120 Powerful Quotes about being Single and Happy

120 Powerful Quotes about being Single and Happy

Are you single? Great! Being on your own can be amazing! These powerful quotes about being single and happy show why flying solo can be the best way to live.

Many people think being single means being sad or lonely. Wrong! Being single means you get to be the boss of your own life. You pick what to do, where to go, and how to spend your time.

I’m not against relationships; while they can be wonderful(if that’s what the goal is). The truth is that being single gives you time to learn about yourself. What do you really like? What makes you smile? When you’re single, you get to find out!

The quotes you’re about to read will help you see the bright side of a single life. They’re full of hope and good feelings about being on your own. They remind us that we don’t need someone else to make us whole — we’re already complete!

So whether you just broke up with someone or have been happily single for years, these quotes about being single and happy will make you feel good about where you are right now. They’ll help you see that being single isn’t something to fix — it’s something to enjoy!

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Inspirational Quotes about being Single and Happy

120 Powerful Quotes about being Single and Happy

1. “I’ve been single for a while and I have to say, it’s going very well. Like…it’s working out. I think I’m the one.” — Emily Heller

2. “I never believed the whole ‘I’m happy single’ spiel. I was like, ‘This is totally spiel.’ It took me a long time, but I’m very happy (being single). I call it being self-partnered.” — Emma Watson

3. “If you are ever asked why you are single, tell them: It’s because you haven’t found someone amazing enough to change your status.” Steven Aitchison

4. “Your relationship status doesn’t define your happiness; you do.” — Anonymous

5. “I’m not alone! I’m with myself. And myself is fabulous.” — Eva Longoria

6. “The freedom to choose your own path is the greatest gift of being single.” — Anonymous

7. “A soul mate is not found. A soul mate is recognized.” — Vironika Tugaleva

8. “Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.” — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

9. “If you really are going to be a happy single, you have to stop treating being single as the annoying time that you pass between relationships and embrace it. Rather than focusing on what you lack, focus on what you have: You.” — Natalie Lue

10. “When asked why I am single, my reply is simply; I consider myself a black pearl rare in my authenticity, adding a mysterious beauty to the select few who can recognize & even fewer who appreciate my worth.” — Sanjo Jendayi

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11. “Being single gives you the freedom to choose your own mountains to climb and sunsets to chase, without needing anyone else’s validation of the view.” — Anonymous

12. “Happily Single” is recognizing that you don’t need or want to be rescued from your life by a handsome prince because your life is pretty awesome, as is.” — Mandy Hale

13. “Being single is about celebrating and appreciating your own space that you’re in.” — Kelly Rowland

14. “I have stepped off the relationship scene to come to terms with myself. I have spent most of my adult life being ‘someone’s girlfriend’, and now I am happy being single.” — Penelope Cruz

15. “A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.” — Mandy Hale

16. “Don’t rush into a relationship just because everyone around you is taken. Enjoy the freedom that comes with being single.” — Jay Shetty

17. “You don’t have to be part of a couple to be happy, you know.” — Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

18. “The single woman is a free woman, and being single does not mean being alone – it means being free to have a relationship or not. This can be scary, but it’s also very interesting.” — Monica Bellucci

19. “You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself. Of all the people you will know in your lifetime, you are the only one you will never leave or lose.” — Jo Coudert

20. “The beauty of being single is that you get to be the architect of your own happiness.” — Anonymous

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120 Powerful Quotes about being Single and Happy

21. “Cause I’m my own soulmate…I know how to love me… I know that I’m always gonna hold myself down.” — Lizzo

22. “Single isn’t better. But it’s definitely not less than either. It’s equally as nourishing and joyous an existence.” — Catherine Gray

23. “Your happiness should never depend on someone else’s presence.” — Anonymous

24. “I am single, but happy and saving myself for someone that deserves me.” — Anonymous

25. “Single is not a status, it is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.” — Prixie

26. “To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” — Robert Morley

27. “I wondered, Why have I been chasing happiness my whole life when bliss was here the entire time?” — Elizabeth Gilbert

28. “I love being single. I can come and go as I please and stay out as late as I want to.” — Eric Dickerson

29. “Learn to be whole on your own before seeking to be half of something else.” — Anonymous

30. “The most beautiful thing about being single is the opportunity to love yourself without distractions.” — Anonymous

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31. “Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.” — Lady Gaga

32. “Being with no one is better than being with the wrong one. Sometimes, those who fly solo have the strongest wings.” — Nitya Prakash

33. “Your journey alone is preparing you for the journey you’ll take with someone else.” — Anonymous

