation Affirmations for a Happy Day

Daily Grateful Affirmations

Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

31. I express deep gratitude for the small steps I take every day.

32. I am happy and grateful for everything I have and receive daily.

33. Life is a gift, and I am thankful for each moment.

34. With gratitude, I appreciate the beauty in all aspects of life.

35. I am thankful for the gift of a new day.

36. I am happy with all of the modern comforts that I have.

37. I’m grateful for the magic and miracles that today provides.

38. I am thankful for this moment right now, exactly as it is.

39. I am exactly where I should be every day.

40. I am grateful for who I am and for what I have.

41. Today, I will see opportunities that I have not seen before.

42. I am grateful for the happiness I feel today and always.

43. Gratitude is a daily choice and I will happily choose it.

44. Each day blesses me with more things to be grateful for.

45. I am so blessed for everything I have.

Read more: 365 Daily Affirmations for Amazing You All Year Long

Grateful Affirmations for Health

Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

46. I’m grateful to wake up feeling good.

47. I am grateful for a happy and healthy life.

48. I am grateful to feel the air in my lungs and the beating of my heart.

49. I am grateful to have clean water and food to nurture my body.

50. I am grateful for excellent health, prosperity, and true love.

51. I am grateful for my healthy body and all that it does for me.

52. I am thankful for my inner strength and resilience.

53. I am thankful for what my body allows me to do.

54. Gratitude changes my focus.

55. I am thankful for a smart, capable mind.

56. Every day, I feel stronger, which is a blessing.

57. I have faith in my own ability to repair my body.

58. My body feels strong and healthy.

59. I am grateful for my physical strength.

60. I appreciate the peace I feel when I practice self-care.

Read more: 100 Easy to Use Health and Fitness Affirmations

Grateful Affirmations for Work

Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

61. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a difference.

62. I feel grateful for my job and the nice living it provides.

63. I value the creativity that I can offer to my career.

64. I welcome and accept new challenges and possibilities.

65. I am happy for my unique and excellent talents and skills.

66. I am grateful to work with such amazing people.

67. I am grateful for the work that I enjoy doing.

68. I’m grateful for everything I’ve learned, and I’m ready to go forward.

69. I receive ten times as many kind comments in return as I offer.

70. I’m grateful for music that helps me focus on my work.

71. I’m thankful to be paid for working — and to be working for (and with) such wonderful people.

72. I am a magnet for career opportunities and success.

73. My work aligns with my values and passions.

74. I am an embodiment of professional excellence.

75. I am grateful for both my own and my team’s achievements.

Read more: 99 Louise Hay Affirmations for Work to Lift Professional Life

Grateful Affirmations for Family

Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

76. I like to show thanks to everyone who has touched my life.

77. I am grateful for the support of my loved ones.

78. I am very thankful to my supportive friends and caring family.

79. I am grateful to my partner for showing me what genuine, mutual love can do.

80. My family and friends support me, and I am grateful for their love.

81. I am so grateful for how loved I am and how much people care about me.

82. I am grateful to have known what unconditional love is.

83. I’m thankful to have found my people.

84. I’m glad for all of the home-cooked meals I’ve had with my family.

85. I am grateful for the people I have in my life

86. I love my family with all my heart.

87. I am grateful for every member of my family.

88. In the presence of my family I feel safe, peaceful, and content.

89. Good and positive people come into my life every day.

90. I am a member of a loving and supportive family.

Read more: 105 Family Affirmations: Unlock the Secret to Happy Homes

Grateful Affirmations for Success

Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

91. My route to success is unique to me.

92. I’m thankful for my determination, drive, and desire.

93. I cherish the lessons I’ve learned along the road.

94. I have seen many examples of success in my life.

95. My successes give me confidence, and my problems teach me lessons.

96. Thank you for the wealth around me.

97. I am deserving of lovely ends and exciting beginnings.

98. I am proud to have gained the knowledge and skills I have.

99. I’m grateful for the courage to take risks.

100. My success is a reflection of my hard work and thankfulness.

101. Success is always within my reach.

102. I am glad for the freedom that success has awarded me.

103. It’s alright to focus solely on being the best version of me.

104. As long as I continue, I will always have potential.

105. I’m grateful for all the times I’ve kept going.

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Grateful Affirmations for Everything

Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

106. I am deeply grateful for everything I have in my life.

107. Life does not need to be perfect to be beautiful.

108. I always get what I ask for, and I appreciate it.

109. I am grateful for everything in my life and always look forward to receiving more benefits.

110. I’m grateful that every situation in life has a purpose.

111. The more grateful I am, the more my heart gets filled with joy.

112. I have gratitude for the person that I am.

113. I have gratitude for the dreams that I have.

114. I am creating a life that feels good.

115. This quiet moment is appreciated.

116. Currently, I devote my energy to what serves me best.

117. Appreciation is the best way to restore my vibration.

118. I choose to see the silver linings even in tough situations.

119. I am grateful for the lessons hidden in every experience.

120. I am grateful that I approach challenges with optimism and resilience.

Read more: 120 Powerful Subconscious Affirmations to Change Your Life

Final Thoughts on Grateful Affirmations

I hope these Grateful affirmations inspired you to appreciate all the little good things around you! 

It may not be easy to be grateful for everything, but there is always something to be thankful for. 

You can recite the grateful affirmations anywhere — on the way to work, even squeezing it in during a work break, or as soon as you wake up. Lots of people like to start their morning that way to set a cheery mood. But anytime works!

As the grateful affirmations get more ingrained in your mind, you will begin to shift your beliefs. Your thinking will evolve over time. You will focus more on what is good and right in your life, transforming limiting beliefs. 

To not allow difficult days to bring you down so easily. Because when you recognize how much you have to be grateful for, it becomes more difficult to stay down.

Thanks For reading

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