100 Simple Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day Right

100 Simple Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day Right

In this post, I’ll offer 100 positive affirmations to start your day.

These are simple positive sentences that you repeat to yourself every day to motivate, encourage, and inspire yourself in a specific direction.

You might be thinking — Do affirmations do that?

Yes! Your thoughts play a huge role in how your day goes. The way you believe affects your reality. If you believe you will fail, you are likely to do so. But if you feel you can succeed, your brain and positive energy will begin to work together to help you achieve your goal. So it’s important to fill your mind with positivity and stay pumped up for what’s ahead.

“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” — Dalai Lama

Research also shows affirmations can actually change your brain at a cellular level. Your thoughts directly affect your health! Affirmations empower you, make you more aware of your thoughts, and motivate you to surround yourself with things you love.

At first, they might feel a bit awkward. But as you make them a habit, you’ll start noticing your self-doubts and negative thought patterns changing.

Allow the rest of your day to be structured by careful positive words that remind you of the wonderful things that are coming your way. If you have a significant decision to make, take a few deep breaths, listen to your instincts, and repeat positive affirmations to start your day well. This way, you’ll be prepared to face any new obstacle head-on and empowered!

Table of Contents

More posts that could be beneficial for you.

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100 Inspiring Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day

100 Simple Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day Right

1. My soul is perfect; no improvement is needed.

2. I love and admire the imperfections in my body.

3. I’m ready to take on the day’s obstacles.

4. I am grateful for another new day in my life.

5. There are so many opportunities and possibilities today.

6. I get everything at just the right moment.

7. I’ll go into the day with an open mind and an open heart.

8. I’m persistent and won’t give up.

9. There will be no self-comparison on my side.

10. I am fully aware that every day is a gift and a blessing.

11. I have positive vibes and positive thoughts as I begin my day.

12. I’m going to approach today with calm and tolerance.

13. I have an incredible, important, and unique personality.

14. I’m going to surround myself with good people.

15. I enjoy the amazing times in my life.

16. I’m looking forward to a bright future.

17. I am becoming better and better versions of myself.

18. I don’t need validation from others to be worthy.

19. I am energized for the entire day.

20. I’m able to make my world a better one.

100 Simple Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day Right

21. I grow my skills and talents through knowledge.

22. I am not defined by what other people think of me.

23. I choose happiness because I am in control of how I feel.

24. I see someone to be thankful for when I look in the mirror.

25. Every morning when I get up, I feel refreshed.

26. I don’t need to look far to find my gifts; they are present wherever I am.

27. I promise to strengthen my self-love muscle with every morning ritual.

28. Courage knows no limits when I stay true to my mission.

29. Even in moments of stillness, there is potential for growth and change.

30. I feel refreshed and energized, prepared to find the little joys in every day.

31. What I do makes a difference.

32. Self-love creates the basis for loving others.

33. I attract success, abundance, prosperity, and happiness into my life.

34. Today could be the best day of my life.

35. I intend to have a positive week full of opportunities.

36. Challenges present possibilities for growth and learning.

37. I am prepared to work even harder to be successful.

38. I am in control of my breathing and choose to breathe deeply and slowly.

39. Today I am alive and healthy and I am grateful to God for that.

40. I will never give up on my goals and dreams.

100 Simple Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day Right

41. I prioritize my overall well-being: mind, body, and soul.

42. The universe is on my side.

43. Negativity cannot match my strength.

44. I choose happiness and happiness chooses me.

45. I only need to focus on the present moment.

46. I let go of yesterday’s burdens and start fresh today.

47. I have plenty of time to complete all of my goals.

48. I accept that the past is history and the future is unknown.

49. I am healthy and full of positive energy.

50. I am unique, and that’s my superpower.

51. I do my job in the most effective way.

52. I’m human, I make mistakes and learn from them.

53. I review my progress every day.

54. I have an abundance of time for what is truly important today.

55. My self-confidence is grounded and unshakable, yet humble.

56. I let go of what I cannot control and flow with presence.

