Easy to Use 110 Joy Affirmations to Boost Your Mood

Easy to Use 110 Joy Affirmations to Boost Your Mood

One powerful strategy that brings more joy in our lives is through the use of joy affirmations.

Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.”  —  Mother Teresa

When we were kids, everything was so easy and life was carefree and fun. As we become more mature, we have more responsibilities. We are often unhappy as a result of this as we’re not happy with what we have. 

We often forget how to be joyful, even though we want to. We get tangled down in our thoughts by many thoughts.

So, this post wants to change all that by using joy affirmations to help us think differently. These are happy thoughts that can change how we see things.

Joy affirmations are meant to help us notice and have fun with small happy moments that we often don’t pay attention to. They encourage us to appreciate the positive aspects of our lives, letting go of painful decisions, and feeling optimistic about the future.

Although some might think this absurd, there is actually science behind it. Affirmations help people feel better about themselves and have greater joy in life. The trick is to choose words that really mean something to you and to say them like you truly believe them.

It’s not about pretending to be happy when you’re not. It’s about reminding yourself of the good things in your life and who you are.

The list of joy affirmations below will help you find your joy and love for life again! They can really change how you see everything around you.

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List of 110 Joy Affirmations

Easy to Use 110 Joy Affirmations to Boost Your Mood

1. Nothing can affect my joyful life.

2. I can relax because finding joy is easy.

3. I attract a loving and joyful family for myself.

4. What I read on social media cannot influence how I feel.

5. Happiness is a part of my life.

6. I perceive myself as positive, joyful, and calm right now.

7. I am worthy of feeling joy.

8. When I accept joy, everything in my life comes into place.

9. Smiles fill my heart with joy.

10. It is possible for me to feel joy all day, every day.

11. I accept joy and gently release anything that doesn’t attract joy!

12. Health, harmony, and joy are my life.

13. I am radiating love, both for myself and for others.

14. My birthright is to experience infinite joy.

15. My appreciation for nature fills me with more joy.

16. I deserve to be happy and enjoy my success.

17. I get a friendly and happy feeling from the community.

18. I stand in the joy I create from within.

19. I attract joy and good situations to myself!

20. I deserve to fully enjoy my life.

21. I am very thankful for the joy that fills me.

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Easy to Use 110 Joy Affirmations to Boost Your Mood

22. I’m receiving all of the Universe’s blessings.

23. Joyful moments are important in my life.

24. I’m committing myself to live a joyful life.

25. The sound of kids at play fills me with joy.

26. My professional and personal lives are in sync, allowing me to be joyfully fulfilled.

27. I’m at peace with the awareness that I can’t control everything.

28. When I’m grounded in gratitude, my life becomes more joyful.

29. My life is a celebration of joy and love.

30. My femininity and intelligence shine brightly.

31. My decision to be happy right now creates the life I’ve always wanted.

32. I have deep and fulfilling friendships with happy people.

33. My inner joy is the source of everything excellent in my life.

34. Thank you, God, for all the joy brings into my life.

35. I welcome happy and healthy energy with open arms.

36. I’m thankful for the magic and miracles that today offers.

37. My vision focuses on living a life of great joy and success.

38. I wake up grateful for today, and I choose happiness.

39. My life is full of joy, fulfillment, and love.

40. The joy I feel is felt by everyone around me.

41. When you ask me why I am joyful, I will say, “Let me count the ways.”

42. My partner naturally makes me feel happy and loved.

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Easy to Use 110 Joy Affirmations to Boost Your Mood

43. I nourish my body with healthy choices and joy is one of them.

44. I choose to see only the positive.

45. I deserve to live a joyful, energetic, and passionate life.

46. People I meet provide joy to my life.

47. Today, I will be joyful despite how others treat me.

48. I choose to be joyful, feel joyful, and think joyful thoughts.

49. I have enormous willpower and can easily change my habits.

50. My happiness grows stronger with each passing day.

51. My life of joy begins NOW.

52. I am blessed with beautiful relationships with special people.

53. Joy is the chemistry of my soul.

54. Even during difficult times, I focus on the positive aspects of life.

55. I have everything I need to be joyful.

56. I am ready to laugh today.

57. May my joy be a blessing to my friends and family.

58. When I master my emotions, I can control my future.

59. I’m ready to find and embrace joy.

60. I now make a conscious effort to live a happy, healthy life.

61. I am perfect just the way I am.

62. My family brings much more joy to my life.

63. My life is a gift, and I embrace it with positivity.

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Easy to Use 110 Joy Affirmations to Boost Your Mood

64. Joy is a natural response to gratitude.

65. I am naturally joyful. I actually live there.

66. I choose to have joy in my heart and mind.

67. I am joyful today and in the future.

68. Following my joy reveals the way to my perfect life.

69. I choose joy, and joy chooses me.

70. Every day, more of my dreams become a reality.

71. This day will unfold joyful moments.

72. Joy is my moment to moment, day to day choice.

73. I’ll look for joy every day.

74. I have universal energy within me.

75. I can choose to be joyful whenever I want.

76. People who dislike me will not stop me from being joyful.

77. Happiness is my basic nature and birthright.

78. Life is filled with purpose. I will make the most of today.

79. I feel joyful, energetic, and alive.

80. Gratitude is the key to living a life of joy, peace, and abundance.

81. I am deserving of a lifetime filled with joy.

82. I’m learning to provide joy to others.

83. When I take care of myself joy comes from within.

84. Saying sorry shows that I care.

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Easy to Use 110 Joy Affirmations to Boost Your Mood

85. I am creating joyful memories.

86. I enjoy the little wonders that I am blessed with.

87. I prefer to surround myself with enjoyable people.

88. I focus on what I can change. I let the rest go.

89. I don’t need to spend my life so that others will be impressed. I need to live my life in a way that makes me joyful.

90. Peace and joy go hand in hand for me.

91. I, an angel, do not deserve all of this misery.

92. I grant myself permission to be happy.

93. I’m happy with who I am and who I can become.

94. I want to be happy rather than look happy.

95. I am excited and happy to begin today.

96. Day by day, being joyful is becoming a habit.

97. My inner joy grows when I share it with others.

98. I am grateful for every moment of my life.

99. By being joyful, I open the door to happiness for others.

100. The world deserves nothing less than my genuine happiness.

101. My joy is reflected to me in everything I attract.

102. From now on, joy has become my constant state of mind.

103. I will choose the joy of the present over the grief of the past.

104. Social media is just a small aspect of life. True life is beyond the phone.

105. My decision to be joyful keeps me in good health.

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Easy to Use 110 Joy Affirmations to Boost Your Mood

106. I only want to be a better version of myself.

107. All of the good in my life is a result of my desire to seek joy in every moment.

108. Today I will surround myself with joyful thoughts and feelings.

109. I plan to find ways to make others happy.

110. When I realize all of my blessings, I find that I am naturally happy.

Final Thoughts on Joy Affirmations

Hopefully, these joy affirmations help make your days brighter. The more you use them, the easier it gets to see the good in everything.

Keep saying these nice things to yourself and watch how they make you feel happier and more thankful. If the words really mean something to you, you’ll see good changes even faster.

Your brain likes words you use all the time, so it’s good to use those positive words.

Feel free to change these joy affirmations using words you like. Say them over and over until they just pop into your head without you trying.

Why not tell your friends and family about these? Sharing can spread happiness around. Let these good thoughts remind you every day about the happy and beautiful things in your life.

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