‘’No influence is so powerful as that of a mother.’’ — Sarah Josepha Hale
Becoming a mother can be equal parts thrilling and terrifying. You want nothing more than your child’s happiness and health, to do what is best for your child, but as a first-time mom, you’re learning everything on the job. You’re always on, learning, and trying.
And Affirmations can help mothers manage the ups and downs of parenting more smoothly and graciously. In this post, we have 120 affirmations for new moms arranged by category for you to search through!
Whether you write them down, repeat them to yourself, or stay on them throughout the day, these are important to changing your thinking and changing your perspective about motherhood.
Yes, you are selfless and love your child wholeheartedly, but you also need to love and care for yourself. So, today, let’s use affirmations for new moms to help you become more kind to yourself and offer you strength as you navigate the rollercoaster ride of motherhood.
Table of Contents
- Affirmations for New Moms
- Daily Affirmations for Moms
- Encouragement Affirmations for Moms
- Self-Care Affirmations for Moms
- Affirmations for Single Moms
- Affirmations for Working Moms
- Final Thoughts on Affirmations for New Moms
I think you’ll love these detailed affirmation posts!
Affirmations for New Moms

1. I welcome this child to the world and my life.
2. My love and connection help my baby above all else.
3. Postpartum is a phase that I embrace with grace and patience.
4. My mothering body is amazing.
5. I love my body and what it does, even if it causes me pain.
6. My baby and I form a strong bond.
7. It’s okay that my emotions are going wild right now.
8. I am a wonderful mother because motherhood means much more than just feeding.
9. My baby is healthy and beautiful and so am I.
10. I will ask for help with feeding if needed.
11. I am proud of my body and the incredible things it has done.
12. I am giving my baby the food it requires.
13. I’m not alone in having the ups and downs of postpartum recovery.
14. My baby and I are learning together.
15. Being a mom has shown me a strength I never thought I had.
16. The pain is temporary but the benefits I am giving my baby will last a lifetime.
17. I create its foundation and select its contents.
18. As a new mother, I have the right to seek help.
19. I trust myself and my intuition to be the best mother and woman I can be.
20. I’m not the perfect mom, but I’m only the one my baby needs.
Read more: 100+ Affirmations for New Beginnings: Find Clarity and Purpose
Daily Affirmations for Moms

21. I am grateful for the time with my kids today.
22. I am thankful for the gift of motherhood and the new bond I have with my baby.
23. Everything is amazing, and it will only get better.
24. My life is just beginning.
25. Every day, I find new ways to be a better mother.
26. I may not realize it right now, but the time I put in my children is important.
27. I am not perfect, but I am perfect for my baby.
28. Everything is just the way it should be so that I can learn the most important things.
29. I am able to find solutions to everyday problems.
30. I will not worry about small details today.
31. Creative energy floods through me, sparking new and great ideas.
32. I value presence over to-do lists.
33. I talk about myself in the same way that I would my best friend.
34. I make conscious parenting choices and decisions.
35. As a mother, I do my best, and that is good enough.
36. My love and connection help my child above all else.
37. I will not stress about the small details today.
38. I prioritize my children’s needs in order to offer a stable home.
39. I’ll enjoy every moment with my kids with delight and excitement.
40. I am blessed with an incredible family and wonderful friends.
Read more: 100 Positive Affirmations for Parents & Family Happy Life
Encouragement Affirmations for Moms

41. God chose me to be a mother to my children.
42. I have been called to motherhood, the most powerful calling in the world.
43. When I look in the mirror, I love the lovely woman who looks back at me.
44. I am enough as both a mother and an individual.
45. Motherhood is tough, but so am I.
46. Love is more important than perfection.
47. I don’t have to be a perfect mother, because there is no such thing.
48. I’ve decided to do what’s best for me and my baby.
49. Not every moment of motherhood is lovable, but I enjoy being a mother.
50. I respect the commitments I make to myself.
51. Other moms’ decisions do not need to dictate mine.
52. Everyone in my life loves and appreciates me.
53. When I need help, there are people I can turn to for advice and support.
54. I am courageous and I stand up for myself.
55. Motherhood has shown my strengths.
56. Allowing myself to be happy encourages my family to be happy as well.
57. I was created to be my children’s mother.
58. Being a mother has shown me how strong I am.
59. I cannot accommodate everyone’s needs, and that’s okay.
60. The best moms are the ones who struggle the most.
Read more: 125 Powerful Affirmations for Recovery: Reclaim Your Health
Self-Care Affirmations for Moms

