101 Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment to Lift You Up

101 Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment

In this article, we will get 101 powerful affirmations for empowerment. Use these affirmations to guide you through your path and help you accept your irrefutable and limitless power.

Everyone wants to feel strong, in control, and to have firm confidence in oneself, but you might be surprised to learn that we can develop all of these qualities by just using our minds.

Power can be taken, but not given. The process of the taking is empowerment in itself.Gloria Steinem

It’s not surprising that one of the most efficient ways to train our minds is to employ positive affirmations for empowerment. They help to rewire your mindset so that you believe and trust that you have what it takes.

Affirmations are intended to convince you of something you already know: you are extremely powerful, courageous, and confident (to say the least). Sometimes we feel insufficient, and affirmations remind us of how genuinely great we are.

Now that you know how to use affirmations, you can decide which ones are most effective for you. 

The key is to find affirmations that make you feel empowered in the present moment. 

You may modify them as you go, adding new ones and replacing those that are no longer useful.

You deserve to feel empowered, worthy, and authentic, and you don’t have to wait around for someone to give it to you! Use these affirmations to empower yourself today. As always, take only what you need and leave the rest. 

Here are some affirmations for empowerment to get you started!

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101 Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment

1. Fear is an illusion, and I choose to move forward with courage.

2. I admire and value my needs, desires, and boundaries.

3. I let go of fear and embrace my courage and inner power.

4. Every day, I choose to be compassionate to myself and all other beings.

5. I am deserving of reaching all of my goals.

6. I am much more than my appearance and physical body.

7. I focus my energy on the things that matter.

8. I vibrate at a frequency that aligns with my truest self.

9. I accept that I am not competing with anyone.

10. I am confident in my abilities and believe in my distinct strengths.

11. My courage takes me places I never thought possible.

12. Confidence surges through me, empowering me to take daring actions.

13. Nurture my soul and positive energy will follow.

14. I acknowledge that I am not competing with anyone.

15. I have everything I need to get where I want to go.

16. I accept and appreciate myself exactly as I am.

17. I remove all others off their pedestals.

18. I am true to my higher self.

19. I am excellent at managing my business.

20. I radiate brilliantly in every room I enter.

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101 Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment

21. Nobody is like me, and that gives me strength.

22. I release anything that has wounded me.

23. I am not defined by others’ expectations.

24. I am glad for my tremendous achievement in life.

25. I’m already glad for what’s to come.

26. I’m mending generations before and after me.

27. I can take breaks on my journey to achievement.

28. My strength and presence are apparent.

29. I give to myself all I once required.

30. I have enough. I do enough. I am enough.

31. I understand that I am not competing with others.

32. Life does not need to be perfect to be beautiful.

33. Any improvement is a win and should be celebrated.

34. My past neither decides nor defines my future.

35. I enjoy the independence that my business offers for me.

36. My vibration is intense and strong.

37. I have the authority to effect change wherever I feel it is needed.

38. New opportunities are no match for my hard work and determination.

39. I’m determined to do the work required to reach my goals.

40. There is no limit to what I can achieve.

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101 Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment

41. I let go of the stories that held me back. I can do anything.

42. I am equipped with the tools I need to succeed.

43. I am rooted and steadfast in my reality.

44. Everything I need to live the life of my dreams is already within me.

45. I admire and approve of myself without reservation.

46. I appreciate consistency and effort that matches my energy.

47. I am worth more than rubies and diamonds.

48. Everything I’m looking for is within me.

49. I am unique and extremely remarkable.

50. Courage is my superpower.

51. I love my smile; it is contagious.

52. I have full authority over my life and am the only one who can direct it.

53. I refuse to give up and will keep trying.

54. Nothing can stop me from achieving all that I want.

55. I will look into every possible option open to me.

56. I totally accept and enjoy who I am, even as I continue to grow.

57. I am certain of my path and purpose, so I push on without hesitation.

58. My opinions and thoughts are not only important but also meaningful.

59. I find it easy to feel empowered.

60. What awaits me at the end is vastly superior to what I have gone through.

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101 Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment

61. My presence and aura radiate high-vibrational energy.

62. I don’t wait for an unknown, outside force to empower me; I do it myself.

63. The past holds no impact over me as it is irretrievably broken.

64. I accept that all that is intended for me is already mine.

65. Today, I am able to feel valued and empowered.

66. I fully embrace the rhythm of my heart, which aligns with my future.

67. I love and approve of myself in whatever I do.

68. I feel more empowered as the days pass.

69. I take control of every cycle of failure and replace it with success as I move forward.

70. I am enough just the way I am, and I value my unique qualities.

71. I only attract positive things in my life.

72. I am the epitome of confidence.

73. I respect myself by setting healthy boundaries in all parts of my life.

74. I trust that my Creator will bring the right people and circumstances into my life at the right time.

75. The universe and I collaborate to create the best for me at all times.

76. I am a nice person, and I am proud to be myself.

77. Every day, I appreciate who I am and give myself grace.

78. It’s good to be imperfect. I’ve let go of all the lies I told myself.

79. People are attracted to me because of my positive attitude and confidence.

80. I’m making positive, healthy decisions in my life.

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101 Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment

81. I am fearfully and wonderfully formed, and I approve of myself.

82. I break the practice of criticizing myself.

83. Whatever the circumstances, things always work out for me.

84. I accept this concept of praising and encouraging myself and others.

85. My body is full of energy, which helps me in every way.

86. I bring amazing energy into every location I enter.

87. I exude well-being and attract wonderful energy into my life.

88. I am attracted to riches, prosperity, and financial abundance.

89. I am successful in all of my ventures.

90. I am happy for my unique contribution to the world.

91. I am gifted and talented with cutting-edge concepts and techniques.

92. I project confidence wherever I go.

93. I deserve to have an abundant life in every aspect of my existence.

94. I find all of the solutions I need within myself.

95. I deserve everything and will accept it with open arms.

96. The universe helps me to create unlimited fortune.

97. I value myself and am accomplishing my life’s purpose.

98. I show a tremendous sense of acceptance.

99. Serenity permeates my mind and helps me explore life with ease.

100. I get to select how my day unfolds through what I think, say, and do.

101. I have everything I need to get through the day right now.

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Final Thoughts on Powerful Affirmations for Empowerment

I hope you enjoyed these 101 powerful affirmations for empowerment.

Keep these inspiring affirmations with you as you work on yourself. You are a wonderful being with an incredible ability. Whenever you feel stuck, use these affirmations to empower yourself and share it with other incredible people in your life. 

Believe in yourself and, after using your affirmations, claim them. You deserve it all!

Now it’s your turn, tell me in the comment, which one is your favorite from the list.

Thanks for reading

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