What are Positive Affirmations? Plus 100 Amazing Examples

What are Positive Affirmations Plus 100 Amazing Examples

Not sure about positive affirmations? We’re here to answer your questions about what are positive affirmations and what they can do for you, as well as to provide 100 positive affirmations to bring more positivity into your life.

Whether you’re happy with yourself or down on yourself after a day when you can’t seem to do it right, this time you talk to yourself matters.

That is the basis behind affirmations, which are succinct sentences you can repeat to change your self-perception.

So why not try playing the game reversed and think empowering, encouraging, and positive thoughts?

The truth is that most of us are regularly filled with negative thoughts that limit our attitude and confidence. The difficulty with negative ideas is that they might lead to self-fulfilling prophecies.

And having negative thoughts on a frequent basis might harm our self-esteem, view on life, resilience, and motivation to engage in meaningful activities.

So, how can you break the cycle of negativity?

The first step is to replace any negative ideas with positive affirmations. The second step is to repeat these affirmations. Like a muscle, you can train your brain to develop new neural connections and make positive ideas your default option.

Whether you’ve never tried positive affirmations before or want to make it a daily practice, this article is for you. In it, we will answer the following:

Know more about Positive Affirmation

Table of Contents

What are Positive Affirmations?

What are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations, according to the Psychology Dictionary, are brief words that are repeated frequently in order to promote positive, happy feelings.

These affirmations are based on self-affirmation theory, which suggests we all have a strong need to protect our self-image. We all want to think of ourselves as usually good, moral, loving, kind, capable, and beneficial to society. This is why, when affirmations align with our basic beliefs and what we believe it means to be good, they help us see the good in ourselves.

An affirmation is a sentence made up of powerful words, similar to a positive statement, that is intended to tap into your conscious and unconscious mind to motivate, challenge, and push you to achieve your full potential in life.

They have the ability to motivate you to take certain actions, to change your negative thinking patterns and replace them with positive thinking patterns, and to assist you in accessing a new belief system, but most importantly, affirmations can reaffirm positivity in your life and help you regain or increase your self-confidence.

Positive affirmations can be used as needed when you are stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, insecure, nervous, or otherwise not feeling your best.

Take a few minutes in the morning to repeat a set of affirmations in your thoughts, say them aloud while looking in the mirror, or write them down in your journal. Create your own affirmation cards for a creative, therapeutic, and easy way to practice daily affirmations.

For example, “I am optimistic because today is a new day.” That is an affirmation designed to increase your positivity, according to psychotherapist Dr Ronald Alexander, you must believe it and say it three to five times per day.

What are Positive Affirmations Good for?

What are Positive Affirmations Good for?

There has been plenty of research that’s shown positive affirmations good for:

  • Increase well being
  • Improve academic performance
  • Make practitioners more open to behavior change
  • Increase in positivity.
  • Improvement in self-esteem.
  • Control of negative feelings such as frustration, anger, or impatience.
  • Resilience to stress (which leads to better health)
  • Improve productivity & creativity.
  • Increase the ability to overcome a bad habit.
  • Help in achieving goals.
  • Improve concentration
  • Enhanced problem-solving skills
  • Improve relationships
  • Better sleep quality
  • Improve public speaking abilities
  • Increase willingness to take positive risks
  • Enhanced ability to overcome fears
  • Greater overall life satisfaction

The list is not complete and each of these benefits has an entire row of positive sub-benefits, giving you an idea of how this could cause an upward spiral in your life. 

Eventually, Positive thought patterns emerge over time, and they impact your actions.

