125 Simple Universe Affirmations for an Ideal Life

125 Simple Universe Affirmations for an Ideal Life

Do you ever feel like you’re not in control of your life? Do you ever feel miserable or worried? Don’t worry, here are 125 Universe affirmations for trusting in God’s creation that you may use to reprogram your mind and move your focus to more faith.

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” — Paulo Coelho

You are a part of something extraordinary. Every atom in your body originated as part of a star. The air you breathe and the earth you walk on are formed of the same material as faraway galaxies. The universe is not just there around you, but also within you.

When life becomes uncertain, it can be beneficial to keep in mind this connection. You do not need to have all of the solutions. Nobody does. It’s okay to feel lost at times. That is part of being human.

First-time trusting in the Universe can be challenging, especially during times of uncertainty, but reminding yourself of the universe’s strength and ability to guide you can help you achieve greater calm and clarity in your life

A powerful and simple way to realign with the universe is by using positive Universe affirmations. The purpose of these affirmations is to strengthen your belief in the cosmos.

Repeating these affirmations on a regular basis will help you deal with uncertainty. They will help you develop your connection with the cosmos, allowing it to lead you through your life’s path. 

So, here are 125 Universe affirmations to help you believe in the cosmic and bring riches and joy into your life.

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Table of Contents:

Universe Affirmations with God

125 Simple Universe Affirmations for an Ideal Life

1. Blessings go from the Creator to the entire Universe.

2. I am an eager and ready learner of life.

3. The universe loves me and wants to help me succeed, reach my goals, and be happy.

4. I happily accept all of the health, wealth, and happiness that the universe offers to me.

5. By recognizing my connection to the universe, I am opening myself up to endless possibilities.

6. I am grateful for all of the amazing things that the universe has placed on me.

7. I am carefully seeing signs and new opportunities.

8. Today, I can successfully converse with the universe.

9. The universe is continuously encouraging and elevating me.

10. I chose to send the Universe love and acceptance.

11. The riches of the universe come to me effortlessly.

12. I am a small being of the universe.

13. I am open and receptive to all of the Universe’s abundance; I, and everyone else, deserve to have “BIG TIME”!

14. I absorb energy from the universe right now.

15. I allow the universe’s infinite goodness to pour completely into me.

16. I work with the Universe and let things take their natural path.

17. I am united with the powers of the universe.

18. I am a special and valuable being, with something special to offer the world.

19. I am a strong co-creator with the universe, ready to manifest my greatest dreams.

20. I am all of these things, and they are all in me.

21. I remain cool and serene; the Universe is on my side.

22. The universe gives me protection, guidance, and love.

23. My positive energy benefits the Universe.

24. I can do, be, and feel it all. My wishes always come true.

25. What I do today has the potential to benefit all of my tomorrows.

Also Read: 105 Powerful Affirmations for Uncertainty You Need to Try

I Trust the Universe Affirmations

125 Simple Universe Affirmations for an Ideal Life

26. I trust in the universe’s power to lead me.

27. I trust that everything is happening for my ultimate good.

28. I trust that the universe has a plan for me.

29. I trust that the universe is directing me towards my destiny.

30. I have faith in myself and the universe.

31. I fully trust in the goodness of the whole blessed universe.

32. My emotional discomfort reveals what needs to change.

33. My desires always come true.

34. I am taken care of, no matter what happens.

35. The Universe wants me to have a happy and wealthy life.

36. I believe in the universe and its infinite wisdom.

37. I trust in the universe’s inherent flow and rhythm, and I surrender to its guidance.

38. I trust that things will work out for me in the end.

39. The universe hears my prayers, understands all of my wants, and instructs me on how to achieve them.

40. I am connected to the universe and all of its magnificence.

41. The universe is within me, and I am in the universe.

42. I learn the path along the way.

43. I am an integral component of the universe.

44. While I sleep, the universe is working in my favor.

45. I give pleasant vibes and love to the universe.

46. I trust that the Universe listens to everything I think and feel.

47. I can relax knowing that all of my aspirations will be fulfilled.

48. I trust that I am exactly where I am supposed to be right now.

49. I open myself to the blessings coming my way every moment.

50. I trust in a bright future for myself and the people I love.

Also Read: 120 Prayer Affirmations for a Faithful Heart (Speak Light)

