120 Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone (Free Mind)

120 Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone (Free Mind)

In this post, I’m presenting a collection of 120 positive affirmations to stop thinking about someone. These affirmations can help release past sufferings, shift your thoughts, and even help you feel better.

Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” Steve Maraboli

Getting someone out of your mind can be difficult. We’ve all been there: we can’t stop thinking about someone, no matter how hard we try. Whether it’s an ex, someone you had a crush on, or a friend with whom you’ve disagreed. Our brain keeps bringing events up, like a song stuck on repeat.

You want to move on, but your mind has different plans. Many people face the same condition, and there are steps you may take to feel better.

One easy trick that can help is to use positive affirmations to stop thinking about someone. It’s like being your own supporter. You tell yourself good things to help shift your mindset.

Affirmations are a way to make yourself feel better by changing your thoughts and emotions. They can help when you’re going through a difficult time.

I know you won’t believe it at first, but stay with me here. The wonderful thing is that you don’t need special skills to do this. It all comes down to practice and self-compassion. Some days will be easier than others, which is natural. The important thing is to stick with it.

At first, your mind can wander a lot, but with time and care, you can develop new habits. And it’s not realistic to completely forget someone.

They are also a great way to reflect on the positive aspects of your life. No matter what is going on in your life right now, there is always something positive to focus on.

Now, we’ll look at some easy statements you could use to help change your viewpoint. If used regularly, they can be more effective. Remember, you’re not attempting to fool yourself; you’re reminding yourself of the positive aspects of your life. 

So, take a deep breath, and let’s start creating good vibes in your life.

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Here are 120 Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone

120 Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone (Free Mind)

1. Stop thinking about someone makes room for something better.

2. I let go of all the fears and doubts that were preventing me from going forward to a better life.

3. Every day without him or her strengthens me.

4. I let go of any sentiments of insecurity or unworthiness.

5. This moment belongs to me, not to thoughts of them.

6. I am free to be myself and accept my uniqueness.

7. Healing happens a single thought at a time.

8. I am confident and hopeful about my personal growth.

9. There is something beautiful about crafting forward on your own.

10. I learned a lot from my previous relationship.

11. Dwelling on him/her does not help my growth.

12. I am willing and ready to consider different viewpoints.

13. Freedom comes from letting go of what’s gone.

14. I am adaptable and can move with the flow of life.

15. New beginnings emerge from endings.

16. I am confident and comfortable, and I don’t need anyone’s approval.

17. Happiness isn’t tied to someone’s presence in my life.

18. I’ve had a difficult time, but I’ve overcome all obstacles. I’m stronger because of it.

19. The right person will not make me question my value.

20. Positive thinking is a part of my routine.

Read more: 100 Uplifting Affirmations for Healing a Broken Heart

120 Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone (Free Mind)

21. I am quite excited about this new chapter in my life.

22. Loving myself is the most romantic of all.

23. I wish my ex-love and happiness in life.

24. Today, I’ve decided to focus on my personal journey.

25. I appreciate the lessons I’ve learned.

26. Being without someone allows for self-discovery.

27. I am learning every day to trust myself.

28. Memories are just stories; they do not rule me.

29. I forgive myself and my ex for our wrongdoings throughout our relationship.

30. This chapter is closed, but my book is not completed.

31. I understand that every dreadful situation in my life presents an opportunity for me to attract someone lovely.

32. Healing doesn’t mean forgetting; in fact, it implies evolving.

33. I let go of all concerns about how others can judge me.

34. The best form of revenge is to live well without him/her.

35. There is something better waiting for me.

36. My thoughts on him/her do not define my day or future.

37. I release toxic memories that are keeping me from being happy.

38. Someone’s perception of me does not determine my worth.

39. I am allowing myself to move on from this relationship with ease.

40. Every day is an opportunity to construct a life I enjoy.

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120 Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone (Free Mind)

