Is the feeling of failure holding you back in life? This post has 125 positive affirmations for when you feel like a failure and helps you change into someone who goes after success with confidence and enthusiasm.
“Failure isn’t the end of the road. It’s a big red flag saying to you, ‘Wrong way. Turn around.’” — Oprah Winfrey
Feeling like a failure is something that everyone experiences at some point in their lives, but if we stay on these negative emotions, we may become overwhelmed.
Successful people are not born without fear of failure. However, they’ve learned to accept, embrace, and overcome it.
If you want to be successful, you must accept the possibility of failure and keep pushing and persisting no matter what happens. The difference between success and actual failure is just having the courage to face failure, maintain confidence, and continue working toward your goal.
One simple and easy way to give courage to face defeat is to use affirmations. They are positive affirmations you can repeat to yourself to help change your mindset.
Use them whenever you need a boost of confidence; simply go after something without overthinking or worrying. Positive words will mitigate negativity and fear and keep your attention focused on taking action.
They are not only useful in the short term, but can also be used daily to slowly change your mind for greater success. You will become naturally brave in the face of adversity, confidently pursue success, and embrace setbacks as necessary stages on the path to ultimate success.
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Apply Affirmations for When You Feel Like a Failure
1. I take action now, free from fear of failure.
2. I continue pushing till I succeed.
3. My worth is much more than I realize.
4. My achievements are not necessary to affirm my existence.
5. I am ready to receive all the best gifts from the universe.
6. I am persistent even when faced with failure.
7. The universe and I play this game together.
8. I accept challenges eagerly and confidently.
9. I win every time. I am happy with what I already have.
10. I accepted failure and am strengthened by it.
11. I’ve moved on from negativity. Now I’m ready to live a life of light.
12. I always take action without fear or doubt.
13. I am prepared to overcome any potential setbacks.
14. I constantly overcome failure and find a way to succeed.
15. Each modification I make improves my life.
16. I am going to conquer my fear of failing.
17. Bad days exist for us to enjoy happiness when we find it.
18. I accept failure and learn from it.
19. I am sure that I am going for and taking an active role in my own life.
20. Every day, I become more resilient and confident.
21. Life is full of diverse feelings, and I enjoy every one of them.
22. My focus gets more and more on success.
23. I am proactive and free from the fear of failure.
24. I am getting more positive and determined.
25. I am no longer obsessed with specific results or attached to specific outcomes.
Read more: 100 Affirmations for Someone Struggling to Feel Better
26. Every mistake I make helps me get closer to my goal.
27. I am absolutely fearless, and I am shedding fear right now.
28. I am growing into a brave person while facing failure.
29. I am courageous, fearless, and confident.
30. I am becoming more fearless by taking action without hesitation or fear.
31. I am constantly looking for solutions and new approaches to achieve success.
32. Failure only strengthens my willpower and determination.
33. I accept and love all aspects of myself, including my lazy side.
34. I can quickly overcome any weaknesses and setbacks.
35. I view every mistake as a learning opportunity.
36. I easily maintain persistence and push through difficulties.
37. Everything I have lost was not intended for me.
38. When situations get rough, I just naturally persist.
39. My vulnerability is actually my greatest strength.
40. Staying positive and learning from failure allows me to reach tremendous achievement.
41. I’m proud of everything I’ve achieved so far.
42. People look to me for bold leadership when things get tough.
43. When I permit myself to be creative, I become one.
44. Being positive and motivated is natural.
45. I will forgive myself when I make a mistake.
46. I have a natural ability to gain strength from challenges and persevere through defeats.
47. I want to appreciate the process rather than focus just on the result.
48. This setback teaches me what I need to learn and practice.
49. There is more than one right way to do anything.
50. Every action I take moves me closer to where I need to go.
Read more: 100 Creative Affirmations to Spark Your Innovative Thinking
51. When things don’t go as planned, I’ll change my expectations.
52. My purpose and spiritual guidance are constantly shown to me.
53. Asking for support shows strength and courage.
54. I intended to live my finest life.
55. It’s healthy to relax and have fun.
56. Each decision brings me clarity.
57. Having fun isn’t something you have to earn.
58. I strive for excellence, accept my current situation, and believe that victories are ahead.
59. Good enough is truly good enough.
60. My following season just gets better.
61. I learn more from failure than success.
62. I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
63. My failures are simply pauses on my path to success.
64. I am grateful for everything that I have.
65. Failure is a break, not a dead-end road.
66. I give up the need to be perfect.
67. Failures are short-term, but my desire is constant.
68. I forgive myself for my mistakes and move on.
69. Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s one part of it.
