125 Affirmations after a Breakup to Build a New You

125 Affirmations after a Breakup to Build a New You

If you’re going through a tough breakup, first and foremost, I’m sorry. It’s not easy and second, I encourage attempting affirmations after a breakup. Breaking up can be emotionally and mentally stressful. You may be feeling emotions you are not accustomed to. Your life may have changed dramatically.

The emotional suffering and bad thoughts can be overwhelming, making it difficult to find the good in the midst of it all. The good news is that your heart will eventually heal and you will recover stronger and more resilient than before. But one of the most effective strategies to overcome a broken heart is to adopt an optimistic outlook.

Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” Mark Twain

Breakups are horrific, but you can transform a bad circumstance into a fantastic new beginning for yourself! Here’s where affirmations after a breakup come in.

You can repeat each affirmation 10–15 times and complete the exercise at least twice a day. You can accomplish this through:

Say each affirmation out loud or silently in your brain, written down frequently, or Record and listen to them repeatedly.

Choose the way that works best for you; there is no right or wrong way; the key thing is to practice your affirmations deliberately and regularly.

All that remains is to go through the following lists of positive affirmations after a breakup and select the ones that make the most sense to you.

Table of Contents

Detailed posts on Affirmations:

Powerful Affirmations after a Breakup

125 Affirmations after a Breakup to Build a New You

1. My God knows exactly what kind of person I am.

2. Not all people are the same. Nor will they treat me the same way.

3. I will not settle, and should not settle.

4. I believe in the greatness of life, and I hope to have a healthy relationship one day.

5. I gently let go of what is no longer mine and no longer meant to be.

6. I now have a better understanding of what I want and what I don’t want.

7. It’s okay that I’m not and haven’t always been perfect.

8. I am confident that one day I will see this as a blessing in disguise.

9. The relationship did not fail. It just wasn’t right.

10. Things usually work out in the end, even if I don’t see it at the time.

11. My failures lead me to where the universe wants me to be.

12. I have so much to be thankful for.

13. I treat others the way I want to be treated because I am a real person.

14. I deserve a partnership that meets my needs.

15. I’m grateful for everything this relationship has taught me.

16. I can heal from this more quickly — so long as I don’t fight it.

17. I know I’ll be in the most wonderful relationship someday.

18. Nobody can tell me what to do or where to go; I decide for myself.

19. I deserve the kind of relationship I’ve always wanted.

20. I’m glad to put this relationship behind me.

21. Things happen for a purpose… And that is not a cliche!

22. What happens next — is in my hands.

23. It’s fine to remember, but it’s important to move on.

24. This had to happen so that I could meet the perfect guy.

25. I am not addicted to anything or anyone anymore.

Read more: 115 Positive Affirmations for Catastrophic Thinking: Be Easy

Daily Affirmations after a Breakup

125 Affirmations after a Breakup to Build a New You

26. I am actively working to overcome the pain of heartbreak.

27. I have to feel my emotions, in order to release them.

28. I don’t need to be “strong” all the time.

29. I forgive, and by doing so, I free my heart.

30. I know I’ll find love… Everything happens at the appropriate time.

31. I will not fight my feelings or the situation.

32. I am strong enough to overcome this and create a happy future.

33. I’ll spend my time with people that genuinely love me.

34. I trust that everything is going as it should.

35. I am thankful for this relationship, but I am ready to put it behind me.

36. I am confident that I will feel like my old self again soon.

37. I accept myself for who I am and enjoy all of my strengths.

38. I can’t force myself to feel good, but I won’t give up.

39. People may try to manipulate me but cannot change who or what I am.

40. I’m giving myself the freedom to grieve and grow.

41. I realize I don’t lose. I simply become closer to who I truly am.

42. I will move on with my life in a lovely way, even if it is a little messy.

43. I have power over my thoughts — so I command them.

44. I know my heart is hurting, but it will heal.

45. I replace bitterness with gratitude for the many times we’ve shared in love.

46. I am fully aware of my strengths and weaknesses.

47. I learned when I need to take action and when I should wait.

48. Even if it is only a small step forward each day, it is becoming easier in every way.

49. The emotional pain I experienced before will be my source of strength.

50. Each day brings another lesson to be learned.

Read more: 101 Affirmations to Block Negative Energy (Vibe High)

