It’s natural to seek validation from others — parents, spouses, bosses, and friends. However, some people seek external validation at an unhealthy level. We rely on others to help us feel better. We doubt our ability unless we are expressly told we are doing well. We constantly check our social media posts, hoping for approval. And we question our worth when others don’t value us.
But we should not look to others for validation. So, in this post, we will share 110 powerful self validation affirmations, and after you read this you won’t need validation from the external world.
We cannot rely on others to make us feel better. When we do, we let others decide our worth. And we don’t trust our thoughts, feelings, or judgments; we believe others know more than we do and that their opinions are more important. We become needy and ask for validation in ways that turn others off, indicating a lack of self-esteem and a need for someone to affirm our worth.
But you are more than your background, your job, or your salary. You don’t have to rely on external validation!
These self validation affirmations can help you change your mindset and prioritize your own self-validation above all else.
They help you turn negative self-talk into positive self-talk! This will dramatically boost your self-esteem and belief in yourself.
So if you’re ready to treat yourself with validation, let’s dive right into these powerful self validation affirmations! Recite them and think, feel, and act in ways that you are important, even if no one else agrees. If we do not validate ourselves, how can we expect others to validate us in a satisfying way?
Life is a series of trial-and-error experiments. You won’t always get it correct. The simple act of realizing and embracing this fact provides validation.
Let’s start!
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List of 110 Powerful Self Validation Affirmations
1. I don’t have to do anything to show my self validation to anyone.
2. I let go of the need for approval from others and chose to seek validation from within.
3. Progress is more important than perfection.
4. I am thankful for my strengths and accept them with humility.
5. I am full of possibilities, and I use that potential every day.
6. Even when I fall short of my own expectations, I deserve to be treated with kindness.
7. I accept my uniqueness and see it as a strength, not a weakness.
8. I’m proud of myself for moving out of my comfort zone.
9. I’m allowed to fill my cup before filling others’ cups.
10. I am capable of doing whatever I set my mind to.
11. I am an excellent friend, daughter/son, sister/brother, significant other, etc.
12. The more I use self validation affirmations, the more they will become second nature.
13. I respect the mind for what it has gotten me through.
14. I do not need validation from others to recognize my worth.
15. I don’t need others’ approval to be happy.
16. I gladly accept compliments from others.
17. Everybody has imperfections, and I accept mine.
18. I embrace myself without judgment.
19. When things don’t go as planned, I am kind to myself.
20. Self-criticism has no place in my life.
21. My contributions benefit the planet.
22. My feelings are valid; there is no right or wrong.
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23. I am bigger than any label. My birth, my life, is extraordinary.
24. I can overcome anything life throws at me.
25. I don’t need to have everything sorted out.
26. It’s alright to feel whatever I’m feeling.
27. I deserve to treat myself with the same kindness that I show to others.
28. I grant myself permission to fail and learn from my mistakes.
29. In times of stress, I am entitled to be easy on myself.
30. I’m doing the best I can with the resources I have.
31. I let go of the expectation that everything must be perfect.
32. Mistakes are a natural part of being human, and I expect to make them.
33. I have the right to feel and express my emotions without apology.
34. Change is difficult, so I’ll be patient with myself while going through it.
35. I would never dislike myself as a child, so why should I regard myself differently as an adult?
36. I’m letting go of all social expectations.
37. I’m letting go of any attachments to external validation, approval, or acceptance.
38. Nobody has the right or authority to make me feel unworthy.
39. Other people’s opinions or expectations do not determine my worth as a living.
40. Even when I’m going through a difficult time, I deserve to love and care for myself.
41. I deserve happiness, love, peace, freedom, money, and anything else.
42. No external status may elevate or diminish my worth beyond what I already have.
43. I alleviate the pressure by reminding myself that my worth is not defined by my progress.
44. My voice matters, and I express the truth with clarity and conviction.
Read more: 120 Positive Affirmations for Young Adults to Inspire Growth
45. I don’t need to listen to others who limit my abilities.
46. It’s impossible to please everyone, and that’s okay.
47. Walking away from something adverse for me does not mean quitting!
48. The more I love myself, the more valuable I become.
49. There is a purpose and value to each day of my life.
50. When I do what is right for me, I do what is right for the universe.
51. I am not my nervousness; I am not who my fears say I am.
52. Nothing is impossible if I set my mind to it!
53. I deserve to have my emotions validated.
54. I am worthy simply because I exist.
55. I am deserving and valuable, regardless of my achievements.
56. I am worthy of setting the limits needed to have a healthy life.
57. I will take actions that are aligned with my overall values and aims.
58. I embrace my flaws and see beauty in them.
59. I accept myself exactly as I am, with no need to modify anything to increase my own value.
60. I see no need to judge myself. Just to observe.
61. I am proud of my efforts, even if the results are not ideal.
62. I get back in life what I give to the universe.
63. My body makes things happen; my body is strong.
64. I’m allowed to make errors; they’re opportunities for progress.
65. My efforts are valuable, even if others are unaware of them.
66. My self validation is not determined by others’ opinions.
Read more: 101 Positive Affirmations for Job Success From Good to Great
67. My feelings are messy sometimes but they are valid.
68. Who I am becoming makes me proud.
69. My efforts are sufficient, however the results are not perfect.
70. My experiences have made me stronger.
71. My value is not decided by external validation or praise.
72. My feelings are valid, and I don’t need to others understand them.
73. My gut feelings are worth listening to.
74. Perfection is an illusion, and I choose to focus on honesty.
75. I’m more capable than I often give myself credit for.
76. It’s very good to enjoy life, no matter what others think.
77. My worthiness is innate, independent of perfection.
78. It’s alright to follow a different path than what others expect of me.
79. I don’t have to have all the answers right now.
80. I choose development over the crippling quest for perfection.
81. Not everyone will understand me, and that’s alright.
82. I don’t need to be perfect at everything. Good enough is fine.
83. I am proud of who I am becoming, despite my faults.
84. Everything is not my responsibility. I let some things go.
85. I’m actually pretty good at [specific skill].
86. I appreciate the road, knowing it will be filled with ups and downs.
87. Maybe not perfectly, but I’ll figure it out.
88. I let go of unreasonable expectations and accepted my best efforts.
Read more: 120 Leadership Affirmations for Team Growth and Influence
89. The only one who can decide whether I am worthy is me.
90. The world is a greater place because I am here.
91. Taking care of myself is always the best idea.
92. I am not responsible for the bad things that occurred in my life.
93. I know and celebrate the fact that there is only one me.
94. I listen to what my body needs; I validate my needs.
95. Every choice I make is a reflection of my growth.
96. I have so many positive qualities that I love and value myself.
97. I respect myself; I appreciate my decisions; and I value my desire to try.
98. Good things are ahead for me; good things are coming.
99. I am full of confidence and people take notice of it.
100. Even when life gets hard, I am still here.
101. I don’t need to change anything about my personality or how I interact to impress others.
102. I am a valuable person with a good head on my shoulders.
103. I will never underestimate my achievements.
104. People are fortunate to have me in their lives.
105. I have the freedom to choose who I surround myself with.
106. I have so much to give and contribute to the world.
107. I do not ever need to doubt myself.
108. There is no reason why I cannot be successful on my own terms.
109. I have a special gift that the world needs — that the world deserves to see.
110. I acquire a better understanding of my truest, most real self.
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