41. The universe has greater intentions than I can imagine.

42. Forgiveness set me free, not them.

43. I feel ready to welcome new relationships into my life.

44. Strength rises in the places it used to be.

45. I release pleasant energy, which attracts meaningful relationships to me.

46. The right people stay without having to be harassed.

47. I accept the end of my relationship.

48. Letting go means making a place for something amazing.

49. Heartbreak makes me stronger.

50. This pain is making me stronger.

51. I will reach a moment when I am at ease with these emotions.

52. Dwelling on the past detracts from my present.

53. This separation will only lead to great outcomes.

54. Healing is not a linear process, but it is always possible.

55. This separation does not define who I am.

56. His/her chapter in my life has ended, but my story continues.

57. It is better to be alone than in a toxic relationship.

58. Focusing on myself is not selfish; it is important.

59. I believe that things will work out for the best.

60. When I let go of my demand for control, the Universe gives me abundance.

Read more: 105 Inspiring Affirmations for Change: Step into a New You

120 Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone (Free Mind)

61. Moving forward is the most valuable gift I can give myself.

62. Letting someone go means choosing myself.

63. This defeat is a stepping stone toward the future of my dreams.

64. Every day without him is a win for self-love.

65. Moving forward does not suggest that I do not care; it shows I care more about myself.

66. Loving myself fills the scars others left behind.

67. I easily let go of negative memories from my previous relationship while holding on to positive ones.

68. Letting go of my ex opens the way for my love to come.

69. Thoughts of someone are clouds that will pass if I let them to.

70. My wounds are healing more and more each day.

71. Being alone is preferable to being with the wrong person.

72. Everything happens for a reason.

73. This event is a teaching tool, not a life sentence.

74. Stop thinking about my ex, which improves my mental health.

75. Their absence creates space for my own presence.

76. My previous relationship taught me what I do and do not want from future partnerships.

77. It is difficult to let go, but even more difficult to hold on.

78. I allow myself compassion and time to heal from past injuries.

79. Every “no” to him/her equals a “yes” to me.

80. I believe I deserve better than what I received in my previous relationship.

Read more: Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

120 Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone (Free Mind)

81. My worth does not change by his/her presence or absence.

82. I’m growing into the most confident and comfortable version of myself.

83. The love I desire must begin with self-loving.

84. I let go of the pain of my breakup.

85. My growth is permanent, but this discomfort is temporary.

86. My heart will heal and love again.

87. Focusing on my path prevents me from looking back.

88. Every day, I find myself thinking less about my ex.

89. His absence does not leave me incomplete.

90. I deserve to be treated with compassion and respect.

91. Embracing change creates amazing transformations.

92. I’m healing and giving myself the time to overcome these terrible feelings.

93. Healing starts when I stop remembering the past.

94. The energy I wasted on him is now invested in me.

95. I intend to use this time to get to know myself more deeply.

96. There is no place for regret when I focus on my personal development.

97. My family is supportive, and I can call out during this difficult time.

98. Don’t think about someone is an expression of self-esteem and kindness.

99. I smile and laugh every day.

100. I can move on from my ex while valuing our shared memories.

Read more: 95 Affirmations for Specific Person (Soulmate) to Attract Love

120 Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone (Free Mind)

101. I am an extremely emotional person who deserves someone who understands me.

102. The love I deserve will come to me when I am ready.

103. I am constantly being driven towards a higher form of myself.

104. Focusing on my dreams leaves no time for thinking.

105. Choosing calmness means letting go of what is beyond my control.

106. I am as I am supposed to be, and I am great exactly the way I am.

107. I am not thinking about all feelings of loneliness, isolation, and separation.

108. I have optimistic, loving, positive views about myself.

109. I am willing to shine my light brightly for all to see.

110. Moving on means embracing my own strength.

111. I let go of any feelings of inferiority or failure.

112. This pain is transforming me into my best self.

113. I am choosing to only hold on to positive memories.

114. I am surrounded by those who really love and care about me.

115. I am confident and successful and don’t need anyone’s approval.

116. I gave promise to my goals and know I will achieve them.

117. I let go of any impulse to criticize and judge people.

118. I broke free of any fears of being misunderstood or overlooked.

119. I am unique and special, just as everyone else is.

120. This experience has helped me grow, and I am thankful.

Read more: 95 Most Potent Mindfulness Affirmations for Stress Free Life

Final Thoughts on Affirmations to Stop Thinking About Someone

I hope after reading these affirmations to stop thinking about someone, you may notice a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel. While your healing journey may still have some distance, embracing confidence and self-love will help you let go of the past more quickly and attract positive experiences into your life.

Please tell me in the comments if these affirmations motivated you, and feel free to share them with anyone who might benefit. 

Thanks for reading!

Take Care of yourself you are awesome

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