Affirmations for Getting Over a Breakup

125 Affirmations after a Breakup to Build a New You

51. I am convinced that my sadness will subside with time.

52. I have the ability to be anything I want to be from here.

53. I value the lessons I learned from this relationship and focus on the benefits it brought to my life.

54. This will be the turning point for me, and my life.

55. I did my best in my last relationship.

56. It’s okay if some days I struggle to believe it.

57. I love knowing that the best is still to come.

58. The right person will love me for everything I am.

59. These encounters are crucial for my own development.

60. Nobody has ever been perfect, and neither will I.

61. A relationship does not define my worth and I am enough just the way I am.

62. I have all the strength I need to get through this time.

63. The best way to predict my future is to invent it.

64. My ex was not the ideal person for me.

65. I respect my emotions and I trust in divine timing.

66. I value every moment because they all count!

67. It’s right not to be okay; I’m allowing myself to feel and heal.

68. Doing better makes me feel much better.

69. I find healthy ways to let go of any anger or frustration that rises to the surface.

70. I know this breakup will not deter me for long.

71. Sometimes what seems to be a loss is a gain.

72. I know I have to rely on myself every time.

73. I will not reconsider my decision.

74. My feelings are valid, and it is acceptable to mourn the end of the relationship.

75. Worrying does not solve anything; it simply produces new issues.

Read more: 115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special in Need

Self-love Affirmations after a Breakup

125 Affirmations after a Breakup to Build a New You

76. This breakup does not determine my value.

77. It’s time to create new memories and experiences.

78. I am happy to spend time working on myself.

79. Currently, I am practicing loving acceptance.

80. I am still loved and deserve to be loved.

81. I’m as happy alone or with people.

82. I accept my true nature — loving, caring, creative, happy, joyful.

83. Losing someone gives me space and room to discover and love myself.

84. Regardless of what occurs in my life, I still love myself.

85. I deserve a love that is kind, respectful, and reciprocal.

86. When I love myself more, others will love me back.

87. True, unconditional love is not a synonym for attachment.

88. I will not let my prior experiences destroy my happiness from here.

89. I am in control of my emotions, and my body reacts to them.

90. I forgive myself and others, and I’m ready to enjoy some great “me time.”

91. I will focus on me, and only me.

92. I’m giving myself time and space to recuperate.

93. I breathe patience, calm, and relaxation into my heart.

94. I can be the bigger person in this situation. And I’ll be.

95. This is a key stage of my life and development.

96. I can’t wait to explore and discover new aspects of myself.

97. I had neglected myself for too long… Well, not anymore.

98. I choose self-love and self-care every day.

99. I am deserving of all the love and happiness in the world.

100. Caring for myself is the most important thing right now.

Read more: 100 Short Self Love Mirror Affirmations to Try Now

Short Affirmations after a Breakup

125 Affirmations after a Breakup to Build a New You

101. I let go of any regrets, guilt, or anger.

102. I am worthy of love.

103. I’m free because I’m me.

104. This happened for a reason.

105. My pleasure is my top priority.

106. Life is on my side.

107. I will move on from this.

108. I prefer understanding to attachment.

109. I am on the verge of my best life.

110. I trust the healing process.

111. I radiate positivity.

112. I won’t feel this way forever.

113. I deserve some rest and recovery.

114. I am entitled to grieve.

115. Things always work out for me.

116. I am my own cheerleader.

117. I create moments of pure joy.

118. I am whole and complete.

119. It’s okay to take baby steps.

120. It’s my life.

121. I still believe in love.

122. I deserve to be loved just as I am.

123. I enjoy spending time with myself.

124. I let go of the past.

125. The best is still yet to come.

Read more: 120 Powerful Affirmations for Spiritual Protection

Final Thoughts on Affirmations after a Breakup

I hope you found these 125 affirmations after a breakup useful and that they help you heal after heartbreak.

Your affair and breakup are just one chapter in your life. Now that it’s finished, it’s up to you to write another one. You are the author; make this the best chapter of your life.

Remember, affirmations are only one tool in the healing process. Surrounding yourself with supportive friends, finding professional help if necessary, and caring for yourself physically and emotionally are all vital steps toward moving on from a breakup.

If you like this post please tell me in a comment which one is your favorite!

Take Care of yourself you are awesome

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