7 Reasons Why Always Choose Kindness (Even if Others Don’t)

7 Reasons Why Always Choose Kindness

There will always be tensions and obstacles in life, no matter how lucky you feel most of the time. This is the one thing I can tell you about living your life so that you can enjoy it. This is something that no one can ever take from you. The way you manage them will determine the reactions you take. I know that advice is never one-size-fits-all, but I am confident that one info is universal: always choose kindness.

It has no cultural or linguistic barriers and is the universal language that connects one person to another. Kindness is a language of the heart. It always stands out, even when it is performed quietly. It initiates a relationship between two people. It has the potential to impact the world, starting with one person. Kindness can save and enhance lives.

If you want to understand more about this topic, you’ve come to the perfect place. After reading this article, you will know 7 reasons why you should always choose kindness and how to be nicer to others whenever possible.

“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind.” —  Dr. Wayne W Dyer

Here we go!

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Table of Contents

What Does it Mean to Always Choose Kindness?

7 Reasons Why Always Choose Kindness (Even if Others Don’t)

The dictionary describes kindness as “the quality of being polite, kind, and caring.” When we say “always choose kindness,” we show that we decide to be kind instead of angry, hateful, or violent. It means that we make a conscious effort to spread kindness in the world, whatever the circumstances. 

We usually link kindness with effort or time, still this is far from the truth.

Being nice can be as simple as holding the door open for someone, having a listening ear, or allowing someone to go ahead of you in line. These small actions take little time or energy but can make a major impact.

When you choose kindness, it shows that your heart is filled with love and positivity. You are open to both receiving and providing these things. It’s not about being nice for the sake of it; it means caring about others and wanting the best for them in every situation. In this way, choosing kindness means becoming your best self.

When can You Choose Kindness over Negativity?

We mostly choose opposites of kindness, whether in the form of hatred, envy, or negativity, but you can choose kindness over negativity in a lot of situations.

Here’s an example of what I mean, you share a picture online that you’re happy about — maybe it’s a photo from a fun day out or something you worked hard on. But then, someone leaves a hurtful comment like, “Why would anyone care about this?” or “This is nothing special.” It’s only natural to feel hurt or even angry. You might feel the urge to fire back with a snarky reply or let it ruin your day.

But what if, instead, you take a deep breath and decide to respond with kindness? Say something like, “Thank you for sharing your thoughts — hope you’re having a nice day!” 

This simple, kind reply can change the whole vibe of the situation. It shows that you’re not letting their words hurt you. It’s a way of saying, “I won’t let this negativity take away my joy.”

Choosing kindness stops the situation from getting worse because you’re not adding more negativity. Sometimes, it even surprises the other person and makes them realize they were a bit too harsh. It’s a way of showing yourself that you don’t need to match someone’s negativity.

And the best it also makes you feel good inside, You decide to be kind because that’s who you are. 

7 Reasons Why Always Choose Kindness

7 Reasons Why Always Choose Kindness

1. Making the world more positive 

Being kind doesn’t need much time or effort, but the advantages are great. With kindness, our world becomes more tolerant and accepting of our surroundings, which benefits and makes everyone happier. 

When we choose to be kind, we set up a chain reaction of positivity and goodwill that can have a 100% positive impact on the world. Even if you don’t have the ability to single-handedly transform our planet into a happy place where everyone gets along, you can inspire others. 

Making the world a better and happier place increases the chances that you will be happy as well.

Read more: 99 Amazing Helping Others Quotes to Make an Impact

2. You feel better about yourself (self-esteem) 

When you choose to be kind to others, You end up being kinder to yourself. Choosing kindness has been found to boost happiness, self-esteem, empathy, and compassion. 

This attitude of positivism improves your mood and allows you to perceive yourself in a better light. It reminds you that you have the ability to make a difference in someone’s day, no matter how little you act. And every time you make someone else happy, it gives you a boost of confidence and warmth. The more you practice compassion, the more you’ll see that it improves your self-esteem.

You feel better about yourself and others. You operate with a full cup, not a depleted cup. You become the most sincere version of yourself.

Read more: 100 Louise Hay Self Esteem Affirmations to Know Your Value

3. It promotes a positive identity

7 Reasons Why Always Choose Kindness

A positive identity can make us proud of ourselves. When you choose to be kind, it sustains that feeling of satisfaction and makes you feel more complete. You begin to see yourself as someone who has a beneficial impact on the world.

