101 Affirmations for Anxiety Relief to Make You Happy

101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety to Get Happy Life

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This post has 101 affirmations for anxiety that can help you every day when you’re feeling anxious, and the best part is, that they’re simple statements and easy to use!

When you feel anxious, it signals that you might need to shift your thoughts to something more positive. They’re made to shake up how we think and turn sad thoughts into happy ones by making new pathways in our brains.

When you keep saying these affirmations, it’s like teaching your brain to think about good things more often. This can make your mind healthier, and happier, and also help you see life more brightly.

As well, I want to be clear that these affirmations won’t magically cure your anxiety. They’re not a hundred percent solution. I’m not a professional and can’t give medical advice on managing anxiety.

According to a 2016 study, positive affirmations for anxiety may help reduce stress, anxiety, and negativity. Maybe one or two of these affirmations could fit into your way of dealing with them.

Know more about Positive Affirmation:

Table of Contents

Positive affirmations for anxiety to get happy life

101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety to Get Happy Life
Image via Unsplash

1. I am the architect of my thoughts; I build peace and calmness.

2. Every challenge I encounter is a chance for me to evolve and expand.

3. Every inhale fills me with serenity, every exhale releases tension from my body.

4. I willingly release stress from my life and invite tranquility and ease.

5. I grant myself the freedom to feel without any self-criticism or judgment.

6. I am worthy of my place in this world, and I deserve to experience genuine happiness in my life.

7. I have the bravery to manifest the lifestyle I imagine for myself.

8. The energy within me radiates positivity, nurturing every cell of my being.

9. I trust in the present moment and accept things as they are without the need to overthink.

10. I accept this discomfort as temporary. It will pass, and I remain safe and resilient. I will soon regain my equilibrium.

