105 Blessings Affirmations for a Happy and Blessed Life

105 Blessings Affirmations for a Happy and Blessed Life

Begin your day with gratitude and focus on all the wonderful things you have in life with the 105 blessings affirmations. 

“A blessing is a circle of light drawn around a person to protect, heal and strengthen.” — John O’Donohue

It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and overlook all the good things we have going for us. But taking a step back and really appreciating our blessings can work wonders for our outlook and overall well-being. 

I’m talking about the basic gifts that we frequently take for granted. For example, having a healthy body helps us to live life to the fullest. Or the amazing people in our lives who provide unconditional love and support. Even simple things like a roof over our heads and food on the table are enormous when you think about it.

Counting our blessings does not have to be a costly event. It might be as simple as taking time each morning to silently think about a few things you’re grateful for. 

For example, when you’re stuck in traffic. Instead of getting all worked up about it, you can look around and find little things to be grateful for — the working AC in your car, the sunny day, or even just having a car to drive. Appreciating what you do have, believe me, can be so powerful.

The more you make an effort to acknowledge the blessings in your life, the more you start to notice the little joyful things that previously flew under the radar. It’s like your blessings become something!

So find a quiet place to read and reflect on the blessings affirmations below.

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105 Blessings Affirmations

105 Blessings Affirmations for a Happy and Blessed Life

1. God loves me, which is why I am blessed and prosperous!

2. I am grateful for the small pleasures of a calm morning.

3. I value the time I spent with family and friends on this blessed day.

4. I’m happy that my heart is filled with calm and peace.

5. I’m willing to accept all of the blessings that come my way.

6. I enjoy the peaceful times each day, which provide reflection and rejuvenation.

7. I’m grateful for the blessings of another day to enjoy life’s beauty.

8. I have a wonderful life! Every minute is a gift!

9. I am grateful for my life and for the ability to see, hear, touch, and experience the beauty all around me!

10. I am my permanent destiny.

11. My life is filled with people who are only kind and encouraging.

12. I always have my body, soul, heart, and mind open to God.

13. I’m so lucky and blessed.

14. Every day, I remind myself of all the blessings in my life.

15. My physical health and lovely appearance are blessings.

16. I remain confident and unaffected by negative attitudes around me.

17. I embrace the blessings of relaxation that today brings.

18. I’m now being blessed by God! I sincerely welcome!

19. I receive God’s love and blessings in every way.

20. All the blessings are showering on me and my family.

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105 Blessings Affirmations for a Happy and Blessed Life

21. My inner view is always clear and focused.

22. My happiness attracts an abundance of blessings into my life.

23. I have a limitless supply of imagination, energy, and tolerance for whatever activity I do.

24. The universe is blessing me right now with everything I need and desire.

25. I am grateful for everything I am and have.

26. I appreciate my many, many blessings.

27. I have an abundance of energy, vitality, and well-being.

28. Every day, my life is full of wonders and magic.

29. I express my prosperity by giving freely, with love and excitement.

30. All of my blessings bring more blessings.

31. Every day brings new blessings for me to embrace, experience, and explore.

32. I focus on the positive aspects of my life, letting them grow and multiply.

33. I inhale thankfulness and exhale love.

34. I am blessed and am a blessing to the world.

35. Every second of my life is a gift and blessing from God.

36. I am absolutely blessed beyond measure.

37. The more I bless others with kindness, the more blessings I receive in return.

38. I give thanks to God for his boundless blessings.

39. I am grateful to have such lovely memories of all of my friends and family.

40. I am blessed that I have enough money to take care of my needs.

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105 Blessings Affirmations for a Happy and Blessed Life