It also improves your sense of self-esteem and confidence. Acts of kindness become ingrained in your personality over time, making you proud of who you have become. 

This effect is extremely strong because it connects with other aspects of your personality, giving you a strong sense of purpose. Random acts of kindness may appear faked at first, but they will positively impact your life. And increase your self-worth. 

So, each simple generosity not only benefits others but also helps you develop into a person you can be proud of.

Read more: 125 Powerful Female Affirmations for a Strong Personality

4. It reduces social anxiety 

In social situations, it’s normal to feel anxious or worried about what people are thinking about you. However, focusing on being good to others can help divert your thoughts away from your anxieties.

For example, giving someone real praise or giving help when needed. These simple acts of kindness take the attention off of yourself and your anxieties. You’re no longer obsessed with your personal problems; instead, you’re thinking about how you can make someone’s day better.

The best thing is that when you show kindness, others frequently reply with thanks or a smile. This makes you feel more at ease as if you belong in that time.

People who are always welcoming to one another have been shown to have less feeling of anxiety and discomfort about wanting to connect in a social gathering, helping them to comfortably participate in group activities. 

When you choose kindness, it has a good impact on the environment, how we see the world, and how the world sees us.

Read more: 125 Easy to Use Affirmations for Social Anxiety Relief

5. Good for health

7 Reasons Why Always Choose Kindness

According to Mayo Clinic, those who choose to be kind in the right way on a regular basis tend to have healthier, longer lives. This is because kindness can reduce blood pressure and the stress hormone cortisol. Bad stress can disrupt sleep, eating, and dietary habits, as well as lead to addictions. Good stress (which we all need) may inspire, encourage, and result in a better, healthier self.

Kindness can also improve your sleep. You’re less likely to lie awake thinking about the day if you’ve done something that made a difference, no matter if it was small. 

It creates a positive feedback cycle: the more kindness you spread around, the better you feel on the inside and out. So, being nice is not only wonderful for others; it is also one of the simplest and most natural ways to care for yourself.

Read more: 90 Inspiring Health and Fitness Quotes from Famous Authors

6. Personal Happiness

Being kind releases feel-good hormones in our brains, which make us happy. Oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone” or “cuddle hormone,” is one of these chemicals. Oxytocin is released during relationships, such as when we show kindness to others. 

These chemicals lessen stress and make us feel happier and more optimistic. Many studies have shown that choosing kindness increases happiness.

For example, this study had around 100 participants who received $5 per day for five days. They were urged to spend money on themselves or others. The restriction was that they had to spend it on the same activity every day. What would you have done? 

Different participants spent their money in different ways. The results revealed that people who spent it on others rather than themselves felt happier. 

(This phenomenon, known as the “helper’s high,” is one of the most compelling reasons why being kind is the best option.)

There are lots of other ways to spread kindness, like praising someone or simply listening to a friend in need. This reward should be enough to motivate you to always choose kindness!

Read more: Happiness is a Choice: Shift Perspective for a Happy Life

7. It encourages others to be kind

7 Reasons Why Always Choose Kindness

If we commit to always paying it forward, one simple act of kindness has the power to begin a kindness revolution.

When you are kind to others or even a complete stranger, it has the potential to inspire them to be kind to those around them, whether at work, school, or even to random strangers. 

By doing this you can inspire others to be nice as well. This ensures that the pleasant energy of your kindness continues even after it is returned. It will endure as your compassion spreads from person to person. That way, one little act of kindness has the potential to spark a greater wave of goodness.

Read more: 115 Positive Affirmations to Say to Someone Special in Need

Don’t Forget to be Kind to Yourself

It’s great to be kind to others, but it’s also important to be kind to yourself comes first. No doubt there are many benefits to showing kindness to others, but you can’t help others if you’re feeling empty

Research shows that, if you’re always giving your energy to others without taking care of yourself, causes stress and burnout. 

It’s important to avoid becoming a people-pleaser, where you only focus on making everyone else happy at the cost of your happiness. So, here are tips to help you be kinder to yourself:

  • Treat yourself with the same kindness and respect you show to others. Recognize your worth and don’t let anyone make you feel less than you are.
  • Forgive people who have hurt you but don’t forget to forgive yourself too. We all make mistakes, and it’s part of being human. Learn from them and move on.
  • Take time to think about what you need and what makes you happy. 
  • Write down your thoughts and feelings can be helpful. It’s a great way to reflect on your day.

Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t selfish — it’s essential. When you fill your own cup, you have so much more to give!

Read more: Kindness Matters: 11 Reasons Why is it Important

How to Always Choose Kindness? 65 Ways

How to Always Choose Kindness? 65 Ways

1. Put happy notes on bathroom mirrors to make your family smile.

2. Give books you don’t read anymore to a local library or school.

3. Give the waiter an extra tip and leave a thank-you note.

4. Make care packs for the homeless with items such as socks and snacks.

5. Plant a tree in your area to make the neighborhood nicer.

6. Buy flowers and offer them to passers-by on the street.

7. Teach someone a skill you’re good at, like cooking or swimming.

8. Help out at an animal shelter

9. Tape coins on vending machines for the next person to use.

10. Gather volunteers to pick up trash in your neighborhood.

11. Make food for police officers to say thanks.

12. Write a letter to a friend telling them why they’re important to you.

13. Donate blood to sick patients in hospitals.

14. Write good reviews online for small shops you like.

15. Let someone go ahead of you in line at the store.

16. Volunteer your time or donate money or items.

17. Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while just to say “Hi”.

18. Offer your bus seat to someone who needs it more.

19. Share extra vegetables from your garden with neighbors.

20. Pay for the food of the person behind you in the drive-thru line.

21. Help a lost tourist with directions.

22. Let someone merge in front of you in traffic.

23. Leave encouraging comments on social media posts.

How to Always Choose Kindness? 65 Ways

24. Tell someone why you’re grateful to have them in your life.

25. Donate old blankets to an animal shelter.

26. Send a card to someone in a nursing home.

27. Help an elderly person cross the street safely.

28. Help adults to carry their groceries to their car.

29. Give away clothes you don’t wear anymore to people who need them.

30. Offer to take photos for tourists trying to get a group picture.

31. Give an umbrella to someone stuck in the rain.

32. Smile and say hello to people you pass on the sidewalk.

33. Leave a box of donuts in the break room at work.

34. Bring cookies to new neighbors to welcome them.

35. Spend quality time with someone you love.

36. Leave an inspirational message on a sticky note in someone’s car.

37. Participate in a charitable fundraising.

38. Stand up for others who need help.

39. Do a favor without expecting anything in return.

40. Visit a senior. ( By visiting, you will not “mess up” their day. You will most likely brighten their day.

41. Give away extra pet food to an animal shelter.

42. Help someone carry their luggage up the stairs.

43. Buy a meal for a homeless person you see on the street.

44. Bring hot chocolate to people working outside in cold weather.

45. Say please and thank you.

46. Allow someone to go ahead of you.

47. Buy ice cream for kids at the park.

48. Give a call to someone you know who is lonely.

How to Always Choose Kindness? 65 Ways

49. Send small gift with a thank-you note to someone who’s helped you recently.

50. Put together hygiene kits for a women’s shelter.

51. Hold the door open for a stranger (or anyone)!

52. Leave funny jokes in random places to make people laugh.

53. Give someone a genuine hug.

54. On your way to work, buy a cup of coffee for your coworkers.

55. Compliment sincerely someone’s outfit or style.

56. Compliment your partner (or any loved one) on anything they feel self-conscious about.

57. Recommend a wonderful book you’ve finished reading.

58. Offer to help an elderly neighbor set up their new phone.

59. Encourage someone to pursue their dreams.

60. Offer your help to a disabled person.

61. Offer to walk a neighbor’s dog when they’re busy.

62. Give away extra tickets you can’t use for a concert.

63. Leave a small gift for your mail carrier or delivery person.

64. Put sticky notes with kind words on a coworker’s desk.

65. Write messages of hope on the sidewalk.


I hope this post showed you how powerful it is to always choose kindness. The true challenge here is to identify cases in which we have a choice about how we act. By being more self-aware in these situations, we can always choose compassion and make the world a better place.

It’s extremely important to point out that if you are currently struggling, overloaded, believe you have nothing to offer others or do not have the capacity to focus on being kind to others. This is the moment to put in extra effort and energy to be good to yourself.

You want to share the greatest version of yourself with the world after you’ve fully recovered. 

So, always choose kindness toward yourself and others. 

Take care of yourself!


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