9 Tips, How to Write Affirmations for Manifestation Examples

9 Tips, How to write affirmations for manifestation examples

Manifestation is the act of attracting something tangible or intangible from nothing. To achieve this, you must first have an understanding of what you really want to manifest. Writing affirmations for manifestation is one of the most powerful strategies to match your thoughts and energy with your goals. So this article is about “How to write affirmations for manifestation examples”.

While there are tens of millions of affirmations already written and available on the internet or in books, you will only gain from repeating affirmations if you choose them carefully. However, experts recommend that we write powerful affirmations that are tailored to our own needs.

When you write affirmations, you train your mind to focus on beneficial results, allowing you to attract the things you genuinely desire in life.

If you don’t get the results you want, it’s probably because your affirmations aren’t written correctly. We’ll present you with 9 tips on how to create affirmations for manifestation, as well as 50 positive affirmations.

While you’re at it, this post also answers some of your most common questions. After reading this article, you will be able to write your own personalized affirmations. Then all you have to do is repeat them every day, with as much emotional interaction as you can get.

Know more about Positive Affirmation

Table of Contents

What is Manifestation?

What is Manifestation?

To understand how to create a manifestation statement, first define manifestation. The term manifestation refers to the process of turning an idea into a tangible reality.

When people talk about manifesting, they generally mean using thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions to bring an idea to life. Positive thoughts bring advantages into a person’s life, and negative thoughts produce adverse results. 

The logic behind this concept is that thoughts generate energetic patterns, and the energetic patterns you produce for yourself attract more of the same energy into your life. 

The intent is similar to an affirmation, but it highlights how and why you wish to manifest something.

Read more: 13 Amazing Books on Affirmations to Find Joy Daily

How to Write Affirmations for Manifestation Examples?

1. Start with “I am”

You usually notice affirmations that start with “I am”. This helps us change how we see ourselves. When we talk about a quality we have, we begin with “I am.” For example, If you want to boost your confidence, you could say, “I am confident in my abilities.”

Starting affirmations with “I’m” feels personal and powerful. Another example is “I am strong and healthy,” if you’re focusing on your well-being.

The purpose is to make these words indicate the qualities or feelings you wish to represent, making it easier to believe in yourself and your potential.

Read more: 150 I am Affirmations for Success Wealth and Happiness

2. Use positive sentences

Your every word, either spoken or written, is an affirmation. Whether you realize it or not, affirmations are something you use every single moment. Unfortunately, a lot of what you are saying is negative. and you don’t get positive experiences from that.

So when you write affirmations, never write in a negative tone. When you use a negative tone, it can grab focus away from the good message you’re trying to get over. 

A clearer and more powerful intention emerges when you focus on what you want and not what you don’t want. Small wording changes can have a big impact on your thinking and how you view your goals. It’s important to always try to communicate your thoughts in a good way because doing so will keep you inspired and open to new possibilities.

Read more: 125 Self Talk Positive Affirmations: Lift Your Mood Quickly

3. Use Present Tense, whenever possible

Use Present Tense, whenever possible

Affirmations are almost generally written in the present tense (as long as they are particularly for the future); Using the present tense makes them stronger because it feels like you’re already living it.

Try to avoid writing in the future tense, as it can lead to frustration if things don’t get right away.

What matters most is that it inspires the right emotion in you. You will have the best fun as you live life in real-time. Living in the present moment will make you realize what you have.

Read more: 121 Procrastination Affirmations to Stop Putting Things Off

4. Realistic and meaningful

There is no point in setting unrealistic goals and manifesting the impossible. Keep your affirmations meaningful and realistic. When creating your own affirmations, make sure they are believable to you. This statement depicts your mental state, including your feelings and thoughts.

No matter your current condition, you are a long way from your goal. Instead of making a huge leap, try taking small steps. Relate yourself to the situation carefully and easily. Frame your affirmations with a healthy dose of realism. This definitely helps you achieve your goal.