61. I’ll show my kids what it means to take care of themselves.
62. I deserve to take care of myself and have time for me.
63. I nourish my body with healthy food choices
64. Only I can give my children a happy mother.
65. I prioritize self-care as a means of respecting and caring for myself.
66. I allow myself time and space to breathe and simply BE.
67. I don’t need permission to feel wonderful.
68. Being healthy is more than just a number on a scale.
69. My self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity.
70. My children will remember the time we spent together, not what they received.
71. I model the respect for myself that I expect from others.
72. I’ll remember to put on my oxygen mask first.
73. I’ll take care of myself so that I can care for my baby.
74. Motherhood is a part of me, not all of me.
75. When there is chaos around me, I am calm.
76. I won’t stay sleep-deprived forever.
77. I will practice self-care to be a good mom.
78. I deserve some rest and refreshment.
79. I deserve to put my feet up and relax.
80. I have everything I need to be happy.
Read more: 100 Short Self Love Mirror Affirmations to Try Now
Affirmations for Single Moms

81. Being a single mother has given me a strength I never thought I had.
82. I am happy for the courage and resilience I’ve gained as a single mom.
83. I am the heart of my child, and he or she is mine.
84. I trust my maternal intuition.
85. I’m grateful for the love and connection I share with my children.
86. No one can make me feel bad about myself until I allow it.
87. My children love me because I’m their single parent.
88. Others’ opinions of me reflect them, not me.
89. There is no better person for my child than me.
90. Being a great mother needs courage, and today I am feeling strong!
91. My children love it with time spent, not material stuff.
92. I accept where I am in life and want to make the most of each day.
93. I am important in the lives of my children.
94. I am stronger than I look. I’m braver than I think.
95. There is no such thing as “just a mom”.
96. I am the exact parent my child needs to thrive, so I do not need to compare myself to others.
97. God always gives strength to single parents.
98. My children will remember the time I spent with them over the appearance of the house.
99. I am a source of comfort and security for my kids.
100. Many people look up to me and see my value; I am admired.
Read more: 105 Affirmations to Get Rid of Someone: Seize Freedom
Affirmations for Working Moms

101. I am a force in the office and a hero at home.
102. I understand the difficulties of managing a job and motherhood and achieving them with grace.
103. I let go of my guilt for not being present with my child at all times.
104. I am proud of how hard I am trying.
105. I enjoy my messy, imperfect life with kids.
106. I’m grateful to live in a world where there are many options to feed my baby.
107. If all I do today is hug my kids, I’ve done enough.
108. I believe in my decisions and prioritize the well-being of both my career and my family with love.
109. I prioritize becoming the best mother and professional I can be.
110. I accept my unique parenting style and believe it is enough.
111. I let go of comparisons to other working moms and embrace my own path with love and gratitude.
112. I love my children as much as I would if I stayed at home.
113. I am proud to set an example of devotion and hard work for my child.
114. I laugh and play with my children when we are together.
115. I can hire kind, caring, and affordable sitters anytime I choose.
116. My home-based job is worth millions.
117. Today may be challenging, but they are just transitory.
118. In the eyes, mind, and heart of my child, I am a good mother.
119. I will mentor my child by example rather than by advice.
120. My children love and respect me, even when they don’t express it.
Read more: 100 Powerful Affirmations for Business Women to Stay Inspired
Final Thoughts on Affirmations for New Moms
I hope you find these affirmations for new moms encouraging.
Every day brings new experiences and emotions, making it easy to become overwhelmed at times. As you begin this fresh start, take a moment each day to speak kindly to yourself.
Motherhood does not come with a manual, and there is no ideal way to accomplish it. Trust your instincts, be kind to yourself, and know that you are already an amazing mom.
Now, I’d want to know if you have any favorites from this list. Or maybe you have a personal affirmation that you would want to add? Please leave a comment and let me know!
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