105 Good Luck Affirmations to Boost Your Fortune

105 Good Luck Affirmations to Boost Your Fortune

Do you wish to bring extra luck into your life? Or you want to add a little more sprinkle of serendipity to take it from ‘fine’ to ‘excellent’ (or even ‘amazing’!). Don’t worry, in this blog post, I’ll provide you with 105 powerful good luck affirmations.

“Good luck is when opportunity meets preparation, while bad luck is when lack of preparation meets reality.” Eliyahu Goldratt

If you believe that certain people are born under a lucky star and have a smooth life, you are mistaken. You, too, can attract all of the good fortune you require in your life if you are focused enough and truly believe you will achieve it.

I know it seems strange, but the universe is always responding to your ideas and the vibrations you create. So, when you say things like, “I’m so unlucky.” “This type of event typically happens to me!” or “Oh oh, another difficult day!” When you do something you don’t want, you’re telling the universe, “This is who I am!” Therefore, this is what you get.

All naturally lucky people possess one thing in common: their thoughts tend to attract luck and good fortune. You, too, can develop this mindset, and these good luck affirmations can help!

These affirmations can change your subconscious thinking patterns and stimulate the areas in charge of forming your thoughts into the attitude of individuals who are “naturally lucky”. They will plant a “seed” of luck in your subconscious and help you develop a strong belief system that will allow you to effortlessly attract more luck into your life.

Are you ready to make your thoughts work for you and become a good luck magnet? 

Let’s now move on to good luck affirmations that will bring you plenty of good fortune in all aspects of your life.

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Table of Contents

Powerful Good Luck Affirmations

105 Good Luck Affirmations to Boost Your Fortune

1. Fortune favors the brave, and I am one.

2. All of my luck comes from God, and I rely only on Him for it.

3. The more I celebrate life, the more things there are to celebrate.

4. The universe is rigged to my benefit!

5. Luck is not a coincidence; it reflects my positive attitude.

6. I am getting what I want in every way.

7. There is no bad luck holding me back.

8. I attract my luck by looking for it every day.

9. Good fortune pervades all parts of my existence.

10. The positive energy I expend returns to be doubled.

11. My willingness to take action influences how much luck I have.

12. The universe sends me good fortune.

13. Good luck is normal for me.

14. Good fortune shines down upon me.

15. My life is full of serendipity, and I am grateful for it.

16. I’m always looking for the smartest method to do things.

17. Amazing coincidences happen in my life on a regular basis.

18. Opportunities appear wherever I look.

19. Good fortune is one of my main goals in life, and I want to develop this feeling every day.

20. Every day, excellent new opportunities arise in my life.

21. Things have a marvelous way of always working out for me.

Also read: Easy to Use 115 Affirmations for Life Purpose

I am Good Luck Affirmations

105 Good Luck Affirmations to Boost Your Fortune

22. I am giving myself permission to rise above.

23. I’m a naturally lucky person.

24. I am lucky in all matters.

25. I am full of gratitude for my luck.

26. I am a love magnet.

27. I am lucky in my career.

28. I’m the luckiest person alive.

29. I am the world’s greatest good luck man/woman.

30. I am the luckiest charm in the world.

31. I am a happy, lucky, and successful person.

32. I am a lucky person.

33. I am flexible and can do things differently if necessary.

34. I am always ‘up’ on my luck.

35. I am fit, healthy, and attractive.

36. I am energized and inspired.

37. I’m fortunate in all aspects of my life.

38. I am the embodiment of success.

39. I am the luckiest person alive!

40. I am very lucky in all areas of my life.

41. I am lucky and luck loves me.

42. I am the creator of my good luck and my happiness.

Also read: 110 Lucid Dreaming Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

