95 Affirmations for Specific Person (Soulmate) to Attract Love

95 Affirmations for Specific Person (Soulmate) to Attract Love

If you’re seeking to find love with a real, loving, and caring partner, read this post on affirmations for specific person to attract your loved one into your life!

“So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” Paul Coelho

Many people get caught up in trying to manifest the ideal person through positive self-talk and affirmation. But it is more about sending positive vibes into the universe through your attitude and energy.

Instead of repeating mantras in the mirror, spend some time really thinking about the qualities you’d love in your ideal partner. Not just surface-level stuff like how they look, but the deep-down characteristics that truly matter — things like having a caring heart, being loyal and supportive, kind, sharing your values and life goals.

Once you get clear on what you’re looking for in a soulmate connection, try to embody those same beautiful traits yourself. If you want an accepting, non-judgmental partner, work on being more open-minded. If you crave emotional intimacy, practice being more vulnerable and expressive yourself.

It’s like you’re preparing your spirit to recognize your soulmate when they arrive. You’re becoming a living example of the loving, respectful relationship you want to attract. The universe will pick up on that authentic energy you’re putting out. 

Some people are suspicious about affirmations. If you’re ever in doubt, I recommend giving them a shot. You truly have nothing to lose. 

So give it a try!

95 Affirmations for Specific Person

95 Affirmations for Specific Person (Soulmate) to Attract Love

1. My soul gets ready to connect with the soul of that special someone.

2. The man/woman of my dreams is out there!

3. The perfect partner is on his way to me, and we are fated to be together forever.

4. I am attracting the SP who is perfect for me.

5. I’m attracting the person I want by imagining them in my life.

6. I am attracted to a positive, loving connection.

7. You are excellent, and I can’t wait to meet you!

8. I want to live the rest of my life with my soulmate.

9. I trust in God to connect me with my SP.

10. I am happy, whole, and ready to be with my soulmate.

11. I appreciate the love and support that SP offers to my life.

12. My partner is the love of my life, the person who cares for me.

13. Every day is a new opportunity for me to express gratitude to my partner.

14. I’m grateful to have someone who is so kind and loving in my life.

15. I feel cherished and strengthened by my life mate.

16. My partner is attentive, caring, loving, and generous.

17. My life partner supports me in everything I do.

18. I feel safe expressing myself to my lover.

19. I feel extremely secure in the relationship I am in.

20. My life partner loves me unconditionally.

Read more: 105 Law of Attraction Affirmations to Live Your Best Life

95 Affirmations for Specific Person (Soulmate) to Attract Love

21. I am grateful for my loving and caring partner.

22. I enjoy some of the same activities that my SP does.

23. I deserve to marry the love of my life.

24. My life partner is my best friend.

25. I enjoy my dream life with my partner.

26. I am blessed to have SP in my life.

27. I visualize the moment I marry my partner.

28. Marriage is a great thing that allows two souls to complement one another.

29. I have a good connection with someone who treats me precisely.

30. I am lovely, and my lover thinks me pretty attractive.

31. I make time to express my appreciation to my partner.

32. I am solely attracted to my spouse, and he attracts me only.

33. I have the power and freedom to marry the person I love.

34. My spouse and I make an excellent team.

35. My life partner and I will always support each other.

36. My lover wants to spend their whole life with me.

37. I am attracted to a loving and lifelong partner.

38. I only think positively about our relationship and loved ones.

39. A happy relationship is helpful, balanced, and affectionate.

40. My soulmate does the things I tell them that I like.

Read more: 120 Manifestation Affirmations to Make Your Dream Come True

95 Affirmations for Specific Person (Soulmate) to Attract Love

42. There is a lot more love between us.

43. Our family members are very satisfied with our friendship.

44. I know that miracles happen, and this one happens to me.

45. Everything is happening as I want. I am very happy with this miracle.

46. Our family members have also accepted us, with enormous love.

47. We are perfect for each other. We were both made for each other.

