125 Affirmations for Recovery from Addiction and Stay Strong

125 Affirmations for Recovery from Addiction and Stay Strong

The words we use about ourselves and our situations have a big impact — they affect how we see ourselves.

Have you ever thought about how you talk to yourself while recovering from addiction? You notice that some thoughts are negative. They are common, but when you ignore them they can make addiction recovery tougher.

Don’t worry, there are ways to make your self-talk better, like using affirmations for recovery from addiction. These are statements meant to change how you think and feel in a positive way, which can really help you in your recovery. 

Psychologists say words create filters for how we see the world. They don’t change what’s happening, but they do change how we feel about it. When we feel bad emotions, we might want to go back to harmful addictions and behaviors. 

But saying positive affirmations when we’re feeling down can help us fight those urges. They help us take control of our thoughts and feelings.

It’s hard to change our behavior without changing how we see ourselves. Affirmations for recovery from addiction help create a positive way of thinking that slowly changes how we see ourselves. 

When we start to believe change is possible and say it to ourselves often, things start to get better.

Starting can be tough, especially if it’s new. It might feel strange at first, especially saying them out loud. But practicing affirmations can help you get used to it. Later, you can make your affirmations based on your goals and what you want.

Now, we’ll explore 125 simple affirmations for recovery from addiction that can boost your spirits and support your journey to getting better.

Detailed Affirmation Posts for You:

List of Affirmations for Recovery from Addiction

125 Affirmations for Recovery from Addiction and Stay Strong

1. I am recovering from drug addiction at a great speed.

2. Whatever I choose to do is sufficient.

3. What I do today leads to a better future.

4. This is improving with the flow of time!

5. There is no obstacle too big to overcome.

6. I have the courage to say “no.” to my bad habits.

7. My recovery from addiction is my revolution.

8. I show my strength and kindness.

9. I can realize the positive changes within me!

10. I’m not battling addiction; I’m realizing my potential.

11. I deserve the good things that come my way.

12. My injuries have given me strength!

13. I have the courage to do well for myself.

14. I’m becoming who I want to be.

15. I can recover from whatever I put my mind to.

16. I’m not recovering, I’m discovering.

17. I have the courage to stand up for myself.

18. I am worthy of a life free from addiction.

19. I am not an ex-addict; I am a recovery warrior.

20. I feel better today than I was yesterday.

21. I am in charge of my choices.

22. I have the courage to choose good things for myself.

23. I am currently creating a safe, new future.

24. My life is a gift, and I will never waste my life on bad addictions.

25. I can be renowned for my kindness and strength.

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125 Affirmations for Recovery from Addiction and Stay Strong