Attract Good Luck Affirmations

105 Good Luck Affirmations to Boost Your Fortune

43. I daydream about the good luck that is yet to come.

44. Recently, I’ve noticed a strong sense of luck.

45. Others are always telling me how lucky I am.

46. There is an endless source of blessings for me.

47. My loved ones consider me a good luck charm.

48. People tell me I’m very lucky.

49. Whatever I touch brings me good luck.

50. I don’t chase it, I attract it.

51. The smarter I work, the more fortunate I become.

52. I enjoy creating circumstances in which I could be fortunate.

53. I work to improve my physical appearance.

54. Good things seem to be coming my way.

55. The more I improve myself, the more attractive I am.

56. The more relationships I create, the more love I attract.

57. The more I work to improve, the more luck I attract.

58. My fortune has now changed for the better forever.

59. My heartfelt thankfulness attracts additional good fortune.

60. I always receive what I wish for.

61. At every step, opportunity presents itself.

62. The more I work on myself the more lucky & attractive I become.

63. I say ‘yes’ a lot to increase my chances of getting lucky.

Also read: 110 Powerful Self Validation Affirmations That Empower You

Affirmations for Good Luck and Money

105 Good Luck Affirmations to Boost Your Fortune

64. The universe rewards my efforts with luck and money.

65. Money, great options, and wealth flow to me easily from various sources!

66. The wealthier I become, the more help I can provide to others.

67. I’ve developed an attitude that attracts consistent good fortune.

68. My life is full of good fortune. The VIP list includes my name.

69. I provide enormous value to as many individuals as possible.

70. I’m developing into someone who is constantly lucky.

71. The more value I provide, the more money I earn.

72. Others are not in control of my luck or my wealth.

73. The universe blesses me with an abundance of wealth.

74. It comes naturally for me to feel wealthy.

75. God’s wealth is coming into my life.

76. I continue drawing more money.

77. I am grateful for the abundance in my life.

78. I’m grateful for all my good fortune.

79. This is a rich universe, and there is lots for everyone.

80. I’m fortunate in money matters.

81. My greatest desire is to live each day with infinite good fortune.

82. My luck and money are solely a product of my positive thoughts and actions.

83. My good fortune amazes me; I’m a very lucky person.

84. All my needs, aspirations, and financial goals are easily met because I am one with God, and God is the ultimate.

Also read: 100 Easy Financial Freedom Affirmations for Dream Lifestyle

Affirmations for Good Luck and Success

105 Good Luck Affirmations to Boost Your Fortune

85. Luck is on my side, and success is my solid companion.

86. My intuition is increasing and guiding me toward good luck and success.

87. The more I help people, the more blessings I receive in life.

88. I’m building a long and prosperous future.

89. I deserve to go through life with luck and success.

90. What can I do to create greater abundance in my life?

91. What can I do to benefit the greatest number of people?

92. My lucky energy is flooding into the lives of my family and friends.

93. I am so happy and grateful for being super lucky!

94. Feeling fortunate is getting simpler and more natural.

95. Everything I do leads to immense success.

96. I influence what occurs today and will be grateful for any luck.

97. My life is filled with abundance and good fortune.

98. The more I work on my spiritual self the more successful I become.

99. I bring positivity and good luck into the world.

100. At every step, success appears in front of me.

101. I enjoy opening the door for opportunities that come my way.

102. I attract successful individuals who gladly share with me.

103. The more positive actions I take, the luckier I get.

104. I’m starting to believe that life is easy and that I can have whatever I desire.

105. Luxurious experiences are common for me.

Also read: 120 Affirmations for Business Owners to Achieve Success

Final Thoughts on Good Luck Affirmations

I hope you find these good luck affirmations useful in sending positive vibrations through your body!

It is true that our ideas, whether positive or terrible, can create certain results in our lives when they are repeated enough times. This is because our feelings are controlled by our ideas, which ultimately dictate our actions and results.

Make it your goal, even if you don’t currently believe in these good luck affirmations! When you truly believe what you’re saying, affirmations work best.

Choose 3–5 affirmations and repeat them at least three times per day; in the morning, once in the afternoon, and the evening right before bedtime are ideal times, but there is no one-size-fits-all strategy, and the perfect time for you may depend on your personal preferences and schedule.

Enjoy everything that comes your way and see it as a gift from the universe.

Good Luck!

Thanks For reading

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