57. My loved ones shine with pride as I manifest my purpose.

58. I’m the master builder creating an awesome life.

59. I make decisions from a place of wisdom and clarity.

60. Inspiring ideas will flow through me today.

100 Simple Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day Right

61. I can be both soft-hearted and strict in my boundaries.

62. When I focus on my purpose for existing, I am infinitely brave.

63. When I let go of my shame, I can move more freely within myself.

64. I deserve a positive touch on my own terms.

65. I deserve both information and moments of calmness.

66. I never pretend to be someone or something other than who I am.

67. I am strong evidence of my identity and worth.

68. My happiness is not dependent on anyone else. It is up to me.

69. I am — sufficient now — and in the future.

70. My dreams are far bigger than my worries.

71. I set aside time to take care of myself.

72. Every single minute of my day is productive.

73. I prioritize key things for today.

74. I constantly enhance my time management skills.

75. I understand that the time lost cannot be regained.

76. I provide essential results within an allocated timeframe.

77. I block out everything that distracts me from my goals.

78. I am moved by faith, not fear.

79. Today I attract the resources I need to achieve my goals.

80. My efforts will one day lead to success.

100 Simple Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day Right

81. To be positive means to be productive.

82. Every day, I joyously give and receive love.

83. I am more than what my circumstances demand.

84. I belong here and deserve to take up space.

85. Changing what I think is a strength, not a weakness.

86. I am hugged and supported by people who love me.

87. I can ask for what I want and need.

88. Today, I connect with freedom, growth, and joy.

89. My life is a gift. I will use this gift with confidence, joy, and excitement.

90. I am fortunate to have incredible family and friends.

91. Everything that is happening now is for my ultimate benefit.

92. I am investing in my health because I know my health is precious.

93. I woke up today with a strong heart and a calm mind.

94. I am grateful for what I have, even if it is not perfect.

95. My thoughts do not rule me; I control them.

96. Saying “no” is also an act of self-affirmation.

97. I reward my body by exercising and making good choices.

98. I’m listening and open to the lessons the universe is trying to teach me right now.

99. I give up my bad habits and start new, healthier ones today.

100. The universe will support me when I lean into life.

How to Practice Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day?

Use positive affirmations to start your day super simple and relatable:

  • Before the day gets hectic, wake up a little earlier than usual to give yourself chill time for affirmations.
  • Look yourself in the mirror and say those words out loud while you’re getting ready. It’s powerful.
  • Writing down your affirmations makes them feel more real and lets you look back when you need an extra boost.
  • Notes with your go-to affirmations around your space will help keep those positive vibes going all day.
  • Live in the here and now. Say affirmations like “I am” not “I will be” for more impact.
  • Make them personal. Affirmations hit differently when they’re used to your current goals.
  • Don’t just say the words — try to feel the associated emotions like confidence, gratitude, or determination.
  • If affirmations feel awkward at first, start small with just a few simple ones and build from there.
  • Using affirmations is a habit, so stay consistent. The more you practice, the more natural and effective it becomes.

The key is to find out what works best for you and stick with it. Those good thoughts will become so automatic!

What are Other Ways to Stay Positive?

Here are 11 ways to stay positive:

  1. Practice gratitude
  2. Spend time with positive people
  3. Do something you enjoy every day
  4. Get moving/exercise
  5. Limit negative media consumption
  6. Reframe challenges as opportunities
  7. Practice self-care
  8. Help others/volunteer
  9. Spend time in nature
  10. Keep a journal
  11. Read inspiring books or listen to uplifting podcasts/music

Final Thoughts on Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day

Positive affirmations to start your day have a great number of benefits. You can take on your goals every day with a positive attitude and plenty of enthusiasm. Use them to shift your viewpoint so that every day you can take action.

They can also help you see the world and yourself more clearly. These affirmations are there for you to use right now. But it’s important to remember that affirmations take time and are not a miraculous cure; they are not a means of achieving all of your goals. They can be quite helpful to us if we use them wisely.

Be proud of yourself for making the effort to put affirmations into your daily life.

If you need more inspiration, be sure to check out my other blog posts:

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