11 Surprising Ways for How to Use Positive Affirmations?

11 Surprising Ways for How to Use Positive Affirmations

Have you wanted to use affirmations but aren’t sure how? This blog will show you “how to use positive affirmations effectively”.

We can use affirmations as a tool to get what we want by believing in ourselves, our power to make our dreams come true, and the power of manifestation.

They can help you modify harmful behaviors or achieve goals, as well as erase the damage caused by negative scripts, which are the things we regularly tell ourselves (or others) that contribute to a negative self-perception.

There are many reasons why you may not have seen long-term results from adopting positive affirmations. With a few little adjustments, you can make it happen!

Affirmations are simple to apply, but their effectiveness demands persistence. Perhaps you use affirmations on certain days, but for them to be truly successful and to put more effort into manifesting, who used on a daily basis.

Let’s now look at the most efficient methods. You can utilize one or more of these strategies. Simply choose the ones that best suit you.

Know more about Positive Affirmation

Table of Contents

How to Use Positive Affirmations? (11 Ways)

1. Match Some Positive Abilities to Your Goals

Match Some Positive Abilities to Your Goals

First, decide exactly what you want if you want to work on anything specific or referring to that specific issue. Maybe it’s doing better at work, enhancing your relationships, or gaining confidence.

Once you’ve determined your aim, carefully select a set of affirmations that match those abilities. Positive affirmations address something in our lives that we desire to change or replace with something better.

Like this, your affirmations will feel more personal and real. They remind you of your own talents and capabilities. Also, it aligns with your goals and abilities not only sounds good but also boosts your self-esteem and moves you toward success.

Also read: 100 Goal Affirmations: Your Key to Personal Growth

2. Specify How Many, Why, and When

Another reason positive affirmations do not work is that the wrong phrases are used. This can really be more damaging than not using affirmations at all because using the wrong words promotes what you don’t want, making it bigger and stronger and thus more difficult to change.

If you focus on what you don’t want, you won’t be able to make long-term changes. Negative thoughts, stress, and discomfort will expand.

A great way to make your affirmations more effective is by being specific about “how many,” “Why,” and “when.” This adds clarity and focus to your affirmations, helping you create a clear picture of what you’re aiming for. 

Try to add details that give a sense of measurement and timing. This way, your affirmation has a built-in deadline, pushing you to stay consistent.

If you want to get fit, rather than saying, “I am healthy,” you could be more specific: “I exercise three times a week,” This gives your mind a solid goal and makes the affirmation more actionable.

Read more: 120 Vision Board Affirmations: Dream Big, Achieve Bigger

3. Keep Your Affirmations in the Present Tense

Keep Your Affirmations in the Present Tense

Keeping your affirmations in the present tense makes them more powerful and effective. When you speak as if something is already happening, your mind starts to believe and act on it. Affirmations like “I am ….” send a message that you’re already embodying these qualities, which helps shift your mindset right away.

This shift in thinking makes your affirmations feel real and helps you start believing in the person you already are.

The past is behind you, and the future hasn’t arrived yet. The present moment is where real change happens. All of your current and future power exists in the present moment. Continue to focus on that reality, no matter what your life is like right now.

Read more: 100 Affirmations for Overthinking: Ease Unusual Thoughts

4. Repeat Your Affirmation Daily

Repetition is the most important part of self-affirmation practice. The more you say an affirmation, the more comfortable and accessible it gets in your mind. When a causing scenario arises, your mind will naturally gravitate toward that notion rather than the negative one.

Say them aloud times especially when looking in the mirror. Making eye contact with oneself and hearing yourself articulate a new belief helps your brain believe it faster.

The simple sentences you say to yourself regularly take you away from the fear-based attitude of desiring to be safe, and into a state of gratitude and ready to receive what you want.

Read more: Simple 100 Daily Affirmations for Success and Happiness

5. Meditate on Your Affirmations

To have a more powerful experience, find a peaceful spot to sit, close your eyes for meditation, and focus on your breath by doing them. Listen to some soothing meditation music, then replace that focus with a focus on your affirmation. Allow them to absorb your full focus. Feel and visualize them as you repeat them in your mind. 

If your mind wanders away from the affirmation, simply understand it and gently return your focus to the repetition. Maintain this posture for 15 to 20 minutes.

Read more: 100 Morning Meditation Affirmations for a Happy Day

6. Post Your Affirmations in Important Spots

Post Your Affirmations in Important Spots

If you repeat your affirmation regularly, it will become more familiar in your mind. Affirmations should be written on sticky notes and placed in noticeable places, such as: 

  • The mirror or computer 
  • Make a wallpaper for your phone 
  • Put a note in your school binder 
  • Stick one on the fridge
  • Attach one to your bedroom door

You might even slip one into your wallet or pocketbook so it’s always with you. You want to keep them somewhere that will remind you of your positive affirmations and inspire you to think about them again.

Read more: 100 Powerful Affirmations for Work Anxiety Relief

7. Be Consistent

The more you affirm something, the more confidently your mind accepts it. Consistency with your affirmations is one of the key variables to their effectiveness. If you want to achieve a short-term goal, use affirmations until you reach it. 

As with any new habit, repetition improves your attitude and allows your affirmations to take root. It is not enough to speak them once or twice; you have to put them into your daily routine on a regular basis. This constancy develops a rhythm and makes it simpler to stay committed.

Read more: 100 Shifting Affirmations for a New You Right Now

8. Visualize the Positive Energy You are Seeking

This approach might seem unusual to some people, but it is incredibly effective because it engages all of your senses. It may be a really exciting and empowering experience.