100 Positive Affirmations for All Aspects of Your Life

Powerful Daily Affirmations

Powerful Daily Affirmations

1. Life is beautiful, and I am enjoying every moment of it.

2. My blessings encourage me to bless those around me.

3. I am intelligent, but I don’t know everything.

4. I enjoy physical activities and have a high energy level.

5. The more I like myself, the more others will like me.

6. I use technology responsibly.

7. I’m interested in what’s happening in the world.

8. I have solid instincts and trust them to influence my judgments.

9. I am not lost; I am still discovering myself.

10. My vibe attracts great people.

11. I value experiences and wisdom over age.

12. Life is not always easy, but obstacles help me grow stronger.

13. I will not base my self-worth on my appearance.

14. I don’t need to fit in to be accepted or valued.

15. It is a good thing to stand up for myself.

16. I choose to be joyful regardless of what happens.

17. I love every second of my day.

18. I choose to focus on what I can do rather than what I cannot.

19. Every day, I work toward achieving my dream.

20. My day is filled with promise and opportunities.

Read more: Simple 100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

Powerful Universe Affirmations

Powerful Universe Affirmations

21. I am always loved, supported, and guided by the divine.

22. Every day is a gift, filled with opportunities for joy and connection.

23. I am filled with the Universe’s light and vitality.

24. I approach the Universe’s knowledge with an open heart.

25. My intuition speaks the truth and guides me in the right way.

26. I let go of control and accepted the unknown.

27. I believe everything is going as it should.

28. My heart fills up with gratitude, which brings even more blessings.

29. The Universe is a great teacher.

30. My needs and wants are not always the same.

31. I’m grateful to the Universe for everything you’ve helped me achieve.

32. What I seek also seeks me.

33. I give myself up to the Universe’s will.

34. Letting go of my ego has driven my spiritual progress.

35. I decided to adopt a positive and growing mindset.

36. God’s purpose is greater than mine.

37. I believe in the Universe’s ability to assist me in reaching my goals.

38. I’m absorbing energy from the universe right now.

39. I trust in the universe’s power to lead me.

40. I am all of these things, and they are all within me.

Read more: 125 Simple Universe Affirmations for an Ideal Life

Positive Affirmations for Self-Love

Positive Affirmations for Self-Love

41. I am thankful for my body and treat it with compassion.

42. My smile brightens any room I enter.

43. My worthiness is absolute and requires no evidence.

44. Love and pleasure are my natural emotions.

45. My self-love permeates all I do.

46. I am fundamentally worthy, regardless of the outcome.

47. Every blessing in my life was well-deserved.

48. My self-love is an attractive force.

49. Self-care is my top priority.

50. My worth is beyond measure or comparison.

51. Self-love is my birthright, and I am claiming it.

52. I embrace my creativity; it is what distinguishes me.

53. My identity is not shaped by what people expect of me.

54. My self-love encourages others to do the same.

55. I express myself with strong enthusiasm.

56. My worthiness is absolute and requires no evidence.

57. I don’t let anyone discourage me.

58. The mirror reveals my inner beauty.

59. For self-love, it is vital to forgive myself for past mistakes.

60. Imperfections make me a wonderful person.

Read more: 100 Short Self Love Mirror Affirmations to Try Now

Personal Growth Affirmations

Personal Growth Affirmations

61. I feel that self-improvement is a natural and healthy process.

62. I cannot have both success and excuses.

63. I have an optimistic and curious mindset.

64. There is no such thing as perfection. But progress occurs.

65. Everything is fine right now where I am.

66. Good habits are essential to success.

67. I am powerful enough to reach the top.

68. I am nature’s greatest wonder.

69. My specific skills make me valuable.

70. Failure provides an additional opportunity for improvement.

71. The first step toward success is to just start.

72. My ambitions inspire me to grow as a person.

73. I am creating a life that reflects my best self.

74. Every “must do” moves me closer to achieving my goal!

75. I grant myself permission to be prosperous.

76. I can control my thoughts and emotions.

77. Now is the ideal opportunity to take action.

78. I’m eager to achieve because I know it’s inevitable.

79. I have the self-discipline to achieve my goals.

80. I visualize achieving what I want on a daily basis.

Read more: 100 Louise Hay Daily Affirmations for Personal Growth

Positive Affirmations for Professional Development

Positive Affirmations for Professional Development

81. My work is meaningful, and I have an impact every day.

82. My life, job, and destiny are all under my control.

83. I am respected and valued in my field.

84. My circumstances don’t limit me.

85. Success is attracting me like a magnet, and it’s on its way.

86. I approach every work with enthusiasm and attention.

87. I explain clearly and listen carefully.

88. Success in my career is unavoidable for me.

89. My productivity increases as I focus on the task at hand.

90. I am committed to continuous progress.

91. A negative performance review does not reflect my worth.

92. I am well-organized and have good time management skills.

93. I positively contribute to my team’s success.

94. I trust my abilities and have a strong belief in myself.

95. My abilities and skills deserve greater recognition.

96. I am confident in my self-worth.

97. I deserve a rewarding and well-paying career.

98. I don’t pretend to be someone or something that I’m not.

99. I lead by example and create a pleasant work environment.

100. I exude confidence in every work I tackle.

Read more: 101 Professional Positive Affirmations for Work

Final Thoughts on Positive Affirmations

I hope this post helps you understand what positive affirmations are and what they are helpful for. There are 100 affirmations in this list that you can incorporate into your personal self-care routine.

Affirmations are sentences that can influence your thoughts and actions in a positive way. According to research, they can potentially increase your sense of self and help you handle problems better under stress. To start, choose a purpose, and a short statement for your affirmation, and be sincere in your daily practice.

It may take some time to adjust to using affirmations, so even if it feels weird at first, persist with it for the first few days or weeks.

You’ll grow better at it and, more importantly, see wonderful changes in your life in no time!

More Positive Affirmations to Inspire You:

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