34. “Single is no longer a lack of options – but a choice. A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live every day “Happily” and let your “Ever After” work itself out.” — Mandy Hale

35. “Being single is about celebrating and appreciating your own space that you’re in.” — Kelly Rowland

36. “Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” — Anonymous

37. “She was happiest in her own world. She didn’t need anyone or anything to complete her. She was whole all by herself.” — J. Iron Word

38. “Some people need to be single to find themselves before they can find someone else.” — Anonymous

39. “The most profound relationship we will ever have is the one with ourselves.” — Shirley MacLaine

40. “Being single gives you the opportunity to build a life that’s hard to leave.” — Anonymous

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120 Powerful Quotes about being Single and Happy

41. “No human being can really understand another, and no one can arrange another’s happiness.” — Graham Greene

42. “You know who’s everything? Yourself.” — Diane von Furstenberg

43. “You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” — Maya Angelou

44. “Single lady, the man you want might not necessarily be the man you need.” — Martha Macharia

45. “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” — Oscar Wilde

46. “I don’t believe I shall ever marry; I’m happy as I am, and love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up for any mortal man.” — Louisa May Alcott

47. “As I get older, I realize what qualities are important in love and what suits me. And what I won’t settle for.” — Jennifer Aniston

48. “Heavy is the head, forced to wear two crowns.” — R. P. Falconer

49. “Some people are happily single. Some are unhappily married.” — Mokokoma Mokhonoana

50. “Now I’m feeling how I should. Never knew single could feel this good.” — Jason Derulo

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51. “It’s very fun to be single because you know what happens? You find yourself. You understand what it means to love yourself, instead of putting all this energy into give-and-tug in a relationship.” — Keke Palmer

52. “The flower which is single need not envy the thorns that are numerous.” — Rabindranath Tagore

53. “If your joy is derived from what society thinks of you, you’re always going to be disappointed.” — Madonna

54. “Sometimes being single and happy means that you’ve learned to deeply love and appreciate yourself by setting firm boundaries and having the strength to walk away from the situations and people that don’t align with you anymore.” — Deanna Cobden

55. “Being single is better than being in a relationship with someone who fills your heart with doubt.” — Unknown

56. “Live, travel, adventure, bleed, and don’t be sorry.” — Jack Kerouac

57. “Being single doesn’t mean no one wants you, it means God is busy writing your love story.” — Unknown

58. “I wound up happily married because I lived in an era in which I could be happily single.” — Rebecca Traister

59. “Your single status is not a problem to be solved but a phase to be celebrated.” — Anonymous

60. “It’s not about being single or in a relationship, it’s about feeling good about yourself.” — Akansh Malik

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120 Powerful Quotes about being Single and Happy

61. “Discover why you’re important, then refuse to settle for anyone who doesn’t completely agree.” — Fisher Amelie

62. “Being single is getting over the illusion that there is somebody out there to complete you and taking charge of your own life.” — Omkar Phatakc

63. “Being single means you’re strong enough to wait for what you deserve.” — Niall Horan

64. “I have stepped off the relationship scene to come to terms with myself. I have spent most of my adult life being ‘someone’s girlfriend’, and now I am happy being single.” — Penelope Cruz

65. “If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.” — Maxwell Maltz

66. “The single woman is a free woman, and being single does not mean being alone – it means being free to have a relationship or not. This can be scary, but it’s also very interesting.” — Monica Belucci

67. “I am happy every day, regardless of my relationship status, because I understand that my happiness doesn’t come from a relationship, it comes from within.” — Gregg Michaelsen

68. “My alone feels so good, I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.” — Warsan Shire

69. “You do not need to be loved, not at the cost of yourself.” — Jo Courdert

70. “I am single because I am allergic for cursing words and bad table manners.” — Hiroko Sakai

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71. “Just a reminder that you are whole without someone else. You are not a fraction. You are a complete masterpiece all by yourself, and you do not need anyone else to validate your existence.” — Unknown

72. “It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit.” — Eartha Kitt

73. “Being single is only sad if you have a problem with your own company. I’m content with mine.” — Olga Kurylenko

74. “Being single entitles you to not ask someone’s opinion before you do something to mess up your own room, your credit report, or even your life.” — Sayali Patil

75. “I have been in lots of relationships. Right now I am focused on the one that really counts the one with Me. I am doing really good in this one I give Me whatever I want and I know how to make me happy.” — Tiffany Haddish

76. “You’re single not because you are not good enough for one, it’s that you’re too good for the wrong one.” — Chris Burkmenn

77. “The most fulfilling relationship is the one where you don’t need anyone to complete you.” — Anonymous

