110 Lucid Dreaming Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

110 Lucid Dreaming Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

Since dreams are formed by our subconscious mind, the lucid dreaming affirmations presented in this post can help us become more aware of our dreams and improve our ability to have longer, more controlled lucid dreams.

According to research, over half of all adults have experienced at least one lucid dream. They are, however, Rarely appearing only a few times every year on average. A lucid dream happens when the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming. During a lucid dream, the dreamer may be able to manipulate the dream characters, narrative, or surroundings.

Before we get started with the affirmations, I want to explain why they’re so effective for lucid dreams.

I believe that the affirmations I’m about to share with you will not only help you improve your ability to achieve them but will also help you hone this skill.

These lucid dreaming affirmations have been carefully created to help your mind enhance dream awareness, control, and memory. You should use them not only throughout the day to train your mind for dream awareness and consciousness but also as you lie in bed before falling asleep at night.

Lucid dreaming is a skill that requires practice, patience, and an approach including strategies like reality checks, dream journaling, and adhering to a healthy sleep schedule.

In addition to affirmations, visualization techniques can be used to practice lucid dreaming. This visualization can be paired with affirmations to increase their efficacy.

Now here are your best lucid dreaming affirmations:

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Lucid Dreaming Affirmations

110 Lucid Dreaming Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

1. In my dreams, I’m both a visionary and an observer.

2. My first thought when waking up is to recall my dream.

3. I’m grateful for my nightly dream journey.

4. I write down my dreams every morning.

5. Lucid dreaming is just an important part of my life.

6. I’m gaining a Universal blessing to recall my dreams.

7. I am changing into someone who has lucid dreams every night.

8. Writing down my dreams allows me to recall them.

9. Today, I pay great attention to the goals and desires currently speaking to me.

10. Dreaming is a vital aspect of my existence.

11. My life is an example of the strength of will. When I go above and beyond, I always find success.

12. My dreams are simply a natural part of my memory.

13. I’m on top of my game right now. I have unstoppable momentum on my way to achieving my dream!

14. My dream awareness is becoming greater.

15. When I decide to achieve something, I ignore all negative notions and criticism and focus entirely on my goal!

16. My dreams are beautiful and full of happy thoughts.

17. My target is my goal, and I’m on track today.

18. Calming myself down before bed is becoming easier.

19. Today, I have a certain goal in mind, and I’m eager to achieve it.

20. I intuitively know how to tell when I’m dreaming.

21. I strive for greatness. I’m completing them one by one!

22. My dreams are my personal playground.

Read more: 120 Affirmations for Positive Mindset to Transform Your Life

110 Lucid Dreaming Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

23. I’m not simply dreaming; I’m dream hacking like a pro.

24. Roadblocks are just delays on the route to something better than I expected!

25. In the light of my determination, my uncertainties become shadows.

26. Tonight’s sleep is made possible by my incredible lucid dreaming abilities!

27. I am the driving force behind my fantasies. My dreams never leave me, and I never abandon them.

28. I don’t need a genie in a lamp; I have lucid dreams that give my wishes.

29. My how always appears when my why is strong enough.

30. My bed and pillow act as a door to my lucid dream world.

31. I have all of the energy I need to fulfill my dream.

32. My nighttime is the right time for lucid dream adventures.

33. Money is now flowing into my current dream.

34. It’s time to put my sleep to work and have some lucid dreaming fun!

35. Nothing will be able to stop me from achieving my goals.

36. I’m counting the wonderful things I’ll accomplish in my lucid dreams.

37. Every productive effort I make today to achieve my goal will be repaid in equal measure.

38. My mind has some tricks up its sleeves. It’s time to see what it can do!

39. Setbacks are only stumbling obstacles on the path to achieving my greatest dream.

40. I’m turning my sleep into the most surprising adventure ever.

41. Nowadays, I take advantage of every significant dream opportunity that comes my way.

42. I AM dreaming, and I know it!

43. I accept that fear signals that I am on the right track toward living an outstanding life.

44. I’m not just dreaming, I’m living it up in there!

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110 Lucid Dreaming Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

