105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

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Hey dreamer, are you ready to transform your life and manifest your dreams by rewiring your subconscious?

We’ve got an amazing article packed with 105 powerful law of assumption affirmations. They’re like keys to creating the life you’ve always dreamed of.

You know, humans have this incredible ability to believe in things that aren’t physically there. And that’s where the law of assumption was introduced by the American author Neville Goddard. Says that what we believe about ourselves and our world shapes how things turn out for us. Encourage us to pretend as though our goals have already materialized before they occur. It’s a principle that says if we change our thoughts, we can change our lives. And one way to do this is through affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements we say to ourselves in an effort to create new, healthier beliefs. If we repeat and believe these statements over and over, we might be able to rewire our thoughts.

This helps us let go of old, constricting thinking and accept new, strong beliefs. They alter not only ideas but also our perceptions of and behaviors in the outside world.

Are you ready to explore the law of assumption affirmations now?

Okay, Now let’s get going!

Table of Contents

Law of assumption affirmations to shape your destiny

Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

1. With every thought, I create the reality I live in.

2. Everything I do has a purpose, and I constantly exist in an environment of flow.

3. I am grateful for what I have and aware that the universe works in my favor at all times.

4. I’m surrounded by plenty of positive vibes that support me in achieving what I want in life.

5. My consciousness is the only power to shape my reality, and I am totally in charge of it.

6. I choose to believe that nothing is too big for me to attract and receive.

7. What is on the outside is exactly what is going on within.

8. My emotions, thoughts, and feelings are all under my control.

9. Nothing and no one can be in my way without my permission.

10. Success is bound to come to me; I am destined to be great.

Inspirational law of assumption affirmations

105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

11. There is nothing too far for me to achieve.

12. Whatever I want, whenever I want, is mine.

13. My ability to attract positive things increases when pleasant things happen to me!

14. Nothing is impossible; everything is possible.

15. I find it easy to stay motivated and enthusiastic.

16. My intuition is always guiding me to the right decisions.

17. I constantly keep going and never give up.

18. I can create my desires no matter what or who stops me.

19. I’m willing to accept what I’ve been asking.

20. If I can feel and believe it, I can achieve it.

Law of assumption affirmations for love and relationship

105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

21. I have the affection and admiration of everyone in this world.

22. I am at the very top of my person’s priority list.

23. Everything always works out well for me, including finding the most loyal loving partner.

24. I deserve to have meaningful relationships with other people.

25. I’m putting love and positivity into every relationship I’m in.

26. My relationships are characterized by mutual respect, trust, and understanding.

27. I’m willing to give and receive unconditional love from my heart.

28. My partner loves me more than anything else in the world.

29. To have me as a life partner would be a blessing for anyone.

30. I feel 100% secure in my partnership.

law of assumption affirmations for peace and happiness

105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

31. My reality is created by my thoughts, so I make sure to have happy and peaceful thoughts.

32. I am radiating peace and joy into all areas of my life.

33. I am grateful for how my spiritual practices have guided and supported me.

34. I’m willing to accept all the love and happiness that the universe has to offer.

35. I am able to bring peace and happiness to myself.

36. I have faith that thinking positive thoughts will make me happy and relaxed.

37. When I’m feeling calm, more happiness enters my life.

38. I make an effort to concentrate on being satisfied and joyful every day.

39. With each breath, I invite peace into my body, mind, and soul.

40. I am the master of my thoughts, and I choose peace and happiness.

Law of assumption affirmations for health and fitness

105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

41. I have faith that I will overcome any obstacles related to my health.

42. I frequently receive praise for my stronger slim shape.

43. My metabolism is incredibly swift and healthy.

44. I can immediately see the physical changes in my body.

45. My body does not require any effort or diet to maintain my target weight.

46. I have faith in my ability to put my wants and well-being first.

47. Every cell in my body is getting younger and healthier with time; I am looking young and beautiful.

48. I take pride in my perfect body every time I look in the mirror.

49. I work hard to achieve my fitness goals.

50. My body is always healthy and in perfect shape.

Law of assumption affirmations for abundant life

105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

51. I have an abundant supply of all I require.

52. I let go of all fears and doubts about money.

53. I always get what I need, no matter what situation I’m in.

54. Every day, in every way, I move closer to my financial goals.