Thank You Universe Affirmations

125 Simple Universe Affirmations for an Ideal Life

51. Thank you, Universe, for all you’ve helped me to achieve.

52. Thank you, Universe, for providing me with insight and intuition.

53. I feel at ease within the universe.

54. I thank the Universe for my ability to forgive myself and others.

55. I release my anger to the Universe, and I am transformed.

56. The universe’s plan is larger than mine.

57. There is always a solution, and I trust the Universe to guide me to find it.

58. Everything happens for a reason, and the universe always has my best interests in mind.

59. I’m safe. I am grateful that the cosmos favors me.

60. Anything I devote my attention to will thrive and expand.

61. Life is a gift, and I am thankful for every moment.

62. I embody peace and serenity. I am bountiful.

63. For every obstacle, I express thanks for the opportunity to grow.

64. There are immense powers in the Universe that help me achieve my goals.

65. I am open to new experiences and ways of living.

66. I am deeply grateful for the love and support in my life.

67. I am courageous and healthy. I exude happiness and joy.

68. I am thankful for the gift of a new day.

69. Thank you Universe for constantly sending me signs and messages to guide me.

70. Thank you, Universe, for the beauty of nature.

71. The universe is a safe and caring place, and I am always protected.

72. I am thankful for the majesty of the universe and all that it contains.

73. Thank you Universe for inspiring me every moment of my life.

74. I am thankful for this new day and the opportunities it brings.

75. Thank you for giving potential for one’s own growth.

Also Read: 110 Powerful Self Validation Affirmations That Empower You

Dear Universe Affirmations

125 Simple Universe Affirmations for an Ideal Life

76. I give pleasant vibes and love to the universe.

77. I choose to send the Universe love and acceptance.

78. Dear Universe, help me see the beauty in every moment.

79. Dear Universe, help me find balance in all aspects of my life.

80. Universe, empower me to be my authentic self always.

81. Godly counsel is there for the asking.

82. The Dear Universe is my silent partner.

83. An unbreakable link connects me to my higher being.

84. As I view how amazing life is, the Universe rearranges itself accordingly.

85. The Universe is a marvelous teacher.

86. The Universe’s unbearable wisdom resides deep within my being.

87. I experience the universal magic of life.

88. My life is perfectly balanced when I listen to the Universe.

89. Dear Universe, help me turn my dreams into reality.

90. I accept that the Universal Force is unlimited; so I am unlimited.

91. Dear Universe, guide me to use my talents to serve others.

92. I am Universal Consciousness represented.

93. Dear Universe supports me in everything I do.

94. Universal love and abundance are circulating in my life.

95. Dear Universe, richly supplies me with all that I require.

96. I feel an incredible connection to the power that created me.

97. Dear Universe, I am ready to receive miracles.

98. I am a beautiful being of light.

99. Dear Universal Force creates that which I desire.

100. The Universe and I make an invincible team.

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Surrender to the Universe Affirmations

125 Simple Universe Affirmations for an Ideal Life

101. Difficult problems produce divine solutions.

102. Setbacks don’t define me. They nudge me into fresh awareness.

103. The universe never stops loving and supporting me.

104. Even in challenging times, I maintain hope and optimism.

105. I give up all restricting notions of the universe.

106. I am taken care of, no matter what happens.

107. Situations do not hurt. Expectations matter.

108. I surrender all expectations.

109. To get to know the Universe, I must give it a chance.

110. I am worthy of all the abundance in the universe.

111. I am an asset to the universe.

112. I am filled with the Love of the Universal Divine Truth.

113. I am always connected with the Divine Love in the Universe.

114. I give to the Universe what I cannot change.

115. My needs are taken care of.

116. Everything in my life is arranged in my favor.

117. New beginnings emerge from hard times. I trust the process.

118. I surrender all of my resistance and trust the Universe to provide what I need.

119. What I want and need are not always the same.

120. I allow the light of the Universe into my life.

121. I can count on the Universe to guide me in the right direction.

122. I surrender all anger, and I am transformed.

123. I absorb energy from the universe right now.

124. I surrender all limiting beliefs to the Universe.

125. I let go of any fear or doubt and place my trust in the universe’s infinite ability to help me.

Also Read: 120 Affirmations for Positive Attitude When You Feel Tense

Final Thoughts on Universe Affirmations

As always, I hope you like these simple Universal affirmations. 

Even when things do not appear to be going your way, the Universe is always there for you. Even when you can’t see it, the cosmos is continuously working in your favor, supporting you in achieving your deepest desires.

Use affirmations that feel true for you. Recite them in the morning, before bed, or whenever you’re feeling uncertain.

Be patient, trust the process, and, most importantly, enjoy the experience! You’ll find out what works best for you as you try with these ideas and affirmations.

So, why not take a few minutes each day to pause, look up at the sky, and appreciate the amazing world that surrounds us?

You never know how it will motivate you to do amazing things.

What are your favorite universe affirmations? Please let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading

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