Read more: 101 Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment to Lift You Up

5. Show gratitude

The two highest vibrations are affection and gratitude, and nothing works better than going into this exercise with an open heart and heartfelt appreciation. 

Gratitude helps you focus on what you already have, and having a happy perspective allows more good things to enter your life

When you express gratitude, it sends a message that you believe good things are already happening, which attracts more of what you desire. 

Expressing gratitude makes a big impact. Like: “I am grateful for the success flowing into my life.” This minor tweak adds a sense of gratitude, making the affirmation more effective.

Also read: Effective 120 Grateful Affirmations for a Better Life

6. Choose something you’re excited about

Choose something you’re excited about

When you’re excited about what you want to materialize, it’s easier to believe in it and stay motivated. Your excitement emits positive energy, which helps in the manifestation of your desires. You’re about to spend five days creating this affirmation. You should enjoy this practice rather than dread it. 

When you’re eager, the affirmation feels more authentic and powerful, as if you’re already on your way to achieving it. Excitement also helps you maintain interest. Choose an affirmation and topic on which you will be genuinely thrilled to sit down and focus your energies each day.

Read more: 115 Affirmations to Be Happy Joyful and Peaceful Life

7. Create it short and sweet

It is best to keep them short and sweet. Simple, clear statements are easier for your brain to remember and accept. If affirmations are too long, they can be confusing. Short ones stick in your mind and are easy to repeat repeatedly, making them more potent. 

Keeping affirmations short also helps them feel more natural when spoken aloud. This increases your belief in them; the subconscious mind will embed these statements in your brain, and the desires will take shape themselves. Keep it easy, simple, and sweet, and you’ll feel more connected to your affirmations.

8. Include emotion

When you write affirmations, adding emotion makes them much stronger. Try to feel them. When you feel the emotion behind the words, it becomes more real to you.

Emotions help you connect with what you want to create in your life. If you add feelings —  happiness, excitement, or peace, it helps you believe in the result even more. The stronger the feeling, the better your mind understands that it’s possible, and this can help you reach your goals faster.

So, when you write your affirmations, ask yourself: How would I feel if I already had what I wanted? 

Read more: 105 Powerful Emotional Affirmations When You Feel Down

9. Keep them focused and detailed

What are you aiming for? Are they about your mental wellness, career, finance, relationships, or lifestyle? Make a list of the things you hope affirmations can help you with.

You may have read about the need to collect as much information on your aim as possible. The more specifics you have, the better your chances of success in manifestation. 

For example, when manifesting money, always define how much and when you want it. Without these two elements, you are being ambiguous. Ambiguity will not help you manifest. 

You should see how you feel about them. What emotions do you feel as you speak? Are you able to connect to it? Does it make you feel good?

