105 Strong Quotes about Feeling Empty Inside (Healing Words)

105 Strong Quotes about Feeling Empty Inside

People believe that nothing matters. They have a deep sadness inside that feels like an empty space. It can be difficult to express exactly what you’re feeling. So, in this post, we’ll look at great quotes about feeling empty inside to gain valuable insights and guidance. 

Loss has the potential to break you open. These empty moments do not indicate weakness. So you bear the pain and keep going.

Strong Quotes about Feeling Empty Inside

105 Strong Quotes about Feeling Empty Inside

1. “When you’re full of yourself, God can’t fill you. But when you empty yourself, God has a useful vessel.” — Max Lucado

2. “You say you’re ‘depressed’ — all I see is resilience. You are allowed to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn’t mean you’re defective — it just means you’re human.” David Mitchell

3. “We find worth in jobs, money, & performance so we can hide how worthless we feel inside. Acknowledge the pain to be healed.” — LeCrae

4. “When I feel truly alone, with a sense of being lost, even empty inside, it is then I realize I have unknowingly moved away from God, so I move back.” —David L. Weatherford

5. “The difference between your mind and my mind is this: Your mind wants to keep you alive, and mine wants to kill me.” — Unknown

6. “Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart be at peace. Watch the turmoil of beings, but contemplate their return.” — Lao Tzu

7. “For whoso thinks that wisdom dwells with him, That he alone can speak or think aright, Such oracles are empty breath when tried.” — Sophocles

8. “Your emptiness is but the preparation for your being filled, and your casting down is but the making ready for your lifting up.” — Charles Spurgeon.

9. “Nobody ever tells you that emptiness weighs the most.” — Unknown

10. “Emptiness is a symptom that you are not living creatively. You either have no goal that is important enough to you, or you are not using your talents and efforts in a striving toward an important goal.” Maxwell Maltz

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11. “There is an emptiness inside us. If we look at it from outside, we feel painful loneliness. If we sit inside that emptiness and look outside, we experience blissful solitude.” — Shunya

12. “Sometimes the emptiness we feel inside is simply space waiting to be filled with something beautiful. We just have to keep searching.” — Unknown

13. “If you rearrange the letters in Depression, you’ll get “I pressed on.” Your current situation is not your final destination.” — Unknown

14. “Emptiness isn’t about having nothing, it’s about realizing that nothingness can be everything.” — Unknown

15. “Empty words almost echo within themselves.” — Cecelia Ahern

16. “The emptiness you feel today will be filled with the love you find tomorrow.” — Unknown

17. “Moments of suffering are meant to empty us so that we may have the potential to tap into our truest depths.” — Kamand Kojouri

18. “But the longer I’ve lived, the more I’ve lost what’s inside me—and ended up empty.” — Haruki Murakami

19. “It’s funny how we can feel the most empty in a room full of people and the most full when we’re alone with our thoughts.” — Unknown

20. “The beginning of love is a horror of emptiness.” — Robert Bly

21. “All the space without you in it, is empty.” — Iain Thomas

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105 Strong Quotes about Feeling Empty Inside

22. “Life is an empty bottle filled with love.” — Santosh Kalwar

23. “I am empty of everything. I am empty of everything but the thin, frail ghosts in my room.” — Jean Rhys

24. “Everything is there, but there are no parts.” — Haruki Murakami

25. “The emptiness we feel is not a burden to bear, but a gentle nudge from the universe to seek the things that bring us true joy.” — Unknown

26. “A sad soul needs an infinite horizon which can throw all his sorrow into the silence of the eternal emptiness!” — Mehmet Murat ildan

27. “In the quiet moments before sleep, you can feel the weight of every empty space in your life. But remember, stars only shine in the dark.” — Unknown

28. “We like having the walls and roofs over our heads. Otherwise we’d just be wandering in an open field of dust somewhere. […] I imagine that’s what being full-dead is like. An emptiness vast and absolute.” — Isaac Marion

29. “Sometimes we feel empty because we are holding onto things that are meant to be let go. Embrace the release, for it makes space for new beginnings.” — Unknown

30. “Become totally empty. Quiet the restlessness of the mind. Only then will you witness everything unfolding from emptiness.” — Laozi