Emotions, both positive and negative, are the most powerful source of energy for creating both desired and unwanted results. You may say verbal affirmations until you’re blue in the face, but if you can’t imagine what it’s like to have what you desire, you won’t get it.

Sit or stand and repeat your affirmations with your eyes closed. As you repeat your affirmations, genuinely imagine yourself experiencing them. Make an intentional effort to feel them. Be an active participant in your affirmations, not a passive observer. You may even opt to move your body slightly or use your hands to gesture and act out the scenarios in your imagination.

Read more: 110 Lucid Dreaming Affirmations to Create Your Dream Reality

9. Write Your Affirmations

Another method for putting positive affirmations into everyday practice is to write them down and use them as visual help. According to studies, the actual act of writing improves memory and makes the message clearer.

Choose your favorite approach to record your own affirmations — Write (not type) your affirmation 10 to 20 times on a piece of paper, keep a written journal, and set reminders on your smartphone with the content of each affirmation at every moment of the day. 

When you write these down, you repeat the affirmation mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Read more: 101 Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment to Lift You Up

10. Recite Them Aloud

Recite Them Aloud

You can repeat them to yourself silently, but it won’t have the same impact as saying them aloud so your subconscious mind can hear them through the additional senses your ears supply. This, while subtle, can make the experience more real for the mind and body. 

It means you must say your affirmation 8–10 times per session aloud. Continue to repeat it to yourself until you feel like you’ve reached a profound state of concentration with the words you’re saying.

11. You Must Make it Memorable

Creating affirmations that are simple, yet meaningful to you, is the key. 

If they are short and easy to remember. It naturally becomes part of your daily thoughts. The more you say it, the more your mind begins to accept it, and soon it becomes something you really believe in.

They start to guide your choices and the way you live. The real challenge is to stay true to these beliefs and let them lead your everyday actions.

25 Examples of Positive Affirmations

1. I’m happiest when I’m being my true self.

2. I AM simply who I AM, now and always, forever, effortlessly, and unconditionally!

3. I live authentically.

4. No matter what the world throws at me I remain safe and secure.

5. I trust my intuition to lead me along the right road.

6. I am achieving my mission in life.

7. Hard work is the key to my success.

8. Obstacles just boost my resolve to succeed.

9. I am grateful for everything I have in life.

10. I am healthy, happy, and prosperous.

11. I find happiness. I find personal freedom.

12. Nothing stands between me and my aspirations.

13. I like the process of accomplishing my goals.

14. I am Love. I am light. I am everything that I need to be.

25 Examples of Positive Affirmations

15. My potential is boundless if I apply myself.

16. My choices shape who I become.

17. I get to decide what my future holds.

18. I have enough energy to do my work.

19. I do not rely on others to advise me.

20. I am the author of my story, and I write it honestly.

21. My mind is free, and my soul is everlasting.

22. I open my life to fresh options.

23. My life is overflowing with wealth.

24. My voice matters — speak up for what I believe.

25. I am fearless and struggle-free.

Read more: 365 Daily Affirmations for Amazing You All Year Long

FAQ on Positive Affirmations

Who can use positive affirmations?

Everyone can benefit from using positive affirmations. Positive affirmations have been found to help the following groups:

  • Men
  • Women
  • Kids
  • Teens
  • Adults
  • Leaders
  • Students
  • professionals
  • Workers
  • New parents

How many affirmations per day?

There’s no exact number you have to say every day. Some people like to keep it simple with just a few, maybe 3 to 5. Others go all out and do 10 or 20. It’s really about what feels good to you.

Start small. Pick one or two that hit home for you. You can always add more later if you want. The important thing is to mean what you say. 

Pay attention to how you feel, if you’re feeling pumped up and positive, you’re on the right track. 

Remember, this isn’t about hitting some daily quota. It’s quality over quantity.

How do you repeat positive affirmations?

Speaking affirmations aloud can be effective because it includes both your voice and your hearing. This can make the affirmations seem more real. However, stating things in your head works just as well, especially when speaking aloud is not an option. 

As you speak your affirmations, try to visualize what it’s like to embody those statements. Imagine yourself confident, successful, or whatever your affirmation illustrates.

What is the rule of affirmations?

There are no exact guidelines for affirmations, but there are several suggestions that can help them work better. The trick is to keep them positive, in the present tense, and personal. This involves insisting on what you want rather than what you don’t want, and framing them as if they are already true.

It’s also important that your affirmations are relevant to your goals and believable to you. They should be ambitious, but not utterly out of reach.

Above all, make sure your affirmations reflect your genuine values and aspirations. The most powerful affirmations are those that speak to you, so don’t be nervous to change them until they feel perfect.

What happens if you say affirmations every day?

Repeating affirmations every day can improve your attitude and confidence. It has the potential to change how you see yourself and your abilities over time. You could be more cheerful and motivated. But remember that affirmations perform best when combined with action toward your goals.

Are affirmations better at night or in the morning?

Both times can be effective for affirmations. Morning affirmations can help you start the day on a positive note. Night affirmations can help you relax and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Choose a time when you are most mindful and responsive. Both times work best for you.


This blog post provided you with the information you need to start practicing affirmations effectively.

The great thing about affirmations — besides the fact that they work — is that there’s no one “right or wrong” way to use them. You can try different approaches and find what works best for you. Be open to exploring new ways to say them, too. It’s all about what feels natural and meaningful to you.

Remember that you’re practicing rather than trying. Try shows doubt, whereas practice makes you perfect.

Please feel free to suggest other ways to use affirmations in the comments section. It may inspire someone to use it or create their own ideas. and let us cheer you on!

Thanks for reading

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