11. I hold the power to release the past and push myself forward with a positive outlook.

12. I focus on what matters to me, leaving no room for anxiety.

13. I have faith in my capability to handle whatever challenges arise.

14. I am capable of appreciating and focusing on the beauty that surrounds me.

15. I embrace the flow of life. If plans shift, I’m prepared to welcome and adapt to a new direction.

16. I consistently choose healthy ways that develop my growth and enable me to thrive.

17. I trust in the Universe to keep me safe and cared for at all times.

18. My breath grounds me when I’m stressed.

19. I let go of worries and embrace my strengths.

20. I have patience because I trust that I am in God’s plan, where there’s no need to worry.

21. I’m at the forefront, steering away from anxiety’s influence.

22. It’s normal to feel afraid; one day, I’ll overcome these fears.

23. It’s fine if not everyone understands my situation.

24. I trust that everything will work out for my ultimate benefit.

25. I choose honesty, both with myself and those around me, about how I’m feeling.

Short positive affirmations for anxiety

Short positive affirmations for anxiety
Image via iStock

26. I am the only creator of my peace of mind.

27. I am surrounded by safety and protected from harm.

28. I attract positive, like-minded people into my life.

29. I choose joy and reject worry.

30. My thoughts are focused, and my mind is clear.

31. I radiate peace, love and happiness.

32. I have the power to shape my destiny.

33. Right now, I am fully relaxed.

34. Both my mind and body are quiet.

35. I’m God’s highest form of creator.

36. There’s no need to compare myself to others.

37. Life supports me in every possible way.

38. I exist in the moment, and that’s enough.

39. I have talents and valuable things to offer.

40. I am an optimistic person.

41. I’m curious to know my triggers.

42. Being a perfectionist is a myth.

43. I live a stress-free life.

44. These negative emotions are temporary.

45. I trust in positive outcomes.

46. I am enough as I am; no need for validation.

47. I release panic from my body.

48. I find the goodness within me.

49. Better days are on the horizon.

50. I show kindness to myself and others.

Daily positive affirmations for anxiety

Daily positive affirmations for anxiety
Image via iStock

51. Everywhere I go, I find love.

52. Each day brings me greater calm and peace.

53. I am grateful for what I have.

54. I free myself from this unhealthy relationship.

55. I’m a master of my thoughts; they don’t control me.

56. I will achieve big goals by taking small steps.

57. Everything that holds me back is gone.

58. Set limits and say NO is acceptable.

59. I find my own attractiveness.

60. I attract good and decent people into my life.

61. Today, I concentrate on helping others, no matter how small the act.

62. Every event today teaches a lesson.

63. Today, I’ll focus on one task at a time.

64. I listen to my intuition and believe in myself.

65. My heart is full of love, joy, abundance, and prosperity.

66. This moment holds beauty and significance.

67. There’s no problem I can’t solve.

68. I have patience in my journey.

69. Every day, I practice self-love and acceptance.

70. Every day, I am grateful for being me.

71. I celebrate what makes me unique.

72. My heart is open, and I am receptive to joy.

73. My priority is being happy.

74. I have the strength to handle any situation.

75. I bring positive contributions to my family.

Self-affirmations for anxiety

Self-affirmations for anxiety

76. Today, I surrender this day into the care of God.

77. The situation just exists; it’s neither good nor bad.

78. Like before, I will get through hard situations.

79. Tomorrow brings a fresh start with wonderful opportunities.

80. I’m constructing an inner sanctuary of peace.

81. Self-compassion is my guiding light.

82. I am a reservoir of love and care, beginning with self-love.

83. I let go of perfection and accept myself just as I am.

84. I am worthy of self-care, especially in difficult times.

85. I have the strength to confront my fears with courage and kindness.

86. I am my own support through life’s ups and downs.

87. When my thoughts race, I ground myself in the present.

88. I’ve made mistakes, but they do not shape my essence.

89. I can avoid things that make me feel worse, like the news and social media.

90. I connect with others and enjoy nature and art to ease loneliness.

91. Rest isn’t merely idleness; it’s important for creativity and productivity.

92. Anxiety might be a cloud, but I am the sky, always vast and constant.

93. My life’s purpose and meaning surpass anxiety.

94. I am adaptable, flexible, and open to change.

95. I set free myself from destructive fears and doubts.

96. I’m unafraid because I know the source of Peace is by my side.

97. Obstacles are my teachers, they guide me on how to develop and progress.

98. Life progresses as it should. If it shifts, I’m prepared for a new path.

99. I don’t need to overthink. I accept things as they are.

100. Confidence comes naturally to me.

101. My personal and professional life are sources of balance and peace, not anxiety.


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Can affirmations reduce anxiety?

Can affirmations reduce anxiety?
Image via iStock

Affirmations for anxiety are simple tips that help change bad thoughts into good ones. They don’t fix anxiety by themselves, but they can make you feel more positive and calm. Some studies show that thinking positively or saying good things about yourself can lower stress and anxiety.

Before feeling the positive impact of affirmations, it’s important to work on reducing anxiety through multiple activities. While a positive mindset can lift your spirits and drive, staying realistic is important.

Falling back into old, unhappy habits might occur, but grounding yourself in the knowledge that feelings, both good and bad, are temporary helps restore a healthier mindset.

Using your affirmations for anxiety matters. Unrealistic statements, ‘I’ll magically find happiness‘ won’t resonate if you know they’re not practical. Instead, phrase it as ‘I’ll seek joy in everyday moments.’ This thought puts the goal within your control, making it achievable through your actions.

Not everyone finds these affirmations helpful in the same way. Some feel better quickly, but others need more time. And for some people, it might not work at all. But since it doesn’t cost anything, it’s worth giving it a try. Just remember, it’s best to use affirmations along with other ways to manage anxiety.

What are affirmations and how they might help manage anxiety?

Positive phrases called affirmations can change how we feel. In a study (called Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD), they found, that when people with GAD switched their nervous, worried thoughts to happy ones, they felt less anxious as time passed. It’s like a small but strong change in how we think—changing those worrying thoughts for positive sayings can help how we feel, especially when we’re anxious.

In addition, Positive affirmations are an effective treatment for anxiety and stress relief. It serves several benefits:

It boosts moods

Positive words can cheer you up! When you say them often, they make you feel happy and hopeful. It adds a little sunshine to your day.

It reduces fear

Affirmations are like a calming hug for scary thoughts. They swap those worries with happy messages, making them less scary and keeping them away.

It provides motivation

Think of affirmations as your personal admirer. They tell you how strong you are give you the courage to tackle tough challenges, and urge you to never give up.

It reduces stress

Positive words are like stress-relief magic. When you say them, they help your brain see the good stuff more and forget the bad. This stops you from worrying too much about what could go wrong and makes you feel happier.

It Changes bad thoughts

Our thoughts shape how we feel. If we’re always thinking down, it can make us anxious. But those positive words? They work like magic wands! They change those gloomy thoughts into happy ones, making life feel much brighter.

It feels better about you

These special words? They’re like a mirror showing your uniqueness! all the great things about you, your strengths, and what makes you amazing. Feeling good about yourself is very important, and can help with anxiety.