31. “Whatever made me the way I am left me hollow, empty inside, unable to feel. It doesn’t seem like a big deal. I’m quite sure most people fake an awful lot of everyday human contact. I just fake all of it.” — Jeff Lindsay

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32. “But to me nothing, the negative, the empty, is exceedingly powerful.” —Alan Watts

33. “We become aware of the void as we fill it.” — Antonio Porchia

34. “Why does the feeling of emptiness occupy so much space?” — Unknown

35. “The artist’s job is not to succumb to despair but to find an antidote for the emptiness of existence.” — Woody Allen

36. “I see the damage and pain of hard years. I see the emptiness and desperation of existence without hope. I see a young life that has been too long.” — James Frey

37. “I felt so much, that I started to feel nothing.” — Unknown

38. “Sometimes, the emptiness we feel is the universe’s way of making room for the new chapters waiting to be written in our lives.” — Unknown

39. “A man as he ought to be: that sounds to us as insipid as ‘a tree as it ought to be.’” — Friedrich Nietszche

40. “Some scars don’t hurt. Some scars are numb. Some scars rid you of the capacity to feel anything ever again.” — Joyce Rachelle

41. “Emptiness is not a void to be feared, but a space to be explored.” — Unknown

42. “I need someone. I need to hold somebody close. And I need more than this holding. I need someone to understand how I feel at a time like now. And the understanding must be part of the holding.” — Betty Smith

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105 Strong Quotes about Feeling Empty Inside

43. “Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a lighthouse while all the others were making ships.” — Charles Simic

44. “There is no such thing as an empty space or an empty time. There is always something to see, something to hear. In fact, try as we may to make a silence, we cannot.” — John Cage

45. “A ugly thing, that us what you are when you become a tourist, an ugly, empty thing […] and it will never occur to you that the people who inhabit the place in which you have paused cannot stand you.” — Jamaica Kincaid

46. “Sometimes you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy your free time being yourself.” — Anonymous

47. “The more space and emptiness you can create in yourself, then you can let the rest of the world come in and fill you up.” — Jeff Bridges

48. “Is not my sorrow deep, having no bottom?” — William Shakespeare

49. “The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” —Michel de Montaigne

50. “I decided I would fill the emptiness in me with God and with paint.” —Kimberly Novosel

51. “Sometimes you need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone to experience, appreciate, and love yourself.” — Robert Tew

52. “I had the feeling that the world was left behind, that we had got over the edge of it, and were outside man’s jurisdiction.” — Willa Cather

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53. “Do not get lost in the emptiness of the inside. Find your way back!” — Unknown

54. “This was the truth at the core of my existence: this yawning emptiness, scantily clad in rage.” — Hillary Jordan

55. “Can anybody hear me or am I talking to myself?” — Simple Plan

56. “The hard work of sowing seed in what looks like perfectly empty earth has, as every farmer knows, a time of harvest. All suffering, all pain, all emptiness, all disappointment is seed: sow it in God and he will, finally, bring a crop of joy from it.” — Eugene Peterson

57. “We’re happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time.” — Taylor Swift

58. “The funny thing about having all this so-called success is that behind it is a certain horrible emptiness.” — Sam Shepard

59. “Don’t wanna be all by myself anymore.” — Celine Dion

60. “I’m not the girl you’re taking home. I keep dancing on my own.” — Robyn

61. “When you’re scrambling to fill the void in your life and you feel like you’re drowning… we all yearn to hear that one friend’s voice, say: “You’re going to get through this.” — Nelly Furtado

62. “The rest of my life stretches out as an emptiness before me.” — Kazuo Ishiguro

63. “A great fire burns within me, but no one stops to warm themselves at it, and passers-by only see a wisp of smoke.” — Vincent Van Gogh

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105 Strong Quotes about Feeling Empty Inside

64. “You are not weak just because your heart feels so empty.” — Andrea Gibson

65. “Burnout is a state of emptiness, to be sure, but it does not result from giving all I have: it merely reveals the nothingness from which I was trying to give in the first place.” — Parker J. Palmer

66. “How far is too far? When you love a band so much that its songs fill the empty spaces inside your head and heart, is that too far?” — Bert Murray

67. “This world that I live in is empty and cold the loneliness cuts me and tortures my soul.” — Waylon Jennings

68. “Faith includes noticing the mess, the emptiness and discomfort, and letting it be there until some light returns.” — Anne Lamott

