120 Affirmations for Positive Attitude When You Feel Tense

120 Affirmations for Positive Attitude When You Feel Tense

A positive attitude can transform your life. Affirmations for Positive Attitude will help you overcome negative thought patterns that are preventing you from having positive life experiences.

“See the positive side, the potential, and make an effort.”  —  Dalai Lama

There is a saying that “Our attitudes create our lives!” When you think negatively about your life’s circumstances, every situation takes on a dreary and depressing mood.

Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that sees the bright side of life and anticipates positive outcomes. A positive attitude is unaffected by hurdles, challenges, or delays and does not give up easily.

A true positive attitude means not just believing that everything will be fine, but also being realistic about potential losses. To bring about great changes and improvements in your life, you must maintain a positive mental attitude throughout the day. It needs to become a way of life and a habit. Although this sounds difficult, it is not impossible.

Affirmations help to purify your thoughts and remodel negative thinking patterns, allowing you to feel strong and believe that nothing is impossible. You have influence over what you think about, so your potential will not be limited.

Affirmations train your brain for change, and according to a study, practicing regularly makes it simpler to create positive changes in our lives.

They are defined by their capacity to redirect your attention away from negative thoughts and toward positive ones.

So, Let’s start!

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Affirmations for Positive Attitude

120 Affirmations for Positive Attitude When You Feel Tense

1. My life belongs to me, and I am responsible for it.

2. My outlook on life is always positive.

3. I am releasing myself from all negative doubt and fear.

4. I feel good about my life.

5. I accept myself for who I am and find inner serenity, strength, and confidence.

6. Positive feelings fill my days with joy, and I continuously welcome happiness into my life.

7. My past may be awful, but I am still positive.

8. My days are filled with brightness and plenty of smiles.

9. I made mistakes, but I refuse to let them define me.

10. My nights are peaceful and serene.

11. My spirit emanates from within, warming the souls of others.

12. My life is easygoing and smooth.

13. I finish what matters and let go of what does not.

14. Everything works for, and through, me.

15. I feed my spirit. I train my body. I focus my mind. This is my time.

16. Through the power of my positive attitude, incredible changes are happening in me and within my life right now.

17. My life has meaning. What I do has meaning. My acts are significant and inspirational.

18. I’m here to live a happy, blessed, and cheerful life.

19. One small positive attitude in the morning can change my whole day.

20. I am here to feel gratitude and pleasure.

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120 Affirmations for Positive Attitude When You Feel Tense

21. My attitude is more important than my struggle.

22. I’m here to learn, and I’m continually learning great things throughout my life.

23. I am a positive thinker.

24. Every new day adds greater happiness to my life!

25. I love myself. I believe in myself. I support myself.

26. Every day, I see how wonderful life can be.

27. Life does not happen to me, it happens for me.

28. Only I have control over my attitude.

29. My worries about tomorrow are simply fading away.

30. I always see the sunny side of life.

31. All of my problems have solutions.

32. I am a high achiever with enormous aspirations.

33. It is OK not to know everything.

34. I am a representation of my thoughts about myself, hence I believe that I am terrific.

35. My confidence grows when I step outside of my comfort zone.

36. I am impervious to negative attitudes.

37. No matter how hard it is, I can do this.

38. I am responsible for my own beliefs and attitudes.

39. I find it easy to maintain a positive attitude at will.

40. I only create positive, supportive experiences.

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120 Affirmations for Positive Attitude When You Feel Tense

41. What others say and think about me is none of my business.

42. I approach weather with grace and a deep understanding of nature’s ways.

43. My nature is Divine, and I am a spiritual person.

44. I can easily maintain a happy mood at all times.

45. Life is getting better all the time!

46. I appreciate ‘doing’ just as much as ‘finished’.

47. I am becoming effortlessly positive.

48. I approach life with a calm attitude.

49. I am brave enough to scale any mountain.

50. My optimistic and upbeat attitude improves the attitudes of everyone around me.

51. I am at peace with everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen.

52. My mentality is centered on the beauty and wonder of life.

53. I am free from self-doubt and filled with a positive attitude.

54. I maintain my cheerful attitude by transferring it to others.

55. Nobody can stop me from achieving my dreams.

56. I’m on top of the globe, and the view is amazing!

57. A positive attitude is transforming my life.

58. Life offers me with everything I could ever want.

59. I’m becoming someone who is naturally optimistic all the time.

60. My favorite outfit is one with a good attitude.

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120 Affirmations for Positive Attitude When You Feel Tense