45. My subconscious guides me to lucidity.

46. Now, I’m stepping into my dream world.

47. I now receive dream advice from both expected and unexpected sources.

48. Every day, my perfect existence improves in all aspects.

49. My life is now filled with a series of dream marvels.

50. I remember my dreams in perfect detail.

51. I’m grateful that my dream came true.

52. My dream world is a wonderland of my own creation.

53. Everything I experience during my dream trip makes me more open and responsive.

54. I will lucid dream tonight.

55. On this beautiful journey, there is always something to be grateful for.

56. I’m delighted to [insert activity] while dreaming.

57. My life embodies brilliant beauty, prosperity, and goodness.

58. My emotional team is welcome to visit my dreams.

59. I am grateful for the successful realization of my dream.

60. My dreams are always clear.

61. I am handsomely compensated for my creations.

62. I am a powerful creative, both awake and asleep.

63. Everything that happens to me on my dream travel makes me more open and focused.

64. I warmly invite my subconscious mind to join me in dreamland.

65. On this fantasy trip, there is always something to be grateful for.

66. I establish stunning dreamscapes for myself to explore.

Read more: 120 Positive Affirmations for Young Adults to Inspire Growth

110 Lucid Dreaming Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

67. With my lucid dreamy thoughts, I am now attracting success.

68. My dream world is intended to be a happy, safe place where I may have adventures.

69. My current primary dream is to see it manifest in my life.

70. My reality checks are consistently successful.

71. Despite appearances, my great aim is now becoming a reality.

72. Every day, I get a rush out of fulfilling my dreams.

73. As I progress toward my goal, additional opportunities arise.

74. My ideal is surrounded by love and support.

75. A river of plenty is currently rushing toward me in the shape of dream success and immense prosperity.

76. Everything I need to know is available to me.

77. My mind is constantly engaged, even while I sleep.

78. I let go of resistance on all levels and embrace new possibilities.

79. My dream awareness is extremely strong.

80. My dreams have loving messages for me, and I am open to accepting them.

81. I’m becoming someone who gets lucid dreams every night and can tell when I’m dreaming.

82. I am thankful for the satisfying realization of my dream.

83. My awareness of my dreams is increasing.

84. Even while sleeping, a part of me remains awake and alert.

85. I’m getting better at detecting when I’m dreaming and remembering them every day. I’m becoming a lucid dreamer.

86. Lucid dreaming is one of my favorite activities.

87. My mind is constantly engaged, even while I sleep.

88. I can create my own adventures in my dream world.

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110 Lucid Dreaming Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

89. My dreams are consistently vivid and distinct.

90. I am perfectly safe and protected as I explore my dream world.

91. I have full control over my fantasies.

92. I’ll be able to tell when I’m dreaming.

93. Lucid dreams are prevalent in my life.

94. Tomorrow morning, I will focus on the dreams I am going to make.

95. I can wake up whenever I choose in my dreams.

96. Controlling my dreams is a tool for personal development, and I am open to the experience.

97. Lucid dreaming is one of my favorite things to do.

98. Every time I am aware of a dream, I remember my intentions.

99. I am well aware that I am dreaming.

100. Every time I dream, it becomes easier for me to remember.

101. I always wake up in my dreams.

102. I’m not willing to give up on my dream.

103. My dream consciousness is powerful.

104. My ideal memory is perfect.

105. When I dream, I am always aware of what is happening.

106. I trust my mind to keep my dream memories safe until I am fully awake.

107. I recall my dreams in great detail.

108. In this dream, I will be fully conscious.

109. My dreams are always vivid.

110. Today, I am fully committed to becoming the person I was born to be!

I hope you enjoyed my blog post about lucid dreaming affirmations. Please share your opinions on this by leaving a comment below; I’d love to hear from you.

Remember to be gentle with yourself while you learn this new ability. It may take some time, but I’m sure you can definitely do it.

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