48. I am extremely fortunate to have found such a caring partner.

49. Our time together has always been pleasant and memorable.

50. Nobody else compares to me in their mind.

51. My loved ones’ eyes light up when they see me.

52. It’s only fate that I met my partner so easily!

53. The Universe desires the most rewarding and amazing love for me.

54. No matter where life takes us, we’ll always be together.

55. My sweetheart is entering my life.

56. I’m making a place in my heart for a fantastic partner in my life!

57. I know my life partner is waiting for me.

58. Our personalities complement and blend perfectly.

59. When my love looks at me, they feel an irresistible attraction.

60. I trust that the Universe will find me a perfect match.

Read more: 105 Prosperity and Abundance Affirmations to Attract Success 

95 Affirmations for Specific Person (Soulmate) to Attract Love

61. I trust that the right love is on its way to me.

62. I am blessed to have a loving, caring, and supportive spouse.

63. Good things happen to those who wait. And I wait for a specific person.

64. I trust in the miracle and timing of the universe bringing me the perfect partner.

65. My enthusiasm and optimism attract like-minded life partners into my orbit.

66. My specific person and I would make the best couple in the world.

67. My soulmate has all of the qualities I desire. He/she is well beyond perfect.

68. I feel confident and safe with my partner in any situation.

69. The more I crave my love interest, the more attracted they are to me.

67. We always make time to be together, regardless of how busy we are.

68. It’s a relief to have a spouse who will go to any length for you.

69. Our love and bond continue to grow stronger on a daily basis.

70. My partner feels fortunate to have me in their life, just as I am fortunate to have them.

71. I have the most lovely and amazing relationship and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

72. Our relationship is important to our lives, goals, and purposes in life.

73. In my partner’s eyes, no one is more attractive than me.

74. Now I am ready to experience life with my soulmate.

75. There is a magnetic force that draws SP to me.

76. My soulmate is the main motivating power in my life.

77. My partner makes me feel extremely lucky and blessed.

78. My lover wants to spend their entire life with me, which makes me joyful.

79. I am deliberately attracting my soulmate right now.

80. We experienced beautiful chemistry right from the start.

Read more: 120 Powerful Subconscious Affirmations to Change Your Life

95 Affirmations for Specific Person (Soulmate) to Attract Love

81. He/She is the last thing I think about at night and the first thing I think of each morning.

82. I believe the Universe is working to bring my life partner and me together.

83. My loved one can’t imagine a life without me in it.

84. My spouse is everything I could ever want in a life mate.

85. A connection has been forming between us from the first time we met.

86. When my life partner is feeling down, I am the first person they call.

87. My person chose to love me whatever the circumstances.

88. My lover ignores all of my flaws but accepts and loves me always.

89. When I am with my SP, everything feels right.

90. My soulmate’s eyes light up when they see me.

91. Attracting a specific person is first on my list of goals.

92. My specific person and I have a special soul connection.

93. Whenever I see my future, I imagine my love holding my hand.

94. Time flies by when I’m with my soulmate. Even an hour seems like a minute.

95. This is the greatest miracle of my life. Thank You Universe!

Read more: 100 Affirmations for Letting Go and Trusting the Universe

Final Thoughts on Affirmations for Specific Person

I have selected and compiled a list of some of the best affirmations for specific person only for you. And I hope these will make it a lot easier for you to attract that special someone into your life. 

Although affirmations are just words, they can work wonders when combined with your happy feelings. Your life will experience an incredible amount of magic depending on how much positivity and good sentiments you add to it. So, visualize your partner’s face as you repeat these affirmations every day.

If you ask and believe you will receive, It doesn’t get more simple than that. Recite these affirmations aloud at least twice a day, remain patient, and trust that everything will work out for the best. 

If these affirmations were helpful to you, please leave a comment below and share it with your friends.

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