26. I will cure all of this one day!

27. I am responsible for my decisions and actions.

28. I have the strength to recover from all this within a short period!

29. I’m doing excellent in terms of recuperation!

30. Being surrounded by positive people is powerful to give up addictions.

31. Today is better than tomorrow — because I am recovering!

32. I have a lot of fantastic things to do, so I need to recover!

33. I am powerful, and my recovery proves it.

34. I’m eager to start a new chapter in my life.

35. I’ve fulfilled my responsibility!

36. Wonderful things cannot wait, nor be stopped, so I must be alright.

37. I’ve arrived at this point and will finish it soon!

38. Something fantastic is about to happen.

39. I’m becoming better at accepting things as they are.

40. I am becoming more happy about who I am.

41. I find happiness and pleasure in life.

42. No one can control my life except me.

43. As time goes on, I’m feeling fantastic and light!

44. I am no longer holding on to things that are harmful to my health.

45. I’ve let go of people in search of a better life!

46. I chose to forgive myself for my faults, and I have learned from them all.

47. I create a new life with good habits that totally support me.

48. I accept that I have done wrong to myself, but I am no longer cribbing about what’s done and can not be changed.

49. I’m optimistic and intend to recover more quickly.

50. I am proud of myself and my recovery from addiction.

Read more: 105 Law of Attraction Affirmations to Live Your Best Life

125 Affirmations for Recovery from Addiction and Stay Strong

51. I put my happiness and health over my past addictions.

52. I promise never to touch drugs again.

53. I feel the difference in my attitude as I recover from addiction.

54. I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.

55. I thank God that I have the strength to get through all of this.

56. Since I stopped using drugs, my life has become better every day.

57. People believe me to be someone who has successfully overcome drug addiction.

58. I make self-improvement decisions.

59. I’m ready to embrace life as the exciting journey that it is.

60. My life is completely within my own control.

61. Life hurt me, but it also gave me the willpower to get through it all.

62. I am doing what I’m good at.

63. Slowly slowly, I am recovering.

64. I’m finally recovering from everything that I’ve been through.

65. I am very motivated to break my drug habit.

66. I realized how strong I am now!

67. I feel like I’ve changed now that I’ve done all I could.

68. I’ll be okay soon and work like any other regular person.

69. I’m giving everything up to make the past better!

70. My life is naturally returning to balance now that I am free from addiction.

71. I am focusing on my goals and dreams with renewed clarity.

72. I am proud of myself for taking control of my health.

73. Now I am living my nicotine-free lifestyle.

74. My desires and cravings are under my control.

75. For a quicker recovery from the past, I have eliminated toxins from my life!

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125 Affirmations for Recovery from Addiction and Stay Strong

76. My life is a gift, and I will use it with confidence and delight.

77. I choose fresh air and a healthy body over smoking.

78. My happiness does not depend on alcohol.

79. I am a role model for others on the path to sobriety.

80. I’m sorry for all I did when under the influence of drugs.

81. I trust myself to handle challenges without alcohol.

82. I am a strong person who can do everything.

83. I always make sure to surround myself with people that support me.

84. Nothing can stand in the way of my powerful will to recover!

85. I’m creating and designing my life, not just reacting to it.

86. I give up all cravings for alcohol from my mind and body.

87. My body and mind improve every time I say no to drugs.

88. Nothing can stop me from becoming who I want to be.

89. I can achieve anything I put my effort toward.

90. I prefer health over a temporary escape from alcohol.

91. I am not a victim, but instead an empowered person.

92. I can’t believe I am so strong.

93. This time, I’m not looking for escapism, but recovery.

94. I am becoming an energetic person with healthy habits.

95. Path to recovery is not easy, but not difficult either if I am motivated to recover.

96. Life has given me a reason to shine again.

97. What a successful human I have become because I am addiction-free.

98. I have enough strength to bury what has already been done!

99. I intend to maintain my health and stay away from using drugs.

100. Nothing can break me if I’m determined to pull myself together!

Read more: Use 100 Powerful Rich Affirmations in Your Daily Routine

125 Affirmations for Recovery from Addiction and Stay Strong

101. I am released from alcohol’s control over my life.

102. Every day, I prioritize health and clarity over alcohol.

103. My body is a temple that I will respect, appreciate, and love.

104. Everyone has support for me to remain addiction-free.

105. I am grateful for the support.

106. I’m gradually gaining control over my own life.

107. I prefer to approach all of my experiences with love, joy, and ease.

108. I’ll be spending time with people who are cheerful and supportive.

109. It is not their responsibility to like me; it is mine.

110. I am grateful for every day that I don’t touch alcohol.

111. Sobriety allows me to live openly and freely.

112. I am in control of my cravings and have chosen not to smoke.

113. I give up my drug addiction and commit to a drug-free lifestyle.

114. I deserve to live a simple, healthy, and happy life.

115. Every day, I get stronger in my commitment to recovery.

116. I’m regaining my life from the grip of addiction.

117. I pay attention to my body’s signs of hunger and fullness.

118. I feed my body with balanced and nutritious meals.

119. I am breaking the cycle of overeating.

120. I seek happiness and companionship beyond sexual gratification.

121. I break free from my sexual content addiction.

122. I am confident in myself and my abilities.

123. I validate myself and my achievements.

124. I give up the need for constant acceptance from others.

125. I have lost all desire for drugs and am now free.

Hopefully, you find these affirmations helpful on your journey to recovery from addiction. Believe in yourself and the progress you’re making each day. And feel free to come back to these words whenever you need a boost.

Take Care!

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