Read more: 120 Effective Focus Affirmations to Boost Your Productivity

50 Affirmations for Manifestation Examples

50 Affirmations for Manifestation Examples

1. I am grateful for this moment to just be me.

2. I am continuously pushing myself to new heights.

3. I am special, loved, and free.

4. I am fearless and struggle-free.

5. I’m allowed to dream of a better world.

6. I’m free to act in my own best interests.

7. I’m allowed to be who I am.

8. I am content with my body and take good care of it.

9. I’m going to keep monitoring my actions every day.

10. I’m creating the happy life I want to live.

11. I’m always free to make my own decisions.

12. I am thriving as my authentic self.

13. I am proud of who I am and confident in my truth.

14. I’m dedicated to doing my best in all situations.

15. I am unique and special, but most importantly, I am me.

16. I am grateful to those who see me as I am and choose to love me.

17. Peace is not something I seek, but something I am.

18. I am not frightened to express my actual self.

19. I’m allowed to be both imperfect and confident.

20. I’m grateful and proud that I get to be myself.

21. I am powerful in mind, body, and spirit.

22. I am on the correct route for me.

23. I am going to take action to achieve my goals.

24. I’m ready to overcome my to-do list and achieve greatness.

25. I’m young because of my positive view of life.

50 Affirmations for Manifestation Examples

26. I am healthy, youthful, and vibrant.

27. My body’s giving me a high-five for showing up today.

28. I am confident that I will satisfy myself as I can take the bigger step.

29. I am overcoming fears rather than simply facing them.

30. I am committed to achieving excellence in all I do.

31. I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had.

32. I’m becoming more disciplined every day.

33. I’m proud of myself for showing up.

34. I am a divine creation, a part of the Infinite Intelligence. So I am complete.

35. I take satisfaction in going the additional mile.

36. I’m allowed to fill my cup before filling others’ cups.

37. I’m letting go of all social expectations.

38. My body is powerful, and my mind is focused.

39. I am a valuable person with a good head on my shoulders.

40. I am thankful for the richness of experiences I have.

41. I am worthy and deserving of proper rest.

42. I am grateful for this comforting silence.

43. I’m motivated by the results of my hard work.

44. I am a unique expression of femininity.

45. I am always driven to complete the tasks assigned to me.

46. I am much more than what others assume of me.

47. I am strong, independent, and capable.

48. Hard work is the key to my success.

49. I am 100% committed to success.

50. I am the only one who can bring me happiness.

50 Affirmations for Manifestation Examples

FAQ on Affirmations for Manifestation

What to avoid when manifesting?

When you’re trying to manifest something, try not to get caught up in negative thoughts or doubt yourself. It’s easy to get frustrated or impatient at the exact moment when your goal will take place, but hang in there! Don’t blame others or make excuses — just keep your eyes on the prize.

Life can be unpredictable, so don’t get too hung up on exactly how things will work out. Avoid complaining about what you’re trying to achieve. 

Stay positive and keep believing in yourself and your goals. It might take time, but good things often do. Keep that chin up and keep moving forward.

Can we manifest 2 things at one time?

Yes, you can try to manifest two things at the same time. However, focusing your thoughts and efforts on both may be more difficult. It’s usually easier to focus on one goal at a time. If you do go for two, make sure they don’t conflict with each other. Be clear about what you want and have an optimistic attitude about both.

How do you manifest in 4 steps?

Four steps to manifestation:

1. Carefully define your goals. Envision it in depth. 

2. Have faith that you deserve it and that it is achievable. 

3. Feel the feelings of having achieved your goals. 

4. Go toward your goal and stay open to opportunities. Bear in mind to be grateful and happy throughout every step.

How many times should I write something to manifest it?

There’s no exact number, but many people suggest writing your affirmation 10 to 15 times a day can be effective, keeping your intention consistent without feeling too overwhelming. 

You can also approach the 369 Method — write your affirmation 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. It combines repetition with a structured schedule.

The important thing is to write regularly and with feelings. Write as if your goal has already happened. Do this for at least 21–30 days. But remember, it’s not just about writing. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions matter too. 

What is the dark side of manifesting?

The dark side of manifesting is that it can turn into wishful thinking. When people only focus on their dreams and ignore reality, they might end up with false hopes. They get overly optimistic about their chances of getting what they want, even if the chances are low.

When things don’t go according to plan, this often leads to disappointment. Those who set unrealistic expectations as a result of manifesting are more likely to feel like they have failed. It may also be a type of toxic positivism, in which persons neglect serious problems in favor of only focusing on the good rather than taking action.

However, manifesting can still be beneficial to preserve motivation and goal focus when combined with practical action and a grounded mindset.


That puts an end to this post. Now that you know how to write affirmations for manifestation examples better.

As you begin to apply them in your daily life. Keep your affirmations and intentions as realistic as possible so that you can achieve them. 

So, What are you waiting for? It’s time to get your dream life started! Create your own manifestation affirmations using the above tips and examples, then start bringing your desires to life. 

I really hope this was useful to you. Share it with your friends and family so they can learn about the positive effects of affirmations.

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