41. Technology is a blessing that allows me to communicate with my friends and family.

42. I am blessed to have shelter, food, water, and an abundance of clothing.

43. I am grateful for the morning, which softly wakes me from my rest.

44. I’m blessed by so much love, it warms my heart.

45. A deep sense of joy and peace fills my soul.

46. Each new day brings fresh blessings into my life.

47. Life has a way of pleasantly surprising me when I least expect it.

48. I am immensely fortunate to have such a kind, supportive family.

49. Happiness is my default setting; it defines who I am.

50. Creative ideas and bursts of blessings come to me easily.

51. I’m blessed to make thoughtful, intelligent decisions.

52. My world is a place of harmony, balance, and beautiful things.

53. My spirit is powerful and resilient, and I never give up.

54. I’m blessed to have the bravery to pursue my goals head-on.

55. I’m so grateful for the roof over my head and the food on the table.

56. It is a blessing for me to continuously learn and grow.

57. Positive energy in the form of a bright, warm glow covers me.

58. I am amazed and filled with wonder by the beauty of nature.

59. Laughter is my happy friend; it makes me feel better.

60. I am grateful for the challenges that have molded me.

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105 Blessings Affirmations for a Happy and Blessed Life

61. I can forgive easily and move forward with a peaceful heart.

62. life’s blessings surround me; every breath I take is a gift.

63. I’m fortunate to have a strong sense of direction and purpose in life.

64. Divine love and blessings illuminate my path.

65. I’m thankful for the life lessons that have built my personality.

66. My life is greatly enhanced by creativity, art, and music.

67. I am able to recognize and enjoy the beauty of simple moments.

68. The wisdom gained through life experience is one of my greatest blessings.

69. I’m gifted with the ability to adapt and grow through change.

70. I’m surrounded by wonderful vibes and great energy.

71. My blessed soul radiates love and light that touches others.

72. I’m blessed with friendships and meaningful connections.

73. I am blessed with the ability to create and manifest my biggest dreams.

74. My imagination and creativity have no limits.

75. Laughter is such a gift that brightens my darkest days.

76. I am blessed with finding the good in every situation.

77. Doors of opportunity open for me at every turn.

78. Every breath I take represents a renewal of life’s sacred blessings.

79. Nature’s majestic beauty energizes my spirit.

80. I am a powerful co-creator in this wonderful universe.

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105 Blessings Affirmations for a Happy and Blessed Life

81. The light within me illuminates the paths of others.

82. Living in the present moment connects me to life’s blessings.

83. Love is the divine blessing behind everything I do.

84. The Universe reads my hearts and replies to them perfectly.

85. Life’s greatest blessings are found in its simple pleasures.

86. Faith is the bridge that helps me get over times of uncertainty.

87. I am blessed for making the most of every situation.

88. My loved ones are precious reminders of life’s gifts.

89. Every rising and setting sun tells me to be grateful for my blessings.

90. I am a magnet for extraordinary blessings in my life.

91. I am deserving of blessings and welcome them with excitement.

92. I am an example of abundant success in all of my activities.

93. I am in a loving relationship with the divine, co-creating benefits.

94. I am the captain of my ship, guiding it towards blessed views.

95. I feel right at home in a world full of blessings.

96. I am blessed with a curious mind and a love for learning.

97. My intuition guides me towards good choices.

98. I am a blessing to myself and the world around me.

99. I let go of my worries and trust that the universe will shower me with blessings.

100. I am grateful for the blessings in my life, big and small.

101. I am grateful for my failures because they prepare me for even greater blessings.

102. My gratitude opens the door to unexpected opportunities.

103. I am surrounded by a support system that brings blessings my way.

104. The greatest blessings in life are often found in the most simple forms.

105. Clarity directs my decisions, letting me follow the path of divine blessings.

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Final Thoughts on Blessings Affirmations

I hope these 105 blessings affirmations encourage you to shift your focus to all the good that already exists. 

Thinking about our blessings is one of the simplest and most impactful things we can do for ourselves. Maybe it’s affirming how blessed you are to have a career that supports your lifestyle. Or simply it’s your home, your family, or your pets. Maybe it’s the food you eat or the nature outside. There are blessings everywhere!

The great thing is, that once you make it a habit to look for your blessings, you start noticing them more and more. 

I’m not saying to stick your head in the sand and ignore life’s issues. But by balancing those challenges with sincere blessing affirmations, you’ll be amazed at how much lighter and more positive your mindset becomes.

So keep looking for those blessings. Big or small, they all make your life better. Be thankful every day and let those good feelings grow!

Thanks For reading

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