101 Friends who Hurt Your Feelings Quotes that Hit Deep

101 Friends who Hurt your Feelings Quotes that Hit Deep

Not every wound is visible. Some hurt more than others, and emotional wounds can be the most difficult to heal. It is difficult when we are injured by a close friend, especially if they do so intentionally. 

Because friendship is one of life’s strongest bonds, but when hurt enters, it can leave long-lasting wounds. Friends who hurt your feelings quotes allow you to express your pain and find comfort in difficult moments.

These quotes can help you understand that your feelings are valid and that it’s okay to grieve and heal.

Life’s struggles do not have to define us, and with the appropriate words, we can reestablish trust, heal our hearts, and move on from what hurts in our friendships.

Let these quotes help you handle your emotions, recover, and look forward to better friendships in the future.

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Friends who Hurt Your Feelings Quotes

101 Friends who Hurt your Feelings Quotes that Hit Deep

1. “Fake friends are like shadows: always near you at your brightest moments, but nowhere to be seen at your darkest hour.” Khalil Gibran

2. “Friendships cause heartbreaks too.” — Wolftyla

3. “She never seemed shattered; to me, she was a breathtaking mosaic of the battles she’s won.” — Matt Baker

4. “One of the hardest lessons I learned was the cost of friendship, it often comes with pain.” — Unknown

5. “Losing a friend hurts, even when you chose to end it.” — Crystal Raypole

6. “True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but not in heart.” — Helen Keller

7. “The wound from a friend’s betrayal has the power to wear down even the most resilient of hearts.” — Unknown

8. “You’re not a bad person for walking away from something that doesn’t work for you.” — Lucy Smith

9. “Every great friendship, once shattered, leaves an echo of its greatness as a lingering pain.” — Unknown

10. “Vulnerability is about being brave enough to show up again and again. Even when it’s hard. Even when there’s been hurt.” — Lauren Fortenberry

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11. “There’s this myth that friendships should last a lifetime… but sometimes it’s better that they end.” — Mary Duenwald

12. “Sometimes, the biggest hurt comes from someone you thought was your friend.” — Unknown

13. “Friends are born, not made.” — Henry Brooks Adams

14. “Sometimes, the biggest disappointment comes from someone you thought was your friend.” — Unknown

15. “The end of a friendship doesn’t mean one or both friends are bad people or bad friends… it simply means the relationship wasn’t working.” — Carly Breit

16. “You know it’s time to walk away when the loneliness you feel is bigger than the friendship.” — Unknown

17. “A person begging for their humanity to be acknowledged can sound an awful lot like rage.” — Kalen Dion

18. “It’s not easy, but letting go will free your heart from the hurt.” — Unknown

19. “It’s really hard sometimes to say goodbye to a friend you love, especially if you’ve been friends for a long time.” — Lucy Smith

20. “Sometimes the person you’d take a bullet for is the person behind the trigger.” — Taylor Swift

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101 Friends who Hurt your Feelings Quotes that Hit Deep

21. “The worst kind of pain is when you’re hurt by someone you thought would never hurt you.” — Unknown

22. “There is an ocean of silence between us… and I am drowning in it.” — Ranata Suzuki

23. “You deserve friends who lift you up, not tear you down.” — Unknown

24. “One-sided friendships can be built on foundations of loneliness, insecurity, and anxiety.” — Lucy Smith

25. “Sometimes, moving forward means cutting out toxic friendships.” — Unknown

26. “The stupid might have wanted to help you but ended up hurting you.” —Arabic Proverb

27. “If you never heal from what hurt you, you’ll bleed on people who didn’t cut you.” — Tamara Kulish

28. “The fear of being hurt again can make it hard to trust, but don’t let it stop you.” — Unknown

29. “Trust that with time, the pain will lessen, and you’ll be stronger than before.” — Unknown

30. “If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow.” — @MasteringLawofAttraction

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31. “Things that break— be they bones, hearts, or promises— can be put back together but will never really be whole.” — Jodi Picoult

32. “You can’t keep on investing in a person, getting no returns.” — Hanan Parvez

33. “One of the best protections against disappointment is to have a lot going on.” — Alain de Botton

34. “When romantic love is the only game in town, many people will end up disappointed.” — Peter L. Steinke

35. “Don’t hurt my feelings anymore. I left you my roses, and you gave me your thorns.” — Godwin Delali Adadzie

36. “Fake friends get mad when we don’t pretend to like them.” — Carlos Wallace

37. “Healing never came when I clawed in search of it. Instead, it came when I was willing to listen to the lesson the pain was here to teach me.” — Lauren Fortenberry

38. “Letting go is a form of self-care when the friendship causes more harm than good.” — Unknown

39. “If a friendship is off-balance, one person takes up too much space and the other person takes up too little.” — Perri O. Blumberg

40. “It’s not the actions of the betrayal that hurt the most, but the fact that it came from someone you loved.” — Unknown

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101 Friends who Hurt your Feelings Quotes that Hit Deep

41. “Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.” — Will Smith

42. “When a friend betrays you, you feel like your heart is shattered into pieces.” — Unknown

43. “The ax never remembers. The tree never forgets.” — Paulo Coelho

44. “There are no easy answers. No quick solutions. No clear paths for resolving the hardest in life. But we can choose forgiveness. We can choose grace. No matter what, we can still choose love.” — Lauren Fortenberry

45. “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

46. “Your friend says they care, but their consistent disinterest loudly suggests otherwise.” — Crystal Raypole

