Simple 100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

Simple 100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

In today’s post, I’ve curated 120 simple and amazing daily affirmations for success and happiness!

We are what we think. Our thoughts turn into words, and our words shape our reality which means we attract whatever we focus on.

So, if you’re constantly focused on negative thoughts, you will attract only negative things into your life without even being aware of it. But if you think about the good things you already have and believe you can do great stuff, you might actually make it happen!

My purpose is to try to stay positive no matter what and always see the bright side of everything, you will attract more happiness and success into your life

Have you noticed how successful people live a life

  • They’re excited about each new day
  • They’re okay with change
  • They talk to themselves in a nice way
  • They use positive affirmations

Positive affirmations will help you create a positive outlook, which is necessary for keeping positive energy and attracting good things into your life. 

They allow you to manage your happiness and success. Simply read the following collection of positive affirmations for success and happiness.

Choose your favorites, write them down, and spend a few minutes each day saying them aloud (preferably in the morning and before you go to bed).

You must believe what you are saying with your whole heart because believing means the ability to be happy and successful.

Here we go!

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100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

Simple 100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

1. Success and happiness are my reality.

2. My perseverance is greater than any problem I face.

3. I’m creating my successful future with every choice I make.

4. I deserve to be happy and successful.

5. I trust myself to make good decisions, even when it’s not easy.

6. The universe works in my favor, too.

7. I’m proud of how far I’ve come, and excited about where I’m going.

8. My heart is always ready to give and receive love in all its forms.

9. The hard times in life make me stronger and wiser.

10. I’m grateful for everything I have.

11. I surround myself with people who bring out the best in me.

12. Happiness is my heritage, and I desire every wonderful thing in life.

13. Every small step brings me closer to where I want to be.

14. My life is filled with happiness, blessings, and love.

15 I don’t hesitate to do new things because doing so helps me grow and learn.

16. I desire to become a better version of myself.

17. My heart is open to giving and receiving love and happiness in all its forms.

18. I choose to be happy no matter what.

19. I’m thankful for the little things that make each day special.

20. I enjoy every moment of the day.

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Simple 100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

21. I’m finding the ideal work-life balance that makes me happy.

22. I am peaceful, loving, and fearless.

23. My curiosity leads me to exciting new discoveries every day.

24. I can and will. It’s just a matter of time.

25. I’m worthy of good things, even when I’m not perfect.

26. My mind is the most precious thing I have.

27. My mistakes don’t define me — they’re chances to learn and do better.

28. I am healthy. I am happy. I am successful.

29. I choose to focus on what I can do, not what I can’t.

30. I am generous, kind, and loving.

31. On my journey to success, my experiences have strengthened and increased my wisdom.

32. Every day, I work towards realizing my dream.

33. When I help others, it makes me feel good too.

34. I am thankful for this moment, right here, right now.

35. Being kind to myself is the base of my happiness and success.

36. Every day, in every aspect, I’m improving.

37. My desire to learn opens doors for me and creates creative concepts.

38. I’ve decided to live the rest of my life to the fullest.

39. I focus my energy on what truly matters, and it’s also paying off.

40. My day is full of promise and opportunities.

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Simple 100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

41. Every day, I feel blessed. Every day, I feel grateful.

42. What doesn’t matter to me is irrelevant.

43. I’m creating a life filled with significant successes and personal wins.

44. I continue to succeed every day.

45. I can achieve new levels of achievement because I take care of myself.

46. Every day, I feel joyful and fulfilled.

47. Setting healthy boundaries helps me thrive in all areas of my life.

48. I have constructed the ideal life for myself.

49. My gut guides me to make choices that lead to happiness and success.

50. Every day brings prosperity and satisfaction.

51. The respect I show myself attracts positive relationships and opportunities.

52. Being creative is a strong asset that helps me succeed in new ways.

53. Every viewpoint I get about the world and myself gets me one step closer to my goals.

54. Every day, I am overwhelmed with gratitude.

55. My words create a positive reality filled with success and joy.

56. I am continuously succeeding and striving for new successes.

57. I deserve and attract respect, which motivates me to succeed.

58. I am always joyful, and I am always looking for reasons to smile.

59. Every small win pushes me forward on my path to greatness.

60. I am experiencing happiness and joy every day.

Read more: 250 Affirmations for Perfectionists to Let Go of Perfection

Simple 100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

61. Embracing progress above perfection produces better results.

62. My happiness and tolerance are increasing and improving every day.

63. My past experiences are the foundation of my future success.

64. Wonderful things are happening in my life every day.

65. Gratitude opens my eyes to the abundance of success in my life.

66. I am a magnet for success that improves my life.

67. Stepping outside of my comfort zone provides new triumphs.

68. I am in charge of my time and use it most efficiently.

69. I’m crafting a success story that inspires both myself and others.

70. I get along very well with everyone.

71. My happiness automatically grows as I progress towards my goals.

72. I am attracting into my life loving and successful people.

73. My desire motivates me to succeed in all I do.

74. Only positive and happy thoughts enter my mind.

75. My successful story is still being written.

76. I am assertive and able to express myself clearly.

77. I’m living a life filled with purpose and achievement.

78. I have a good and loving relationship with my wife/husband.

79. My hard work is paying off in ways I never expected.

80. Every day, I am getting closer to completing my goals.

Read more: 100 Louise Hay Daily Affirmations for Personal Growth

Simple 100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

81. My today’s actions are creating a brighter tomorrow.

82. I am attracting prosperity and success into my life.

83. My attention is focused on solutions, which leads to progress.

84. I dare to follow my dreams and make them come true.

85. My unique skills give rise to my inevitable success.

86. I am surrounded by an abundance of wealth all the time.

87. My positive attitude attracts success and happiness.

88. I experience happiness and joy every day.

89. My resilience helps me to rebuild from crashes.

90. I can stay calm and relaxed in every situation.

91. My dedication is the key to achieving incredible results.

92. I feel prepared to face the challenges of each day.

93. I celebrate other’s successes knowing that my time will come also.

94. My mind is full of good ideas that can make life better for me and others.

95. I attract successful people who support me to get success.

96. When I look in the mirror, I see someone who’s getting stronger and happy every day.

97. My opportunities for growth and achievement are unlimited.

98. My dreams aren’t just wishes — I’m working to make them real, step by step.

99. My goals are getting closer.

100. I choose to focus on the good things in my life, big and small.

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Final Thoughts on Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

Now I’m going to wrap up with some real talk about affirmations!

You are the creator of your own success and happiness, and your thoughts are the messengers that send signals to the universe.

You can only change your life if you desire it, believe you can do it, and believe you deserve it.

The first step toward changing your life is to practice the above daily affirmations for success and happiness.

Start small. Maybe choose one affirmation that really resonates with you. Place it on your bathroom mirror or set it as your phone’s wallpaper. Whatever works!

Believing is the only barrier to making your dreams a reality. You deserve it all.

Hopefully, you enjoyed these daily affirmations for success and happiness. If you did, share them with family and friends!

Thanks For reading

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