115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special in Need

115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special in Need

Positive words matter, It only takes a few simple words to lift someone. They can express complex feelings, affection, and appreciation easily.

For some of us, nothing feels more calming and encouraging than positive affirmations to say to someone special. If your partner, friend, family member, or colleague feels noticed and connected when you complement them or show your appreciation for their presence in your life. In that situation, their major love language is likely “positive affirmation.”

These words remind them it’s okay to be human and mess up sometimes. They also help others feel stronger and more sure of themselves when things are tough. Telling someone close to you why they’re great isn’t just good for them — it can make you feel happier too!

Sometimes people forget their good qualities, and your words can remind them. It’s like holding up a mirror that shows only the best parts of them. 

Saying these kind remarks does not have to be complex. Simple, honest statements are frequently the most effective. The goal is to mean everything you say. When you speak from the heart, the other person truly feels it.

It’s also good to be specific. Instead of just saying someone is great, try to point out exactly what makes them great. Maybe they’re always there when you need help, or they have a talent for making people laugh. The more specific you are, the more meaningful your words become. 

Everyone likes to hear good things about themselves. Even people who seem super confident need to know they’re appreciated. 

So, Let’s look at 115 positive affirmations to use!

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Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special

115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special in Need

1. Your presence in my life is a precious gift.

2. I love you, you are very important to me.

3. I am very grateful that you are in my life, and I love our connection.

4. Believe in yourself as much as I believe in you.

5. You do not let fear or doubt keep you back.

6. Keep pushing; you’re making amazing progress.

7. You worked so hard, and for all that, I’m proud of you.

8. You got this because you have inner strength.

9. Every step you take leads you closer to greatness.

10. Don’t worry; everything is difficult before it is easy.

11. Your confidence shines brightly, lighting up the world.

12. You are a role model of good health and happiness.

13. Stand tall and proud, for you are remarkable.

14. How far you’ve come in your role is excellent.

15. Embrace your strength; the world is your oyster.

16. You are more loved than you can realize.

17. You put 110% into whatever you do.

18. You improve the world just by being there.

19. You are valued for who you are and will be.

20. I’m always here for you, no matter what.

21. I appreciate you being who you are.

22. This too will pass, and I will be by your side.

23. Nothing can stand in the way of your final success.

Read more: 100 Affirmations for Someone Struggling to Feel Better

115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special in Need

24. Your appearance and personality are special.

25. You are a great friend, and I appreciate your friendship.

26. You are safe in the hearts of people who love you.

27. I am so grateful to have you in my life.

28. Others look to you for guidance and inspiration.

29. Your grit and determination are great attributes.

30. You are whole, even when you feel broken.

31. I know I can always rely on you to deliver.

32. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image.

33. Mistakes show that you’re trying.

34. Achievement is not something to look forward to; it is something you can do right now.

35. What else could you ask of yourself?

36. You are here for hundreds of reasons.

37. You’re an excellent listener. I’m also here for you if you ever need support or someone to chat with.

38. You allow the essence of life to permeate your whole being, boosting you.

39. You put yourself first as a sign of self-love.

40. You’re the most amazing person I know.

41. Thank you for being my best buddy.

42. It is a challenge, but you are up for it.

43. I know you feel broken right now, but I believe you are brave and powerful.

44. Just the way you are, you are perfect.

45. Your work ethic encourages me to achieve my best.

46. We need more people like you!

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115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special in Need

47. I just want you to know what you’re going through right now.

48. You are surrounded by happiness, and it is ready for you.

49. You’re a natural leader.

50. You should follow your heart because it always knows the path.

51. Your attitude makes all of us successful!

52. I am grateful that I have you in my corner.

53. You are so close; the success you seek is only beyond the horizon.

54. Many people believe in you, and you should also believe in yourself.

55. Do you know that relaxing is equally important as doing? So rest!

56. I love how you love the ignored and care for the suffering.

57. It’s excellent to see your success.

58. Don’t panic we will manage this together.

59. You set clear boundaries that are always followed.

60. You have a talent for clearing things up.

61. I am amazed at your intellectual and moral strength.

62. No time is wasted; every second is a part of the bigger total.

63. I’m grateful for everything you do and your constant love for me.

64. I like your sincerity and how you remain loyal to yourself.

65. I’ve learned so much from you.

66. You have a talent for turning obstacles into opportunities.

67. You are always loved, without exception.

68. You have a positive influence on everyone around you.

69. People understand that you respect them!

Read more: 105 Funny Affirmations Guaranteed to Brighten Your Day

115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special in Need

70. You feel fear from time to time, but it never stops you.

71. Your laughing wipes away the tears like the sun dries the rain.

72. Your positive energy is contagious!

73. Whatever is going on, your sincerity will always bring you through it.

74. Thank you for being an ideal role model.

75. Your optimistic attitude is a great inspiration to others!

76. The past no longer holds any power over you.

77. There’s nothing to do, say, or accomplish.

78. You are courageous because you are true to yourself, which is not always easy.

79. I know you can succeed because I have trust in you.

80. Your ability to raise the ordinary is a genuine gift.

81. You respect what others view as failures as proof of your inevitable success.

82. You’ve worked hard for this moment, so enjoy it.

83. We really value your skills in [particular skill or area].

84. You cannot always work at high speeds; so you take time to rest.

85. Allow me to be your rock during this storm.

86. I really value the unique perspective you offer the group.

87. I am becoming a positive person because of our friendship.

88. I’m simply a phone call away whenever you need to talk.

89. Your talent for [particular skill] has changed the game for our team.

90. The most simple moments can have the most effect.

91. Take as much time as you need; I am here for you.

92. Your work truly reflects your dedication and energy.

Read more: 100 Positive Energy Affirmations to Revitalize Your Life

115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special in Need

93. I admire how you pay such close attention to detail.

94. You’ve surpassed all expectations; congratulations!

95. Your ideas are really valuable and unique.

96. You are giving and receiving in a natural way.

97. You let go of your fears and move forward with a fearless heart.

98. You are a fighter who never gives up.

99. You never give up, even when what’s ahead of you seems not clear.

100. You let the flow of life easily take you to your desired destination.

101. Thank you for making my mornings easier and my days more productive.

102. I sleep well knowing you are on my side.

103. I’m confident you can meet the demand because I see your potential.

104. You know just what to say and do when a situation comes.

105. You realize you have a lot to be proud of.

106. Take heart when you are discouraged, and know that our God will defend you.

107. You belong to God’s plan, regardless of your relationship situation.

108. You brighten my day and I always smile when I’m around you.

109. Your strong self-love and respect set the tone for how others treat you.

110. You’ve solved many challenges easily before, and this one is no exception.

111. You have the ability to change your story.

112. You inspire people with your loving words and actions.

113. You’re going to feel fantastic about this accomplishment.

114. You let bad thoughts leave your body like a gentle outward breath.

115. You value each day of your life as a valued gift.

Read more: 100 Powerful Affirmations for Peace and Happiness

Final Thoughts on Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special

Now I’m going to close up this post, and I hope these “115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special” bring a smile to their face.

And, everyone has the capacity to feel someone exceptional. Telling someone they’re important to you can brighten their day. Speak from your heart, without using fancy language.

Making others feel special is a gift that costs nothing but can mean everything. Don’t hold back from sharing nice thoughts when they pop into your head.

So today and every day, think about how you might uplift others with your words. Let them know they are respected, important, and loved.

Please share this post with your friends and family! If you know someone who could benefit from positive affirmations in their life, this blog post could be just what they need!

And don’t forget to tell yourself that you are special, too!

Thanks for reading

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