78. “I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.” — Henry David Thoreau

79. “Once you become famous, being single becomes a liability.” — Joe Manganiello

80. “If you’re single, make the best of it. It’s not because you’re not good enough for anyone, but it means no one is good enough for you yet.” —Unknown

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120 Powerful Quotes about being Single and Happy

81. “Do you want to meet the love of your life? Look in the mirror.” — Byron Katie

82. “For now she need not think of anybody. She could be herself, by herself… and this self having shed its attachments was free for the strangest adventures.” — Virginia Woolf

83. “I don’t need anyone to take care of all my needs and desires. I can take care of them myself now.” — Mindy Kaling

84. “I wanted to know how to move forward and make the most of single life.” — M. A. Thakor

85. “Stay happily single until you find someone who understands how rare access to you, your heart and your love really is.” — Deanna Cobden

86. “When our journey is enjoyable and fulfilling, being single is great.” — Kevin Morgan

87. “You have to love yourself before you can let someone else love you.” — RuPaul

88. “I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not defined by another person.” — Oscar Wilde

89. “Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul.” — Marcus Aurelius

90. “When a woman becomes her own best friend life is easier.” — Diane Von Furstenberg

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91. “She’s falling in love with herself again. She’s learning once more what it means to be happy on her own.” — R.H. Sin

92. “Being single means having the time to discover what truly makes you happy.” — Anonymous

93. “I think it’s very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not defined by another person.” — Oscar Wilde

94. “People aren’t defined by their relationships.” — Nina Dobrev

95. “I really enjoy being single again. I spent a lot of time in a relationship and the nearer we came to the end, the more difficult it got. You don’t see things clearly as long as you’re still involved.” — Dido Armstrong

96. “It is quite lovely being single, and I much prefer it.” — Anna Held

97. “I like being single, I’m always there when I need me.” — Art Leo

98. “Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love.” — Rumi

99. “Too many women throw themselves into romance because they’re afraid of being single, then start making compromises and losing their identity. I won’t do that.” — Julie Delpy

100. “I’ve been single for a while and I have to say, It’s going really well. Like…It’s working out. I think I’m the one.” — Emily Hunter

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120 Powerful Quotes about being Single and Happy

101. “Take yourself on dates. Fall in love with your own company.” — Anonymous

102. “If we seek paradise outside ourselves, we cannot have paradise in our hearts.” — Thomas Merton

103. “Being single is definitely better than being with the wrong person.” — Hassan

104. “If you are fantasizing love, you are still single from within a heart no matter what your relationship status is.” — Pratik Akkawar

105. “I favor my heart when it’s all mine, rather than having to share it with someone else.” — Unknown

106. “Don’t wait for someone else to shape your life. Shape it yourself.” — Unknown

107. “Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love… but don’t put your life on hold waiting for love.” — Mandy Hale

108. “I am a lover without a lover. I am lovely and lonely and I belong deeply to myself.” — Warsan Shire

109. “I never feel alone realizing the fact that my life is my only life partner.” — Munia Khan

110. “The right person will come at the right time. Until then, love your solitude.” — Anonymous

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111. “How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.” — Oscar Wilde

112. “People would be a lot better off if they’d enjoy being single.” — Lewis Black

113. “I don’t really do that whole ‘single life’ thing. I’m kind of heads down and get things done.” — Ed Sheeran

114. “We are all like candles, and whether we are single or joined with another does not affect how brightly we can burn.” — Stacey Lee

115. “He is his own best friend, and takes delight in privacy whereas the man of no virtue or ability is his own worst enemy and is afraid of solitude.” — Aristotle

116. “Become the leader of your life. Lead yourself to where you want to be. Breathe life back into your ambitions, desires, your goals, and your other relationships.” — Steve Maraboli

117. “I don’t need Prince Charming to have my own happy ending.” — Katy Perry

118. “Be with someone who won’t stay mad at you, who can’t stand not talking to you, and who’s afraid of losing you.” — Drake

119. “I like being single — I’m always there when I need me.” — Unknown

120. “There’s something really cool about knowing that your destiny is so big that you’re not meant to share it with anyone. At least not yet.” — Anonymous

Final Thoughts:

I hope you enjoyed these quotes on being single and happy. Many people believe that being single should be avoided at all costs. However, living alone can be the most fulfilling way to live. 

Being alone allows you to actually learn to value yourself and your independence. It allows people to reflect on their lives and make them more meaningful. 

Did you enjoy these quotes? If you did, which quote was your favorite? If you have any other suggestions, please leave a comment below so that I can include them in this post.

Thanks for reading

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