105 Cheer Affirmations for a Woman Who Is Feeling Defeated

105 Cheer Affirmations for a Woman Who Is Feeling Defeated

Do you need a little energizer today? I have shared a list of 105 Affirmations for a Woman Who Is Feeling Defeated that will help you divert your mindset to strength and calm. 

“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”Maya Angelou

Women often find themselves balancing several responsibilities at home and work. This balancing act can be a major source of feeling defeat.

Did you know that even when they work full-time, women still perform around 2.6 times more unpaid care and domestic work than men? This “second shift” at home can make you feel defeated before you start your workday.

At work, you often face gender biases, struggle to be heard in meetings, or feel overlooked for advances. When returning home, you may face extra duties such as children, housework, or caring for elderly parents. It feels like a never-ending work!

The continual push to excel in all aspects of life can be difficult. You may feel as if you are not doing enough at work due to home commitments, or that you are ignoring your personal life due to work demands. It’s a difficult situation, and it’s natural to feel dejected at times.

But listen, you are not alone in this. Many of us feel this way. It’s wrong that we have to juggle so much. 

Would you like to learn some tactics for maintaining your work-life balance and increasing your confidence in both areas? I have some thoughts that may help you feel more in control and less defeated.

The most appropriate affirmation for you depends on your present mood and situation. To make your life a bit easier, here are affirmations for a woman who is feeling defeated or ranging from sad and lonely. Feel free to use any of these to yourself in the mirror, at your desk, or in your car. If expressing them aloud makes you uncomfortable, you can write them down in your Notes app or journal.

You deserve a life that completes, inspires, and supports you in every way!

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Affirmations for a Woman Who Is Feeling Defeated

105 Cheer Affirmations for a Woman Who Is Feeling Defeated

1. Every setback is a new start; it’s time to get back on track.

2. I give myself permission to let go of my defeated thoughts.

3. I am not defeated; I am more than a conqueror because of God’s power.

4. I am proud of my strength in leaving a positive mark on the planet.

5. I am confident that I will be able to overcome all of this tension.

6. To live a positive life, I use positive thinking.

7. I’m doing the best I can.

8. I’m grateful for another opportunity to contribute positively.

9. My feelings of sadness will diminish.

10. I try to see the bright side of everything.

11. There are people in my life who want to support me.

12. I make a decision to think optimistically.

13. My efforts have had a good effect worldwide.

14. Choosing to start afresh does not imply that I failed.

15. I’m focusing on thinking positively and allowing for prosperity.

16. I am open to making new connections with people.

17. I am very particular about what I put on my calendar.

18. I eliminate the need for dwelling on negative emotions.

19. I have the ability to develop solid and healthy relationships.

20. One work at a time is sufficient.

21. Being upfront with others about my emotions helps me stronger.

Read more: 110 Potent Affirmations for Female Leaders (Make an Impact)