47. “Stop texting first and see how many dead plants you’ve been watering.” — @WhosMental

48. “It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.” — Henry Rollins

49. “A betrayal in a friendship is a good opportunity to think about what qualities you wish in a friendship.” — Ashley Hudson

50. “Fake friends are with you today and against you tomorrow.” — Shizra

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51. “Don’t feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.” — Frank Ocean

52. “Have you ever been hurt, and the place tries to heal a bit, and you just pull the scar off of it over and over again?” — Rosa Parks

53. “True friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but they are always there.” — Habeeb Akande

54. “That feeling when you give it all you have, and life still kicks your ass.” —Shane Parrish

55. “The loss of a friend is like that of a limb; time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired.” — Robert Southey

56. “Trust takes years to build and seconds to break, especially when betrayal comes from someone you once trusted wholeheartedly.” — Unknown

57. “My feelings? Oh, don’t worry about those; no one else does.” — Unknown

58. “Feeling like an afterthought in someone’s life, especially a close friend, is a pain that’s hard to describe.” — Unknown

59. “Life eventually humbles us all. The longer it takes, the harder the fall.” —Ed Latimore

60. “Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship—never.” — Charles Caleb Colton

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101 Friends who Hurt your Feelings Quotes that Hit Deep

61. “A friend who hurts you repeatedly isn’t a friend but a lesson you need to learn.” — Unknown

62. “Friends are meant to support us, not drain us.” — Sarah Regan

63. “Fake friends are like shadows, they follow you in the sun but disappear in the darkness of your struggles.” — Unknown

64. “You don’t lose friends, because real friends can never be lost. You lose people masquerading as friends, and you’re better for it.” — Mandy Hale

65. “It’s hard to tell who has your back from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.” — Nicole Richie

66. “It’s devastating to realize that someone you trusted would choose to hurt you so deeply.” — Unknown

67. “One-sided friendships take and never truly give.” — Perri O. Blumberg

68. “We never lose friends; fake ones are exposed.” — Carlos Wallace

69. “It’s better to be alone than to be in bad company.” — George Washington

70. “Friendship without loyalty is like a tree without roots, it cannot stand the test of time.” — Unknown

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71. “The best way to heal from a friendship hurt is to remember the lessons it taught you and move on.” — Unknown

72. “You shouldn’t always be available for someone who doesn’t even ask how you are doing.” — Rjysh

73. “Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.” — Paulo Coelho

74. “You tell your friends your most personal secrets, and they use them against you.” — Sophie Kinsella

75. “If a text conversation leaves you feeling frustrated and dissatisfied, it may be worth considering whether this friendship is fulfilling you or simply draining you.” — Perri O. Blumberg

76. “Sometimes, it’s better to have no friends than to have friends who hurt you repeatedly.” — Unknown

77. “Losing a friend is one of the saddest things in the world.” — Sara Shepard

78. “Fake people are like soap bubbles. They pop out when the sun shines brightly.” — Chiranjude Bird

79. “Once you had put the pieces back together, even though you may look intact, you were never quite the same as you’d been before the fall.” — Jodi Picoult

80. “It’s a lot easier to be angry at someone than it is to tell them you’re hurt.” — Zakiya Caswell

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101 Friends who Hurt your Feelings Quotes that Hit Deep

81. “The best way to deal with a hurtful friend is to let go and focus on the relationships that truly matter.” — Unknown

82. “One sad truth of life is that friendships don’t always thrive, no matter how much time, energy, and love you put into them.” — Crystal Raypole

83. “When you have been hurt by your best friend, it feels like a betrayal that cuts deep.” — Unknown

84. “It hurt because it mattered.” — John Green

85. “When a friend hurts you deeply, it makes you question the authenticity of every friendship.” — Unknown

86. “Many things cause pain which would cause pleasure if you regarded their advantages.” — Baltasar Gracián

87. “Everyone has their own life, but what matters is whether or not they make time for you in theirs.” — Lucy Smith

88. “True friends don’t need to apologize for their actions because they never intentionally hurt you in the first place.” — Unknown

89. “Some friendships aren’t healthy from the beginning.” — Ashley Hudson

90. “Make as many friends as you can, but don’t build your life on them alone. It’s an unstable foundation.” — Sean Covey

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91. “Just because you lost me as a friend doesn’t mean you gained me as an enemy. I’m bigger than that, I still wanna see you eat, just not at my table.” — Garlic Gadhaue

92. “The best revenge against a friend who hurts you is to find peace without them.” — Unknown

93. “It took me way too long to realize that you shouldn’t be friends with people who never ask how you’re doing.” — Steve Maraholi

94. “Sometimes you put up walls – not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.” — Socrates

95. “To remove the sting of insult, stop valuing compliments.” — B. Biddles

96. “Some say that time changes. Best friends can become strangers.” — Good Charlotte

97. “The saddest thing about betrayal is it never comes from your enemies.” —Margaret Atwood

98. “Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.” — Robert Tew

99. “Friendship is a two-way street.” — Jillian Baker

100. “Friendship is supposed to bring joy, not pain. If it’s bringing you hurt, it’s time to let go.” — Unknown

101. “Forgive but do not forget, or you will be hurt again. Forgiving changes the perspectives. Forgetting loses the lesson.” — Paulo Coelho

Final Thoughts

I hope these 101 my best friends who hurt my feelings quotes have helped you get over the hurt you’re going through. 

So if you liked our content then please let me know in the comment section your favorite quote from this list, or share and let others know they aren’t alone.

Thanks For reading

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