70. I can handle everything that comes my way.
71. I find strength in every struggle and learn from every loss.
72. I am capable of handling anything that comes my way.
73. I am not afraid of failure; I am afraid of not trying.
74. I am open to new possibilities and opportunities.
75. I plan to work hard and persist in adverse situations.
Read more: 120 Powerful Affirmations for Spiritual Protection
76. Fear of failure does not get to decide my life.
77. Failure is not falling down but rather staying up.
78. I am taking steps every day to achieve my goals.
79. My failures are just lessons in disguise.
80. I am learning from my mistakes and growing stronger because of them.
81. I chose to learn from my failures rather than be overcome by them.
82. I am surrounded by people who love and support me.
83. Failures help me grow into a smarter, stronger person.
84. It’s okay to make mistakes — I am human and imperfections are part of life.
85. I am patient and persistent in the face of failure.
86. I am courageous and I can handle anything that comes my way.
87. I will not be controlled by my emotions; I am in control.
88. I am freeing myself from the fear of failure, and I am no longer afraid to experience fear itself.
89. I am leaving the past behind me.
90. Fear is nothing to be scared of; it is simply something to be aware of.
91. I am capable of dealing with whatever happens in the future.
92. Fear is a sensation my body produces to protect me, but that’s all.
93. I will be patient with myself as I progress.
94. I am conscious when it occurs, and I am aware of what goal it is trying to serve.
95. I am grateful for my creativity, and I will not be ashamed of it.
96. I’m no longer letting fear hold me back or make me play small.
97. I am in charge of how I handle setbacks and failures.
98. I get to choose what is written in each chapter of my life.
99. Failure is not a stop sign, just a guideline.
100. I have everything I need to be successful.
Read more: 110 Powerful Worthy Affirmations to Know Your True Worth
101. My failures do not shape my future; my actions do.
102. I accept that there is a fear of losing, but I refuse to give it any control over my future.
103. I am resilient enough to tackle any problem.
104. I have everything I want to do, experience, and achieve.
105. Every setback opens up fresh perspectives for me.
106. I only have one life to live, so I’m not going to waste to think about the fear of failure.
107. Every failure presents an opportunity to refine my strategy.
108. For me, everything always works out.
109. Failure is part of the process, not the end.
110. It’s not always necessary for everything to go as planned for me but results are always amazing.
111. I learn from the past, live in the present, and plan for the future.
112. I have faith that everything happens for my best benefit.
113. I’m not scared to fail; I’m scared not to try.
114. I do my best, I maintain my upbeat mindset, and that is sufficient.
115. Every failure is an indication that I am trying and improving.
116. I will always arrive at the destination that is right for me.
117. My journey has been full of learning experiences, including failures.
118. I am allowing myself to believe and accept that my efforts are sufficient.
119. Each failure teaches me new things about myself.
120. Learning, growth, and evolution emerge from the desire.
121. Failure does not discourage me; in fact, it motivates me.
122. Fear is part of the process on the path to success.
123. Every failure carries the seeds of success.
124. My failings do not define me; instead, how I respond to them does.
125. I’m daring enough to fail and wise enough to learn.
Read more: 125 Easy to Use Affirmations for Social Anxiety Relief
Final Thoughts on Affirmations for When You Feel Like a Failure
Now I am wrapping this up and I hope you like this post on affirmations for when you feel like a failure.
As you can see, these affirmations are suitable for every element of your life. You may call them into life with a loud voice. Use them as often as necessary until you begin to believe them.
Remember that feelings of failure are just short-lived. It is not who you are as a person. There are steps you may take to start feeling better about yourself.
The most important thing is to follow successful people and take advice when you need it. There are people who care about you and want you to succeed. There are many resources available to help you overcome feeling of failure. Seek out the guidance and support you require to begin feeling better about yourself.
Believe that there is so much more for you out there and that everything you want is always on its way.
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