105 Cheer Affirmations for a Woman Who Is Feeling Defeated

22. When I feel weak and defeated, God’s power is perfected within me.

23. I rely on the support that surrounds me, in whatever shape it takes.

24. My grief does not define me; it motivates me to care for myself.

25. Peace and joy are present in my life.

26. I can find calm amidst being alone.

27. I’m doing the best I can.

28. I may feel as if I’m up against the odds. But God sees me as a powerful warrior.

29. I give up the need for perfection.

30. I am doing my best to deal with my sadness.

31. Whatever the situation, I prefer to remain calm and grounded.

32. I choose not to believe the lies of misery and I know that every day is a new beginning.

33. I emanate strength, grace, and flexibility.

34. Today I set aside time for self-care and renewal.

35. I owe it to myself to figure out what I am passionate about.

36. I love myself unconditionally right now.

37. I have trust that everything will work out.

38. Now I find it easy to make the proper decisions.

39. My life decisions only have to make sense to me.

40. I’m not concerned about other people’s acceptance or opinions.

41. Worth is not determined by my accomplishments, but by who I am.

42. My difficulties are temporary, but the power I learn from them is forever.

Read more: 100 Powerful Affirmations for Business Women to Stay Inspired

105 Cheer Affirmations for a Woman Who Is Feeling Defeated

43. There’s no urgency to figure out how to move forward in my life.

44. My inner strength is a source of power that I can always tap into.

45. I’ve decided to concentrate on the things that bring me peace.

46. My voice deserves to be heard, and I tell my truth confidently.

47. I trust that the things that are right for me will find me.

48. My strength rises with each difficulty I meet and overcome.

49. I have the ability to turn my challenges into opportunities for success.

50. I will not let what is stressing me out ruin my entire day.

51. I’m feeling defeated, which is fine, but it’ll pass quickly.

52. My life is filled with people who care for me.

53. I am willing to hear what the emotion of frustration is attempting to tell me about myself.

54. It’s just a momentary setback, nothing more.

55. When I feel downcast and defeated, Univeres is my rescue.

56. I deserve a happy and healthy life.

57. I enjoy taking risks and seeing where they lead me.

58. It doesn’t matter what others think because I’m living my own reality.

59. My frustration does not necessarily have to elicit a powerful reaction.

60. I’m letting go of any worry or fear that can try to emerge.

61. It’s not over until I decide it’s over!

62. It is up to me to decide how I want to express my passion.

63. I have another chance to try again tomorrow because this is just one incident in time!

Read more: 125 Easy to Use Affirmations for Social Anxiety Relief

105 Cheer Affirmations for a Woman Who Is Feeling Defeated

64. Let it go; it’s a sign of strength, not weakness!

65. I’m at peace with the present moment.

66. I have the inner strength to overcome any obstacle that could arise.

67. I feel myself lucky to be a part of life’s experience!

68. I’ve decided to let go of the things that no longer make me happy.

69. As long as I am happy with myself, I don’t care what other people think of me.

70. God is on my side, no matter who tries to defeat me.

71. I have compassion for the insecure part of myself.

72. I am proud of the person I am becoming.

73. Today, I make the decision to see the best in people and circumstances.

74. I only need to shine brightly; I don’t need to alter the world.

75. I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, and I’m brilliant and attractive.

76. I’m not waiting for something horrible to happen to ruin my happiness anymore.

77. I want to be a part of the world, not something apart from it.

78. I’m willing to listen to what the universe has to say to me today.

79. I’m allowed to set and enforce boundaries. I draw positive and encouraging people into my life.

80. Every day, I build my own kind of joy.

81. I choose to be gentle with myself, especially when faced with challenges.

82. Creativity is a valuable asset that helps me navigate life’s challenges.

83. I forgive myself and set myself free.

84. This situation is manageable — I’ve got this.

85. Worst-case conditions in my thoughts are not real.

Read more: 95 Amazing Quotes for Healing a Broken Heart (Renew Hope)

105 Cheer Affirmations for a Woman Who Is Feeling Defeated

86. My “setbacks” do not define me.

87. There’s nothing going on here that I can’t handle.

88. I am so proud of the woman I’ve become.

89. There is no end to the joy I can have in my life.

90. I am capable of accomplishing anything I set out to do.

91. My negative beliefs about myself are not true.

92. I am worthy, even if I cannot see it for myself.

93. My terrible days do not define my existence.

94. I’m proud of myself for overcoming everything.

95. My insecurities do not define my self-worth.

96. I don’t have to prove my worth to be liked.

97. My loved ones respect and value me.

98. I always make it through these challenging times.

99. This emotion won’t endure forever.

100. I’m much more than my problem.

101. I have control over my life.

102. I have the ability to transform my life.

103. I am resilient, and I will get through this.

104. It’s fine to slow down and rest.

105. One defeated moment does not equal a horrible day.

Read more: 105 Law of Attraction Affirmations to Live Your Best Life

I hope you like these affirmations for a woman who is feeling defeated!

Now it’s your turn — tell me which one is your favorite in the comments below! If you like them, please share them with your family and friends.

Thanks for reading

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