61. My attitude of gratitude keeps me positive and grounded.

62. My life is a collection of fantastic adventures!

63. I am always positive, no matter what life throws at me.

64. My life mirrors my cheerful attitude.

65. I have the courage and power to say “No.”

66. My new optimistic attitude enables me to fulfill all of my desires.

67. I choose to focus on the next step instead of the entire path.

68. My optimistic mindset is invincible; all bad energy simply bounces off me.

69. I am a unique and valuable person.

70. My positive attitude shields me from the negative comments and attitudes of others.

71. I can challenge my negative thoughts with positive ones.

72. Only the things that I accept enter into my life experience.

73. I identify with self-sufficiency and resilience.

74. My optimistic attitude opens doors to new possibilities.

75. Boundaries are healthy and do not require an explanation.

76. I have the qualities needed to be hugely successful.

77. I welcome the day with positive energy and commitment.

78. I choose to focus on what’s going right in my life.

79. My hard work will help me achieve my goals.

80. I see failures as opportunities for growth and learning.

Read more: 115 Affirmations to Be Happy Joyful and Peaceful Life

120 Affirmations for Positive Attitude When You Feel Tense

81. I’m proud of myself and will keep striving to perform well.

82. I approach each task with a can-do attitude.

83. Growth is sometimes bumpy and isn’t always linear, but I maintain a positive attitude.

84. My enthusiasm for life is contagious.

85. I don’t have any reasons to give up my hopes and dreams.

86. I am grateful for all the good in my life, which fuels my positive attitude.

87. Life does not need to be perfect to be beautiful.

88. I choose to respond to life’s challenges with optimism.

89. When I think positive thoughts, I have a positive attitude.

90. My positive attitude is a magnet for success and happiness.

91. I’m in the right place, at the right moment, and doing the right thing.

92. I find reasons to be cheerful in any situation.

93. The past is the past, and my past does not determine my future.

94. My mind is filled with encouraging and uplifting thoughts.

95. I transcend negative beliefs and attract positive attitude.

96. I radiate joy and positivity wherever I go.

97. I have the power to create the life I want.

98. My positive outlook attracts positive experiences.

99. I do my best, and my best is good enough.

100. I choose to see the good in people and situations.

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120 Affirmations for Positive Attitude When You Feel Tense

101. My difficulties don’t motivate me; in fact, my dreams do.

102. My optimism grows stronger with every passing moment.

103. I am worthy enough to pursue my objectives and realize my desires.

104. I embrace each day with a smile and an open heart.

105. I am overcoming my condition; I am defeating it every day.

106. I see opportunities where others see obstacles.

107. I am a living, breathing example of motivation.

108. I choose to focus on solutions, not problems.

109. I have a positive and motivating impact on everybody I come into contact with.

110. My positive mindset overcomes any challenge.

111. I am rising above the thoughts that are trying to make me angry or fearful.

112. I find joy and happiness in the little things.

113. I use obstacles to motivate me to learn and grow.

114. I radiate optimism and good cheer wherever I go.

115. I choose to see the bright side in every situation.

116. I am independent and self-sufficient.

117. My positive attitude is my greatest strength.

118. I’m an unstoppable force of nature.

119. I attract positivity because I am positive.

120. I am reducing the volume of negativity in my life while raising the volume of optimism.

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Final Thoughts on Affirmations for Positive Attitude

I hope you enjoyed reading these affirmations for a positive attitude and found them useful to improve your life! 

Anyone can start using positive affirmations to build a more positive and optimistic attitude and improve their lives for the better by utilizing the tools and resources available.

I encourage you to make affirmations that resonate with you and share them in the comments. I’d love to hear them.

And, now it’s your turn, please tell me which affirmation from this list you liked the most! And let me know if you’d like to see any specific affirmation posts.

I wish you happiness, success, abundance, a positive attitude, and a fulfilling life.

Thanks for reading

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