It keeps you positive

When you repeat positive statements, they build your mindset and make it easier to focus on the good amid tough times. They reinforce the belief that things can improve, advancing resilience and optimism. Through this consistent practice, it becomes more natural to stay positive and prepare you to navigate challenges with a brighter spirit.

How to use these affirmations for anxiety?

How to use these affirmations for anxiety?
Image via iStock

This is very simple, but the first thing to remember is how deeply you feel and believe in your words. Here are some tips to better use these positive affirmations for anxiety and you need to follow these tips:

  • Imagine yourself living with these new thoughts and think they’re true. Feeling your words is more powerful than just saying them. When you can see and feel yourself living calmly and worrying less, it becomes real.
  • Stand in front of a mirror and talk to yourself. Say these good words while looking at yourself. It helps you believe them more.
  • Put those words in spots where you often glance, like on the fridge or mirror. When you see them a lot, it’s easier to remember and feel good about them during your day.
  • Record yourself saying these awesome affirmations and then playing it back as your admirer! Give it a try and feel the difference.
  • Create your positivity hub by writing these affirmations in a special journal. craft your handbook of good vibes! When you do this, you are ready to inspire you whenever you flip through those pages!
  • When you’re feeling stressed or want to stay centered, silently repeat an affirmation in your mind.
  • Find some cool affirmation apps! They can send you messages through notifications or texts. It’s means ready to make your day whenever your phone pings!
  • Combine your affirmations with other self-care activities like leisurely walks, doing calming breaths, or diving into meditation.
What are other methods practiced at home to reduce anxiety?

What are other methods practiced at home to reduce anxiety?

Positive affirmations for anxiety are just one way to feel better at home. I’ve got 7 more tips that can help you handle stress and reduce anxiety.

1. Watch your thoughts

Ask yourself questions like, ‘How do I feel right now? Am I angry, scared, or something else? Why do I feel this way? Is it because of something that happened or something I’m worried about?

This helps you tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not, like realizing a stick isn’t a snake.

2. Big smile

Dealing with anxiety can be a real challenge, but here’s a surprise helper: laughter! Laughing is a breath of fresh air, increasing oxygen and chilling out those tense muscles, just like deep breathing does. It’s not just fun; it transforms your focus and lightens the mood. So, pop on a comedy or dial-up that friend who’s a total laugh riot. You’ll thank yourself for the giggles!

3. Be kind to yourself and others

Sometimes, feeling better means treating yourself with kindness. For yourself, taking care and being positive matter. Also, setting boundaries is okay—it’s about looking after you. Supporting others by listening and reassuring them helps. Small acts of kindness, like offering a hand or a friendly ear, ease stress and bring us closer, making anxiety easier to handle together.


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4. Meditation

Studies show that mindful meditation can help with anxiety and stress. Anyone can do it, but it gets easier with practice. If you’re new, try guided meditation using apps or recordings.

Pay attention to the now. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and repeat the above positive affirmations for anxiety silently or aloud as you breathe. If your mind wanders, don’t stress. Just refocus. Doing this for a few minutes every day makes it a simple tool to calm anxiety.

5. Avoid isolation

Talk to someone you trust. Sharing your feelings is up to you, but loved ones can help with anxiety. Chat in person or on the phone for a fresh outlook. If you need a company for a movie or a walk, just ask. Having someone there who cares can be comforting.

6. Eat well and exercise

The bond between your mind and body is powerful and shouldn’t be overlooked. Being active is a top stress-buster. Eating right increases your ability to stay active. You don’t need daily gym visits—try simple joys like dancing, painting, cooking, or exploring nature. Plus, when you find an activity you love, sticking with it becomes effortless.

7. Creativity

Let your creativity shine, art can provide a new view on anxious feelings. If you’re artistic, sketch or paint your emotions for a few minutes. Keep a peaceful picture, like a beach or your ‘perfect spot,’ for moments when you need to take a mental break. A gratitude journal beats negativity, reminding you of the good things. Writing in it at bedtime might improve sleep.

Final thoughts on affirmations for anxiety

In wrapping up, using positive affirmations can help with anxiety. They won’t cure everything but can change how you see things and bring more calm. So, when anxiety hits, give them a try and see how they feel.

And please, be nice to yourself and take your time. Changing and growing—it’s a slow and personal journey. You’re stronger than you think, and even when life gets tough, may you find that inner peace and calm within you.

101 Affirmations for Anxiety Relief to Make You Happy

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