69. “He had a word, too. Love, he called it. But I had been used to words for a long time. I knew that that word was like the others: just a shape to fill a lack.” — William Faulkner

70 “There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled. You feel it, don’t you?” — Rumi

71. “It’s not the feeling of completeness I need, but the feeling of not being empty.” — Jonathan Safran Foer

72. “Sometimes the saddest people are also the kindest because they know what it’s like to feel alone.” — Unknown

73. “I swear, I end up feeling empty, like you’ve taken something out of me and I have to search my body for scars.” — Richard Siken

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74. “You know that day after day of, Oh God what am I going to do with myself feeling? The fear of the emptiness that it implies keeps me going.” Anish Kapoor

75. “There’s just something obvious about emptiness, even when you try to convince yourself otherwise.” — Sarah Dessen

76. “In all our searching, the only thing we’ve found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other.” — Carl Sagan

77. “Finally, my hope, because here is the part of your dating life where you no longer date to find someone to fill the emptiness. You look for someone to share the fullness that you both already are.” — Holly Whitaker

78. “Your superhuman power was to be able not to feel. Is it there inside everybody, this self that comes out while you are in captivity? You become the closest approximation of yourself that can tolerate living there.” — Heather O’Neill

79. “I’m searching for validation in a world that constantly tells me I’m not enough.” — Unknown

80. “The inner emptiness is the door to God.” — Swami Dhyan Giten

81. “You are not feeling empty because you don’t have much money. You are feeling empty because you have not yet encountered your real self, you have not come to your authentic individuality.” — Rajneesh

82. “The cure for the pain is in the pain.” — Rumi

83. “The void inside me starts to fill, but my heart has holes, and whatever it holds will run out, leaving me empty once again.” — Danielle Esplin

84. “The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” — Michel de Montaigne

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105 Strong Quotes about Feeling Empty Inside

85. “Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering, and it’s all over much too soon.” — Woody Allen

86. “When a woman’s wave rises she feels she has an abundance of love to give, but when it falls she feels her inner emptiness and needs to be filled up with love.” — John Gray

87. “Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” — Roy T. Bennett

88. “Sometimes we must be empty in order to be vessels for better things.” — Unknown

89. “When you feel empty, keep moving. Don’t stop. Just keep going. That’s how emptiness eventually gets filled.” — Unknown

90. “The compassion and kindness of others can make feelings of emptiness of the inside easier to bear.” — Unknown

91. “You keep running after the love of the people, but you’ll never get it. And what you do get, will never be enough. The hole inside you is too big. You see, it was made by God, for God. How could anything less fill it?” — Yasmin Mogahed

92. “Don’t fill the emptiness with noise. Fill it with your presence.” — Unknown

93. “Only love can distract us and save us from the emptiness and futility of our existence.” — Unknown

94. “You cannot fill a cup that is already full. Empty yourself of everything, and then let the universe fill you.” — Unknown

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95. “Between that earth and that sky I felt erased, blotted out. I did not say my prayers that night: here, I felt, what would be would be.” — Willa Cather

96. “It’s hard to ignore emptiness. It will haunt you. It will demand that you acknowledge its presence.” — Unknown

97. “Remember: the time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life’s cruelest irony.” — Douglas Coupland

98. “Feeling empty inside can also be the driving force and it is only human to feel empty sometimes.” — Unknown

99. “The best way out is always through.” — Robert Frost

100. “Now that I’ve won a slam, I know something very few people on earth are permitted to know. A win doesn’t feel as good as a loss feels bad, and the good feeling doesn’t last long as the bad. Not even close.” — Andre Agassi

101. “Embrace the void and have the courage to exist.” — R. M. Drake

102. “Emptiness can be so debilitating that people actively try to escape from it.” — Unknown

103. “What it was like to shut one’s eyes, lose consciousness, plunge into emptiness for a few hours and then wake up and find oneself the same as before, linked with the threads of one’s life again, Agilulf could not know…” — Italo Calvino

104. “Fill the emptiness inside you with things that matter to you. Think of your life as a coloring book. Emptiness is the blank page. Color it with meaningful experiences. Color it with love and laughter.” — Unknown

105. “I don’t see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness.” — Hunter S. Thompson

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Take Care of yourself you are awesome

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