55. I’m fortunate to have a lot of money.

56. The universe is abundant, and I am in perfect alignment with its endless blessings.

57. My mindset creates the foundation for a life full of wealth in all its forms.

58. Prosperity surrounds me, and I am open to the rich opportunities it offers.

59. I act as if I’m already living a life of immense abundance and prosperity.

60. My actions, words, and thoughts bring abundance into my life.

Law of assumption affirmations for personal growth

105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

61. I’m on a path of self-discovery and constant improvement.

62. I am grateful for all the knowledge and experiences that have brought me to where I am today.

63. Personal growth is a natural part of my life’s adventure, and I’m excited about it.

64. I attract situations that help me become a better version of myself.

65. Personal growth isn’t just something I seek; it’s a part of who I am, and I’m thrilled about it!

66. Challenges are chances for me to grow and improve.

67. I deserve to grow and develop personally.

68. I’m seeking self-awareness and ongoing development.

69. I release limitations and welcome numerous opportunities for personal and professional development.

70. I see personal development as a happy, continuous activity.

Law of assumption affirmations for strength and confidence

105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

71. My level of strength and confidence is at its peak right now.

72. I nearly never have to work hard or wait to acquire what I want in life.

73. I only think of positive things that elevate me and give me self-esteem on my journey.

74. I can get past my fears and self-doubt.

75. I’m attracting confidence and positive energy into my life.

76. Strength and confidence are my steadfast companions, guiding me every step.

77. I’m open to all the strength and confidence that surround me.

78. Confidence and strength are inside me, and I can access them when I need to.

79. The universe supports me, guiding me towards solid strength and confidence.

80. My life is rich with inner fortitude and self-assurance, and I welcome it all.

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Law of assumption affirmations for success

105 Law of Assumption Affirmations: Shape Your Destiny

81. Each day, as I pursue my passions, I receive miraculous help from the divine.

82. Doubts don’t stop me from believing in success.

83. Success comes from persistence and patience.

84. Success isn’t just a goal; it’s my journey.

85. I get opportunities that align with my achievements.

86. I feel completely in sync with my greatest potential for success and fulfillment in my career.

87. I am living my life according to my standards and I enjoy the freedom and satisfaction it brings.

88. I appreciate the skills and knowledge I’ve acquired throughout my career journey.

89. I already have all the skills and information needed to grow in my career.

90. I have confidence in my talents and abilities to succeed in the career I have chosen.

Related Post: 101 Professional Positive Affirmations for Work

The famous law of assumption quotes

The famous law of assumption quotes

91. “You are the creator of your destiny.” — Swami Vivekananda

92. “Incorrect assumptions lie at the root of every failure. Have the courage to test your assumptions.” — Brian Tracy

93. “Thoughts become things. If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.” — Bob Proctor

94. “All that we are is a result of what we have thought.” — The Buddha

95. “Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.” — Jim Rohn

96. “Your hardest battle is between what you know in your head and what you feel in your heart.” — The Buddha

97. “Be careful of what you assume, what you assume often becomes what you consume.” ― Constance Friday

98. “You must begin with the assumption that you are ignorant and that you have natural biases that will make you judge people incorrectly.” ― Robert Greene

99. “The assumption that humans could be a reliable back-up for the system was a total fallacy.” ― Astro Teller

100. “Decide what you want. Believe you can have it. Believe you deserve it and believe it’s possible for you. And then close your eyes and every day for several minutes, and visualize having what you already want, feeling the feelings of already having it. Come out of that and focus on what you’re grateful for already, and really enjoy it. Then go into your day and release it to the Universe and trust that the Universe will figure out how to manifest it.” — Jack Canfield

101 “Every thought we think is creating our future.” — Louise L. Hay

102. “It is not what you want that you attract, you attract what you believe to be true.” — Neville Goddard

103. “See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.” — Rhonda Byrne

104. “A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his thoughts.”
— James Allen

105. “The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.” — Rumi

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Final thought

If you’re passionate about transforming your life and achieving your deepest desires, try out the law of assumption affirmations. These affirmations have the power to significantly change your approach to achieving your highest goals.

Just remember, what you think and believe shapes your world. Begin incorporating the law of assumption affirmations today, and observe the remarkable positive shifts they bring into your life.

I’m excited to know! How do you personally use positive affirmations to attract the things you desire? Please, share your thoughts below! 

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